Article THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. ← Page 5 of 7 →
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The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Supreme Council , nothing practical had been attempted to bring about so desirable a result . I hope , however , we shall have good reports to this effect from the Chapters of Eose Croix , which xve have established . In truth , our Convocation to-day , has shown by some marked exddence , the desire in the provinces to support the best interests of the Order . Encouraged by the good opinion expressed afc such
meetings as these , we shaU afc all times gix * e you , Sir , the best assistance in our poxver to promulgate , in their purity , the high Degrees of the Order . Having saicl this , I have only noxv to thank you again , for myself ancl those friends xvith xvhom my name was mentioned , and to wish you aU happiness and success . The Sov . COMMANDEE then said—As members of the 33 rd Degree , we are greatldependent on the Princes of the Eoyal Secret . AVe look
y forxvard to them to recruit our strength . Our kind and highly-gifted friend present , Col . Vernon , is a portion of that valuable body His zeal and abUities as a Mason are so well knoxx * n in the provinces and in London , that it would be idle in any one , in such a company as this , to attempt to add to his Masonic fame . AVe have great
gratification in possessing his friendship and support . I now call on you to drink the health of Col . A ernon and the Princes of the Eoyal Secret . Col . A EENON said , —Most Puissant , in returning thanks for the Princes ofthe Eoyal Secret , I much regret the absence of another Brother of that rank ; one well knoxvn and esteemed by all of you , and than whom a more excellent man and Mason I know not . I am
sure his heart is xvith us ; and that , if possible , he xvould have been present this evening . On my oxvn behalf , I thank you sincerely for your kind expressions of regard for me ; and beg to repeat what I have always saicl , that some of my pleasantest moments in Freemasonry have been spent in the High Grades Union . I have been much attached to Freemasonry since I entered the Order , and my best efforts shall be used to promote its prosperity and propagate its
true princip les . In our endeavour to carry out the objects of the high Masonic Degrees , xve have been studious in maintaining the constitutions of Ereemasonry ; neither infringing on other authorities nor permitting any to infringe upon us . Our progress for this and other reasons has been certain and sure .
The COMMANDEE then proposed the healths of the 111 . members of the 31 st Degree present , viz ., Bros . Tomkins , Dawes , Dee , and AVard , thanking them for then * assistance . The 111 . Bro . TOMKINS returned thanks , saying that their best exertions would be devoted to the interests of the Order . The M . P . COMMANDEE then rose ancl said , —IU . Brethren , it is now my leasing dutto propose the healths of the nexvly-installed 111 .
p y Brethren . I shaU , hoxvever , divide them into the London and country members . Of the London members I shall first speak . I feel assured our Brethren will not regret the step they have taken , hut that they wih find that in connecting themselves more intimately than they had previously done xxdfch the Supreme Council of England ,
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The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Supreme Council , nothing practical had been attempted to bring about so desirable a result . I hope , however , we shall have good reports to this effect from the Chapters of Eose Croix , which xve have established . In truth , our Convocation to-day , has shown by some marked exddence , the desire in the provinces to support the best interests of the Order . Encouraged by the good opinion expressed afc such
meetings as these , we shaU afc all times gix * e you , Sir , the best assistance in our poxver to promulgate , in their purity , the high Degrees of the Order . Having saicl this , I have only noxv to thank you again , for myself ancl those friends xvith xvhom my name was mentioned , and to wish you aU happiness and success . The Sov . COMMANDEE then said—As members of the 33 rd Degree , we are greatldependent on the Princes of the Eoyal Secret . AVe look
y forxvard to them to recruit our strength . Our kind and highly-gifted friend present , Col . Vernon , is a portion of that valuable body His zeal and abUities as a Mason are so well knoxx * n in the provinces and in London , that it would be idle in any one , in such a company as this , to attempt to add to his Masonic fame . AVe have great
gratification in possessing his friendship and support . I now call on you to drink the health of Col . A ernon and the Princes of the Eoyal Secret . Col . A EENON said , —Most Puissant , in returning thanks for the Princes ofthe Eoyal Secret , I much regret the absence of another Brother of that rank ; one well knoxvn and esteemed by all of you , and than whom a more excellent man and Mason I know not . I am
sure his heart is xvith us ; and that , if possible , he xvould have been present this evening . On my oxvn behalf , I thank you sincerely for your kind expressions of regard for me ; and beg to repeat what I have always saicl , that some of my pleasantest moments in Freemasonry have been spent in the High Grades Union . I have been much attached to Freemasonry since I entered the Order , and my best efforts shall be used to promote its prosperity and propagate its
true princip les . In our endeavour to carry out the objects of the high Masonic Degrees , xve have been studious in maintaining the constitutions of Ereemasonry ; neither infringing on other authorities nor permitting any to infringe upon us . Our progress for this and other reasons has been certain and sure .
The COMMANDEE then proposed the healths of the 111 . members of the 31 st Degree present , viz ., Bros . Tomkins , Dawes , Dee , and AVard , thanking them for then * assistance . The 111 . Bro . TOMKINS returned thanks , saying that their best exertions would be devoted to the interests of the Order . The M . P . COMMANDEE then rose ancl said , —IU . Brethren , it is now my leasing dutto propose the healths of the nexvly-installed 111 .
p y Brethren . I shaU , hoxvever , divide them into the London and country members . Of the London members I shall first speak . I feel assured our Brethren will not regret the step they have taken , hut that they wih find that in connecting themselves more intimately than they had previously done xxdfch the Supreme Council of England ,