Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 6 of 6 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 24 →
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his health had been drunk , accompanied with the other noviciate . A handsome Past First Principal's Jewel xvas presented , by the unanimous vote of the Chapter , to the immediate Past Z ., Companion E . Spencer , as a mark of their esteem and respect , and for sendees rendered to the Chapter .
YATCBOEOTTGH CHAPTEE , 812 , George Tavern , Commercial-road , East , 20 th January , 1853 . —The ceremony of installation xvas ably conducted by Ex-Comp . Geo . Biggs , P . G . D . C . and P . Z . of this Chapter , and of No . 169 . The folloxxdng are the Officers for the year : — Ex-Comp . Wynne , Z . ; Ex-Comp . AVm . Went worth Davis , II . ; Ex-Comp . Tuxford , J . ; Ex-Comp . Purday ( P . Z . 169 ) E . ; Ex-Comp . Thos . E . Davis , N . ; & c . & c . The Companions retired to a banquet provided by their worthy host , Comp . AVilliams , in his usual exceUenfc and liberal style .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAE . —CEOSS OE CHEIST ENCAMPMENT . —The roll of this Encampment , meeting under the direction ofthe Grand Conclave of England , was called on Friday , March 18 th , at Eadley ' s Hotel , when the following Sir Knts . answered to their names : —• Goldsworthy , Baumer , Spencer , the Eev . J . E . Cox , G . C . ofthe G . L . of EnglandP . E . C . ' s ; M . CostaE . C . ; E . CostaE . C . elect ; Moseley
, , , , and AV . F . White . After the usual routine of business of the Encampment , Sir Kt . M . Costa , E . G ., vacated the Chair , when Sir Kt . E . Costa , in the unavoidable absence of Lieut .-Col . Vernon , P . E . C , xvas regularly installed by Sir Kt . the Eev . J . E . Cox . The E . C . E . Costa , having been duly acknowledged in ancient form , and haxdng appointed his Officers for the ensuing yearthe Encampment
, was closed . In the course of the evening's proceedings the sum of 81 . 8 s . from the funds of the Encampment was voted to Sir Kt . AVhittaker , formerly a member , who has from misfortune been reduced to seek sustenance from the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AVidoxvs .
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —A Meeting of Lodge Fortitude , No . 122 , was held in December last , to instal Bro . Killingly ( a dispensation having ¦ been granted by the P . G-. M . for Devon , to enable the worthy host to take the Chair ) . The ceremony of Installation was most ably performed by that excellent working Brother , P . M . Doidge , whose great zeal and respect for the Craft in general cannot be surpassed .
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his health had been drunk , accompanied with the other noviciate . A handsome Past First Principal's Jewel xvas presented , by the unanimous vote of the Chapter , to the immediate Past Z ., Companion E . Spencer , as a mark of their esteem and respect , and for sendees rendered to the Chapter .
YATCBOEOTTGH CHAPTEE , 812 , George Tavern , Commercial-road , East , 20 th January , 1853 . —The ceremony of installation xvas ably conducted by Ex-Comp . Geo . Biggs , P . G . D . C . and P . Z . of this Chapter , and of No . 169 . The folloxxdng are the Officers for the year : — Ex-Comp . Wynne , Z . ; Ex-Comp . AVm . Went worth Davis , II . ; Ex-Comp . Tuxford , J . ; Ex-Comp . Purday ( P . Z . 169 ) E . ; Ex-Comp . Thos . E . Davis , N . ; & c . & c . The Companions retired to a banquet provided by their worthy host , Comp . AVilliams , in his usual exceUenfc and liberal style .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAE . —CEOSS OE CHEIST ENCAMPMENT . —The roll of this Encampment , meeting under the direction ofthe Grand Conclave of England , was called on Friday , March 18 th , at Eadley ' s Hotel , when the following Sir Knts . answered to their names : —• Goldsworthy , Baumer , Spencer , the Eev . J . E . Cox , G . C . ofthe G . L . of EnglandP . E . C . ' s ; M . CostaE . C . ; E . CostaE . C . elect ; Moseley
, , , , and AV . F . White . After the usual routine of business of the Encampment , Sir Kt . M . Costa , E . G ., vacated the Chair , when Sir Kt . E . Costa , in the unavoidable absence of Lieut .-Col . Vernon , P . E . C , xvas regularly installed by Sir Kt . the Eev . J . E . Cox . The E . C . E . Costa , having been duly acknowledged in ancient form , and haxdng appointed his Officers for the ensuing yearthe Encampment
, was closed . In the course of the evening's proceedings the sum of 81 . 8 s . from the funds of the Encampment was voted to Sir Kt . AVhittaker , formerly a member , who has from misfortune been reduced to seek sustenance from the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AVidoxvs .
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —A Meeting of Lodge Fortitude , No . 122 , was held in December last , to instal Bro . Killingly ( a dispensation having ¦ been granted by the P . G-. M . for Devon , to enable the worthy host to take the Chair ) . The ceremony of Installation was most ably performed by that excellent working Brother , P . M . Doidge , whose great zeal and respect for the Craft in general cannot be surpassed .