Article MASONRY IN BATH. ← Page 3 of 3 Article MASONRY IN FRANCE. Page 1 of 9 →
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Masonry In Bath.
there , from not having any other near , now gladly join the nexv establishment in Bath ; ancl by subscribing to the authority of G . C , and the S . G . M . Col Tynte , become legitimate Knights of this ancient Order . I understand that there are several candidates for installation at their next meetingin February ; and I hope to be able to visit them
, on that occasion ; and if so , to report on their proceedings from personal observation . At present the Bladud Encampment have only receix'ed a AVarranfc for the Knight Templar Degree ; but there is no doubt thafc in a short time they will apply for one to enable fchein to confer the Rose Croix . One thing is certain , that they have enrolledas members and Officersmen and Masons who are most
, , energetic in the cause , —Knights who have been xvell tried , and have arrived at the hi ghest Degrees that are conferred by G . C ; so that under such discipline and guidance , there is an almost certainty that this Encampment Avill he one of the most useful and flourishing in England .
1 have HOAV endeavoured to gix-e some slight sketch of the prospects of Masonry in Bath ; and I sincerely hope I may soon haye another opportunity of visiting , aud making a prolonged stay wifch my Brethren in that city , xvho add to their other Masonic virtues , that of hospitality in the highest degree . —I am , Sir and Brother , Your obedient Servant , VISITOB .
Masonry In France.
Monsieur et tres cker frere Redacteur , — La presse maconnique n ' est pas phis libre , en France , que la presse politique , et si quelques sages avertissements peuvent arriver au CM . actuel de 1 'Ordre , il en aura , sans doufce , obligation au reeueil le plus complefc d ' ufciles documents sur notre importante Societe , c ' est-a-dire , au Freemasons' Quarterly Maqazine . Des 1847 , l ' esprit de democratic , qui s' etait introduit dans le monde profane et tourmentait l ' administration des affaires publiques , s ' etaifc glisse dans la maconnerie , par la reapparition dans l ' ordre des P . P . Pagnerre , Altaroche , Blaize , etc . ; qui etaient devenus
membres du G . 0 . On crut ceder aux exigeances des temps en abolissanfc les officiers du G . O ., qui , jusqu ' alors , avaient efce composes des macons les plus anciens , les plus instruits , et les plus propres a . conserve !* les traditions . On decida que , desormais , le G . O . ne serait plus compose que des deputes des loges , et que chacun d ' eux ne pourrait re ] : > resenter plus d ' une loge . Certesil y ax'ait alors quelque chose ii fairecar les deputes
, , jusques-la , n ' avaient ete que des muets inutiles , et il etait necessaire de fonder un pouvoir pour contrebalancer cefui des officiers , qui etait , quelquefois , trop absolu . Mais en introduisant , cl ' un seul coup , le systeme represenfcatif absoln , comme element de pouvoir
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonry In Bath.
there , from not having any other near , now gladly join the nexv establishment in Bath ; ancl by subscribing to the authority of G . C , and the S . G . M . Col Tynte , become legitimate Knights of this ancient Order . I understand that there are several candidates for installation at their next meetingin February ; and I hope to be able to visit them
, on that occasion ; and if so , to report on their proceedings from personal observation . At present the Bladud Encampment have only receix'ed a AVarranfc for the Knight Templar Degree ; but there is no doubt thafc in a short time they will apply for one to enable fchein to confer the Rose Croix . One thing is certain , that they have enrolledas members and Officersmen and Masons who are most
, , energetic in the cause , —Knights who have been xvell tried , and have arrived at the hi ghest Degrees that are conferred by G . C ; so that under such discipline and guidance , there is an almost certainty that this Encampment Avill he one of the most useful and flourishing in England .
1 have HOAV endeavoured to gix-e some slight sketch of the prospects of Masonry in Bath ; and I sincerely hope I may soon haye another opportunity of visiting , aud making a prolonged stay wifch my Brethren in that city , xvho add to their other Masonic virtues , that of hospitality in the highest degree . —I am , Sir and Brother , Your obedient Servant , VISITOB .
Masonry In France.
Monsieur et tres cker frere Redacteur , — La presse maconnique n ' est pas phis libre , en France , que la presse politique , et si quelques sages avertissements peuvent arriver au CM . actuel de 1 'Ordre , il en aura , sans doufce , obligation au reeueil le plus complefc d ' ufciles documents sur notre importante Societe , c ' est-a-dire , au Freemasons' Quarterly Maqazine . Des 1847 , l ' esprit de democratic , qui s' etait introduit dans le monde profane et tourmentait l ' administration des affaires publiques , s ' etaifc glisse dans la maconnerie , par la reapparition dans l ' ordre des P . P . Pagnerre , Altaroche , Blaize , etc . ; qui etaient devenus
membres du G . 0 . On crut ceder aux exigeances des temps en abolissanfc les officiers du G . O ., qui , jusqu ' alors , avaient efce composes des macons les plus anciens , les plus instruits , et les plus propres a . conserve !* les traditions . On decida que , desormais , le G . O . ne serait plus compose que des deputes des loges , et que chacun d ' eux ne pourrait re ] : > resenter plus d ' une loge . Certesil y ax'ait alors quelque chose ii fairecar les deputes
, , jusques-la , n ' avaient ete que des muets inutiles , et il etait necessaire de fonder un pouvoir pour contrebalancer cefui des officiers , qui etait , quelquefois , trop absolu . Mais en introduisant , cl ' un seul coup , le systeme represenfcatif absoln , comme element de pouvoir