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The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
The Eev . GEOBGE BXTIIESEA said , —Most Puissant Commander and Brethren , on behalf of the clergy I have to express my sincere thanks for the favourable opinion you entertain for them as a hody , as shoxvn hy the way in which you have received the speech of the 111 . Bro . IJdall . I assure you it affords me great pleasure in being able to attest the truth of what has been stated respecting them . I am
_ happy to say that the clergy are the firmest supporters of Freemasonry . It is an institution deserving of support and countenance . I have been a Mason nearly forty years , having had the honour of being initiated in the year 1818 . I may fairly , then , be considered competent to give an opinion as to its advantages , and to have formed a correct judgment as to its princip les and objects . I have always
supported Ereemasonry ; and after what I have this day witnessed , shall , if possible , g ive it increased support . I am I beliei-e the oldest Mason i > resent ; and my zeal for the Order at no time exceeded what I entertain for it at this moment . AVith increased knowledge I feel renewed attachment , and shall ahvays remember xvith leasure the fraternal meeting we hax'e had this day .
p The COMMANDEE then proposed the health of Ul . Bro . Emly , the Treasurer of the High Grades Union , and thanks to hiin for the attention he paid to then * interests . The 111 . Bro . EMDY returned thanks , g iving a satisfactory account as to the funds , and other matters highly interesting to the High Grades Union . members
The M . P . COMMANDEE then proposed the health of the of the SOfch Degree then present . The 111 . Bro . SNEDL refciu-ned thanks , ancl said that the members of the SOfch Degree xvould always be ready to discharge xvhatever duties mig ht be required of them by the Supreme Council cheerfuUy and to the best of their ability . The last Masonic toast was then given , and the M . P . Commander
left the chair . The next meeting of the Hig h Grades Union is fixed by the byelaws for the last day of AprU , but as that day fads on a Saturday , which is very inconvenient to members living in the country , it is expected it will he held on Friday , the 29 th of April ; on which occasion the Supreme Council wdl hold a Convocation of the Order , and confer the rank of Knights K . H . of the SOfch Degree .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
The Eev . GEOBGE BXTIIESEA said , —Most Puissant Commander and Brethren , on behalf of the clergy I have to express my sincere thanks for the favourable opinion you entertain for them as a hody , as shoxvn hy the way in which you have received the speech of the 111 . Bro . IJdall . I assure you it affords me great pleasure in being able to attest the truth of what has been stated respecting them . I am
_ happy to say that the clergy are the firmest supporters of Freemasonry . It is an institution deserving of support and countenance . I have been a Mason nearly forty years , having had the honour of being initiated in the year 1818 . I may fairly , then , be considered competent to give an opinion as to its advantages , and to have formed a correct judgment as to its princip les and objects . I have always
supported Ereemasonry ; and after what I have this day witnessed , shall , if possible , g ive it increased support . I am I beliei-e the oldest Mason i > resent ; and my zeal for the Order at no time exceeded what I entertain for it at this moment . AVith increased knowledge I feel renewed attachment , and shall ahvays remember xvith leasure the fraternal meeting we hax'e had this day .
p The COMMANDEE then proposed the health of Ul . Bro . Emly , the Treasurer of the High Grades Union , and thanks to hiin for the attention he paid to then * interests . The 111 . Bro . EMDY returned thanks , g iving a satisfactory account as to the funds , and other matters highly interesting to the High Grades Union . members
The M . P . COMMANDEE then proposed the health of the of the SOfch Degree then present . The 111 . Bro . SNEDL refciu-ned thanks , ancl said that the members of the SOfch Degree xvould always be ready to discharge xvhatever duties mig ht be required of them by the Supreme Council cheerfuUy and to the best of their ability . The last Masonic toast was then given , and the M . P . Commander
left the chair . The next meeting of the Hig h Grades Union is fixed by the byelaws for the last day of AprU , but as that day fads on a Saturday , which is very inconvenient to members living in the country , it is expected it will he held on Friday , the 29 th of April ; on which occasion the Supreme Council wdl hold a Convocation of the Order , and confer the rank of Knights K . H . of the SOfch Degree .