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On St . John ' s Dav , the AY . M . Bro . J . Killingly appointed his Officers : Bro . Pomeroy , S ' . AV . ; Bro . Phillips , J . AV . ; Bro . Franklyn , S . D . ; Bro . May , J . D . ; Bro . Bulgiu , 11 . N . I . G . Bro . Eogers xvas again elected Tyler , on xxliom some high encomiums xvere paid him for his excellent conduct dming the many years lie has t yled the Lodge . The Brethren of the Lodge , wifch many visitors , dined on St . John ' s Day .
DORSETSHIRE . AA EYMOirTii AND POETLAND . —On Friday , the 24 th Dec , the day appointed for electing a AV . M . for the ensuing year , the Brethren of the All Souls' Loclge assembled at the Masonic Hall , when Brother Eichard Hare , the late W . M ., was unanimously re-elected to that important office . On AVednesday , Dec . 29 th , they again assembled , to celebrate fche Festix'al of Sfc . John the Ex'angelistwhen the re-elected
, AV . M . appointed the following Brethren his Officers for the ensuing year : —Bro . J . B . Harvey , S . W . ; C . Eobertson , J . AV . ; C . Besant , jun . Sec . ; W . Bryant , S . D . ; — Hibbs , J . D . ; C . Smith , J . G . ; AV . Coleman , S . ; j . Sansom , S .
GLAMORGANSHIRE . NEATH . —A large party of the Members of the excellent Institution of Freemasons , belonging to the Cambrian Lodge , No . 472 , at Neath , and the Indefatigable Lodge , No . 288 , Swansea , assembled at the Masonic Hall , Neath , on Tuesday , the 30 th of January , to assist at the Inauguration of the Portrait of Bro . Francis D . Michael , of Sxvausea , for xvhich he sat at the special request of the Cambrian
Lodge . It appears that the cause of Freemasonry has been under deep obligations to Bro . Michael for his obliging readiness to communicate his great store of knowledge of the subject , and for his unwearied exertions during a period of forty years . We congratulate both parties on the kind and brotherly feeling exhibited on this occasion , and xve trust thafc Bro . Michael xvill live long to enjoy the satisfaction which this event must have occasioned him . Bro . C . H . Toplis xvas the artist selected on . this occasion , and he fully justified the confidence placed in his talent .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . CHELTENHAM . — -Foundation Lodge . —The folloxving Officers have been appointed for tlie year ensuing : —Lieutenant-Colonel W . Burlton , C . B . ( Provincial Grand Master of Bengal ) , AV . M . ; G . F . Nexvmarch , S . AV . ; the Eev . E . H . Bayley , M . A , J . AV . ; the Eev . T . A . Soufchxx'oocl , M . A , Chaplain ; E . J . Ticehurst , Treasurer ; E .
M . Coley , M . D , Secretary ; AV . II . Gwinnett , S . D . ; T . G . Palmer , J . D . ; AV . II . Tyrrell , B . A , I . G . ; George Atkins , Steward . Brother Major Ellis , xvho has held the office of Secretary of this Loclge for the last twelve years , having felt compelled by failing health to retire from office , a vote of thanks and a jewel xvere awarded to him by acclamation , at the meeting of the Lodge , on St . John ' s Day , 1852 .
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On St . John ' s Dav , the AY . M . Bro . J . Killingly appointed his Officers : Bro . Pomeroy , S ' . AV . ; Bro . Phillips , J . AV . ; Bro . Franklyn , S . D . ; Bro . May , J . D . ; Bro . Bulgiu , 11 . N . I . G . Bro . Eogers xvas again elected Tyler , on xxliom some high encomiums xvere paid him for his excellent conduct dming the many years lie has t yled the Lodge . The Brethren of the Lodge , wifch many visitors , dined on St . John ' s Day .
DORSETSHIRE . AA EYMOirTii AND POETLAND . —On Friday , the 24 th Dec , the day appointed for electing a AV . M . for the ensuing year , the Brethren of the All Souls' Loclge assembled at the Masonic Hall , when Brother Eichard Hare , the late W . M ., was unanimously re-elected to that important office . On AVednesday , Dec . 29 th , they again assembled , to celebrate fche Festix'al of Sfc . John the Ex'angelistwhen the re-elected
, AV . M . appointed the following Brethren his Officers for the ensuing year : —Bro . J . B . Harvey , S . W . ; C . Eobertson , J . AV . ; C . Besant , jun . Sec . ; W . Bryant , S . D . ; — Hibbs , J . D . ; C . Smith , J . G . ; AV . Coleman , S . ; j . Sansom , S .
GLAMORGANSHIRE . NEATH . —A large party of the Members of the excellent Institution of Freemasons , belonging to the Cambrian Lodge , No . 472 , at Neath , and the Indefatigable Lodge , No . 288 , Swansea , assembled at the Masonic Hall , Neath , on Tuesday , the 30 th of January , to assist at the Inauguration of the Portrait of Bro . Francis D . Michael , of Sxvausea , for xvhich he sat at the special request of the Cambrian
Lodge . It appears that the cause of Freemasonry has been under deep obligations to Bro . Michael for his obliging readiness to communicate his great store of knowledge of the subject , and for his unwearied exertions during a period of forty years . We congratulate both parties on the kind and brotherly feeling exhibited on this occasion , and xve trust thafc Bro . Michael xvill live long to enjoy the satisfaction which this event must have occasioned him . Bro . C . H . Toplis xvas the artist selected on . this occasion , and he fully justified the confidence placed in his talent .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . CHELTENHAM . — -Foundation Lodge . —The folloxving Officers have been appointed for tlie year ensuing : —Lieutenant-Colonel W . Burlton , C . B . ( Provincial Grand Master of Bengal ) , AV . M . ; G . F . Nexvmarch , S . AV . ; the Eev . E . H . Bayley , M . A , J . AV . ; the Eev . T . A . Soufchxx'oocl , M . A , Chaplain ; E . J . Ticehurst , Treasurer ; E .
M . Coley , M . D , Secretary ; AV . II . Gwinnett , S . D . ; T . G . Palmer , J . D . ; AV . II . Tyrrell , B . A , I . G . ; George Atkins , Steward . Brother Major Ellis , xvho has held the office of Secretary of this Loclge for the last twelve years , having felt compelled by failing health to retire from office , a vote of thanks and a jewel xvere awarded to him by acclamation , at the meeting of the Lodge , on St . John ' s Day , 1852 .