Article MASONRY IN BATH. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonry In Bath.
tliree P . G . M . ' s ; lately they have held tlieir meetings at a Brother ' s rooms , in rather an out-of-the-way situation , where they xveut xvhen the Boyal Sussex Lodge ceased to contribute towards the Masonic Hall ; but noAx * , the various Lodges , Chapters , and Encampments have combined , and again taken their old room in the Corridor , and are fitting it up for the exclusive purpose of Ereemasonry . The manifest advantage of having a room solely devoted to Masonryxvhere
, rehearsals , lectures , ancl meetings of all kinds can be held , is most important to the good working of the Lodge ; and from the sight I had of the room , I consider it one of the best Masonic Halls I have seen , and eminently suited for the purpose ; and I may venture to
predict , that Masonry must , and xvill , flourish xvithin its walls . About txvelve months since , several members of the Lodge of Honour united to get a warrant for a Cliapter to be attached to their Lodge ; their petition received the favourable consideration of G . C , and the Tynte Chapter xvas started under the most favourable auspices , xvhich I understand still continue ; and it is noAV in as flourishing a state as its most sanguine well-wishers can desire .
Previous to its establishment , in consequence of the Eoyal Sussex Chapter not Avorking , there remained only tho Royal Cumberland , in which those Brethren desirous of completing their Degrees in Masonry could be exalted to the Royal Arch ; so that most of the Tynte Chapter also belong to the Royal Cumberland , by which a good attendance at both , on their evenings of meeting , is generally secured .
The Royal Cumberland Lodge and Chapter have , for some time past , been most kindly and gratuitously accommodated xvith a room in which to hold their meetings by Bro . Temple , greatly to his inconvenience , but who , for the sake of his Lodge and Chapter , ancl for the good of the cause , has used every exertion to promote their interests . The Avorking of this Lodge promises fair to be A'ery commendable . I was present at one of their meetings ; and though they Avere assisted by
some Brethren of another Lodge , yet the intelligence of the younger members , as Avell as their apparent zeal , Avill be soon rendered available to the xvorking of the Loclge without any such assistance ; they xvill also feel the advantages of the space which the new room will afford for the ceremonies ; and I doubt not , if I am again permitted to visit them , that the difference xvill be striking .
On the 19 th of last November an Encampment xvas consecrated here , the particulars of Avhich Avill be found in the Freemason ' s Quarterly Magazine for December , page 528 . This was especially requisite in this part of the country ; for , betAveen Birmingham , or Oxford , and Exeter , there Avas no Encampment in which Companions anxious to receive the Degree of Knights Templar could be installed . Of courseI except the Encampment held at Bristolnamed the
, , Baldwyn , xvhich not being recognised by G . C , and acting in opposition to , and in open defiance of , its authority , cannot be reckoned as a legitimate Encampment , in which any Companion , AVIIO is not a member of a Bristol Chapter , and consequently attached to the locality , Avould like to be installed ; in fact , those AA'ho are driven
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Masonry In Bath.
tliree P . G . M . ' s ; lately they have held tlieir meetings at a Brother ' s rooms , in rather an out-of-the-way situation , where they xveut xvhen the Boyal Sussex Lodge ceased to contribute towards the Masonic Hall ; but noAx * , the various Lodges , Chapters , and Encampments have combined , and again taken their old room in the Corridor , and are fitting it up for the exclusive purpose of Ereemasonry . The manifest advantage of having a room solely devoted to Masonryxvhere
, rehearsals , lectures , ancl meetings of all kinds can be held , is most important to the good working of the Lodge ; and from the sight I had of the room , I consider it one of the best Masonic Halls I have seen , and eminently suited for the purpose ; and I may venture to
predict , that Masonry must , and xvill , flourish xvithin its walls . About txvelve months since , several members of the Lodge of Honour united to get a warrant for a Cliapter to be attached to their Lodge ; their petition received the favourable consideration of G . C , and the Tynte Chapter xvas started under the most favourable auspices , xvhich I understand still continue ; and it is noAV in as flourishing a state as its most sanguine well-wishers can desire .
Previous to its establishment , in consequence of the Eoyal Sussex Chapter not Avorking , there remained only tho Royal Cumberland , in which those Brethren desirous of completing their Degrees in Masonry could be exalted to the Royal Arch ; so that most of the Tynte Chapter also belong to the Royal Cumberland , by which a good attendance at both , on their evenings of meeting , is generally secured .
The Royal Cumberland Lodge and Chapter have , for some time past , been most kindly and gratuitously accommodated xvith a room in which to hold their meetings by Bro . Temple , greatly to his inconvenience , but who , for the sake of his Lodge and Chapter , ancl for the good of the cause , has used every exertion to promote their interests . The Avorking of this Lodge promises fair to be A'ery commendable . I was present at one of their meetings ; and though they Avere assisted by
some Brethren of another Lodge , yet the intelligence of the younger members , as Avell as their apparent zeal , Avill be soon rendered available to the xvorking of the Loclge without any such assistance ; they xvill also feel the advantages of the space which the new room will afford for the ceremonies ; and I doubt not , if I am again permitted to visit them , that the difference xvill be striking .
On the 19 th of last November an Encampment xvas consecrated here , the particulars of Avhich Avill be found in the Freemason ' s Quarterly Magazine for December , page 528 . This was especially requisite in this part of the country ; for , betAveen Birmingham , or Oxford , and Exeter , there Avas no Encampment in which Companions anxious to receive the Degree of Knights Templar could be installed . Of courseI except the Encampment held at Bristolnamed the
, , Baldwyn , xvhich not being recognised by G . C , and acting in opposition to , and in open defiance of , its authority , cannot be reckoned as a legitimate Encampment , in which any Companion , AVIIO is not a member of a Bristol Chapter , and consequently attached to the locality , Avould like to be installed ; in fact , those AA'ho are driven