Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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The working of Bro . Ovam is xvell deserving of being mentioned ; aud should the other Officers devote a similar attention to the acquirement of a knoxvledge of Masonry as lie has clone , this Lodge bids fair to occupy a prominent position amongst those , who pride themselves in carrying through the business xvith a strict regard to correctness of phraseology used in working the ceremonies . The Brethren passed a delightful evening , under the presidency of Bro . E . Ellxvood , the newly-installed Master , and separated afc an early hour , highly gratified xvith the entertainment afforded them .
EASTEEN STAE LODGE , 112 , AA ade ' s Arms Tax'ern , East India lioad , Poplar , 12 fch January , 1853 , —Bro . Geo . Corner xvas installed Master of this respectable Lodge by his brother-in-laxv , the AV . Bro . Thos . A esper , P . M . of 212 and 812 , in the presence of twelve installed Masters . His Officers for the year are , —Bros . AV . Saver , S . AV . ; North , J . W . ; Fuller , P . M ., Treasurer ; Thos . Vesper , Hon . Sec . ; GrimesS . D . ; HammondJ . D . ; Dunstan and EltimStewards ;
, , , Sturdy , J . G . ; Hookey , Tyler . For exertions in promoting the interests of the Lodge , xvhile presiding over it in the years 1851 and 1852 , and also Freemasonry in general , the Brethren voted to their W . Bro . AVm . AVentworth Davis , P . M ., a Service of Plate , and P . M . Jewel , the latter of gold , provided by Bros . Aresper and Corner . By means of this Lodge Freemasonry . is much on the increase at the eastern extremity of London .
BANK OF ENGLAND LODGE , No . 329 . —The Brethren of this Lodge , afc their meeting in December last , to show the high sense they entertain of the valuable services rendered to the Craffc by their AA . M ., and as a mark of the personal esteem , with which he is regarded by every member of the Loclge , did him and themselves the honour of re-electing Bro . Michael Costa to preside over them for another year ; and at their meeting on the 13 fch of January last , Bro .
Costa was accordingly re-installed in the Chair , and received the warm congratulations of his Masonic friends , including several members of the Grand Lodge , who were present on the occasion , amongst whom was the Grand Chaplain , Bro . the Eev . J . E . Cox . Bro . Costa , to commemorate the event , has since ( at the meeting of the Brethren on the 10 th of February ) , presented to the Lodge a pair of valuable Globes , of noble dimensions , elegantly mounted on carved and polished oak stands , corresponding in design xvith the very handsome chairs and pedestals presented' by himself and Bro . E .
Costa on former occasions . This splendid present xvas duly acknowledged by a vote of thanks , which was carried by acclamation ; and the Bank of England Lodge , in addition to its other attractions , is noxv certainly one of the most elegantly ancl appropriately furnished Lodges in the order—worthy of the charitable Masons xvho meet in it , and xvho have just voted from the benevolent fund fche sum of £ 10 to the afflicted widoxv and fatherless children of . the late Bro . Toller , who was so barbarously murdered in the month of February last , near Ilford , in Essex .
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The working of Bro . Ovam is xvell deserving of being mentioned ; aud should the other Officers devote a similar attention to the acquirement of a knoxvledge of Masonry as lie has clone , this Lodge bids fair to occupy a prominent position amongst those , who pride themselves in carrying through the business xvith a strict regard to correctness of phraseology used in working the ceremonies . The Brethren passed a delightful evening , under the presidency of Bro . E . Ellxvood , the newly-installed Master , and separated afc an early hour , highly gratified xvith the entertainment afforded them .
EASTEEN STAE LODGE , 112 , AA ade ' s Arms Tax'ern , East India lioad , Poplar , 12 fch January , 1853 , —Bro . Geo . Corner xvas installed Master of this respectable Lodge by his brother-in-laxv , the AV . Bro . Thos . A esper , P . M . of 212 and 812 , in the presence of twelve installed Masters . His Officers for the year are , —Bros . AV . Saver , S . AV . ; North , J . W . ; Fuller , P . M ., Treasurer ; Thos . Vesper , Hon . Sec . ; GrimesS . D . ; HammondJ . D . ; Dunstan and EltimStewards ;
, , , Sturdy , J . G . ; Hookey , Tyler . For exertions in promoting the interests of the Lodge , xvhile presiding over it in the years 1851 and 1852 , and also Freemasonry in general , the Brethren voted to their W . Bro . AVm . AVentworth Davis , P . M ., a Service of Plate , and P . M . Jewel , the latter of gold , provided by Bros . Aresper and Corner . By means of this Lodge Freemasonry . is much on the increase at the eastern extremity of London .
BANK OF ENGLAND LODGE , No . 329 . —The Brethren of this Lodge , afc their meeting in December last , to show the high sense they entertain of the valuable services rendered to the Craffc by their AA . M ., and as a mark of the personal esteem , with which he is regarded by every member of the Loclge , did him and themselves the honour of re-electing Bro . Michael Costa to preside over them for another year ; and at their meeting on the 13 fch of January last , Bro .
Costa was accordingly re-installed in the Chair , and received the warm congratulations of his Masonic friends , including several members of the Grand Lodge , who were present on the occasion , amongst whom was the Grand Chaplain , Bro . the Eev . J . E . Cox . Bro . Costa , to commemorate the event , has since ( at the meeting of the Brethren on the 10 th of February ) , presented to the Lodge a pair of valuable Globes , of noble dimensions , elegantly mounted on carved and polished oak stands , corresponding in design xvith the very handsome chairs and pedestals presented' by himself and Bro . E .
Costa on former occasions . This splendid present xvas duly acknowledged by a vote of thanks , which was carried by acclamation ; and the Bank of England Lodge , in addition to its other attractions , is noxv certainly one of the most elegantly ancl appropriately furnished Lodges in the order—worthy of the charitable Masons xvho meet in it , and xvho have just voted from the benevolent fund fche sum of £ 10 to the afflicted widoxv and fatherless children of . the late Bro . Toller , who was so barbarously murdered in the month of February last , near Ilford , in Essex .