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GRAND STEWARDS' LODGE . —This Lodge held its public meeting for the delivery of the Lectures in the 1 st degree on the 19 th of March , when the W . M . Bro . Emly was ably assisted in the working by the following members of the Lodge , —Bros . Giraud , P . M . ; J . AiD . Cox , P . M . ; Tonkyns , Blake , and Burgess . We were happy to see that a large body of the Brethren availed themsel ves of the privilege liberally afforded by this Lodge of hearing the lectures of the various degrees worked in so perfect and instructive a manner . Amongst the members of the Lodge we observed Bro . Vinson , now in his eighty-eighth year , ancl who has been a member nearly half a century .
OLD CONCORD LODGE , NO . 201 . —The members of this Lodge held their fifth annual ball on Thursday , the 4 th of March , at the Queen ' s Concert Rooms , Hanover-square , under the direction of Bro . T . Bohn , W . M ., assisted by the Officer of the Lodge . The arrangements were excellent , the attendance of the friends of Masonic charity numerous and fashionable , and we have to congratulate the Stewards upon the success attending their exertions . The supportable was ably presided over by the W . M ., and it was at a Jate hour when the company reluctantly retired . The charitable funds of the Lodge will be considerably augmented by the proceeds of the ball .
UNIVERSAL LODGE , NO . 212 . —A very numerous meeting of this Lodge was held in the Temple at Freemasons' Tavern on Friday , Jan . 23 rd , to assist at the Installation of the AV . M . elect , when W . Bro . E . M . Attwood having vacated the Chair , Bro . Thomas Naghten , S . W ., P . G . S ., was duly installed as W . M ., and immediately proceeded with the business of the Lodge . Seventy-three of the Brethren subsequently attended the banquet ,
and separated highly gratified with the evening they had spent , as well as with the very excellent culinary arrangements of the new lessees . Amongst the long list of distinguished visitors we noticed Bros . A . Campbell , P . S . W . ; Pattison , P . S . W . ; White , Grand Sec . ; Bazellgette Pattison , Jun . ; Sigrist , S . Noble , R . P . Noble ; Mustapha Yusuf ( of a Lodge in Algiers ); Coiniell , Curtis , Graves , Sapte , & c . & c . & c .
UNIVERSAL LODGE OF INSTRUCTION - , NO . 212 ( established 1808 ) . —The forty-fourth , anniversary of this Lodge of Instruction was celebrated at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , the 3 rd of February , when nearly forty Brethren partook of a banquet at once elegant and substantial , provided by the excellent landlord , Bro . Frank Clemow . The Chair was admirably filled by the W . Bro . Thomas Naghten , P . G . S ., W . M . of the parent Lodge , ably supported by the W . Bro . Barrett , W . M . 188 , and the W . Bro . Henry Wilkin , W . M . 228 , and a numerous and efficient board of Stewards .
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GRAND STEWARDS' LODGE . —This Lodge held its public meeting for the delivery of the Lectures in the 1 st degree on the 19 th of March , when the W . M . Bro . Emly was ably assisted in the working by the following members of the Lodge , —Bros . Giraud , P . M . ; J . AiD . Cox , P . M . ; Tonkyns , Blake , and Burgess . We were happy to see that a large body of the Brethren availed themsel ves of the privilege liberally afforded by this Lodge of hearing the lectures of the various degrees worked in so perfect and instructive a manner . Amongst the members of the Lodge we observed Bro . Vinson , now in his eighty-eighth year , ancl who has been a member nearly half a century .
OLD CONCORD LODGE , NO . 201 . —The members of this Lodge held their fifth annual ball on Thursday , the 4 th of March , at the Queen ' s Concert Rooms , Hanover-square , under the direction of Bro . T . Bohn , W . M ., assisted by the Officer of the Lodge . The arrangements were excellent , the attendance of the friends of Masonic charity numerous and fashionable , and we have to congratulate the Stewards upon the success attending their exertions . The supportable was ably presided over by the W . M ., and it was at a Jate hour when the company reluctantly retired . The charitable funds of the Lodge will be considerably augmented by the proceeds of the ball .
UNIVERSAL LODGE , NO . 212 . —A very numerous meeting of this Lodge was held in the Temple at Freemasons' Tavern on Friday , Jan . 23 rd , to assist at the Installation of the AV . M . elect , when W . Bro . E . M . Attwood having vacated the Chair , Bro . Thomas Naghten , S . W ., P . G . S ., was duly installed as W . M ., and immediately proceeded with the business of the Lodge . Seventy-three of the Brethren subsequently attended the banquet ,
and separated highly gratified with the evening they had spent , as well as with the very excellent culinary arrangements of the new lessees . Amongst the long list of distinguished visitors we noticed Bros . A . Campbell , P . S . W . ; Pattison , P . S . W . ; White , Grand Sec . ; Bazellgette Pattison , Jun . ; Sigrist , S . Noble , R . P . Noble ; Mustapha Yusuf ( of a Lodge in Algiers ); Coiniell , Curtis , Graves , Sapte , & c . & c . & c .
UNIVERSAL LODGE OF INSTRUCTION - , NO . 212 ( established 1808 ) . —The forty-fourth , anniversary of this Lodge of Instruction was celebrated at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , the 3 rd of February , when nearly forty Brethren partook of a banquet at once elegant and substantial , provided by the excellent landlord , Bro . Frank Clemow . The Chair was admirably filled by the W . Bro . Thomas Naghten , P . G . S ., W . M . of the parent Lodge , ably supported by the W . Bro . Barrett , W . M . 188 , and the W . Bro . Henry Wilkin , W . M . 228 , and a numerous and efficient board of Stewards .