Article ROYAL FREEMASONS' GIRLS' SCHOOL. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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Royal Freemasons' Girls' School.
your patient and kind support , but I cannot recollect ono instance in which I had to lament tho want ' of cither . Allow mo to assure you , that as long as my feeble energies remain , they will ever bo at your disposal . In returning you , gentlemen , my sincere and best thanks for this and the many jiast proofs of your condescending respect for my humble services , allow me to add my fervent prayer that the Groat God of Providence may bless youv fetuve exertions with increased success in the cause of the Freemason ' s orphan . I will now , with your permission , address myself to the children before you . My clear Children- —I receive with unmingled pleasure affectionate
, your address . It is tme , fifty years have witnessed the anxiety of my mind to promote your welfare , but great has been the reward I have received , in tho assurance that my humble efforts to advance yotu- interests have been crowned with success in most cases . I thank you sincerely , as I feel sensibly your affectionate regard , your pious wishes , and your Scriptural benedictions : God bless you , my dear children ! May the Freemasons' School never want a warmer friend than is your affectionate Governess .
Bro . Dr . Moore being at this period about to leave the room , — Bro . CREW said , he was sure he should not be doing his duty if he did not acknowledge , on behalf of the Committee , how deeply indebted they were to the worthy doctor for his attendance and general attention to tho interests of the children in the school . Bro . Dr . MOORE acknowledged the compliment , ancl expressed tho gratification he felt at the interesting events of the day . He regretted that he was compelled to leave , but could assure the ladies ancl gentlemen present , he
would at all times be happy to do his best in support of the interests of the Institution . The CHAIRMAN begged to apologise , in consequence of a pressing engagement , at having to leave the company , whom he hoped would continue to partake in the happiness of the day . Bro . CREW was sure they could not let then- worthy Treasurer depart without expressing then- thanks for his presence that day , as well as for the deep interest , which he had taken in this charity for the last twenty or thirty years , — an interest indeed which he took in ovory charitable institution , Bro . Cabbell ' s
name being known all over the world as synonymous with charity . ( Applause . ) He hacl managed the whole of the money affairs of the Institution , in a manner to entitle him to their gratitude , which he now begged to express to him in the name of the Committee and of tho laches who hacl honoured them with thenpresence . ( Applause . ) Bro . CABBELL begged to acknowledge the kindness with which his name had been mentioned by Bro . Crew and responded to by the ladies ancl gentlemen present . He hacl always had the greatest pleasure on . all occasions in visiting that Institutionin the success of which he should ever take tho deepest
, interest . Before ho left , though perhaps a little out of order , he might bo allowed to propose one toast—¦ " Health , long life , ancl happiness to Mrs . Crook . " ( Applause . ) She had been with them fifty years , ancl he trusted she might be yet spared many years to continue her valuable sen-ices to the Institution ; and when it should please the Almighty to take her to Himself , he was sure she would cany with her not only the respect of tho subscribers and Committee , but the love and esteem of all the children . ( Applause . )
The toast having been drunk , Bro . Cabbell retired , and , a . t the request of the Brethren present , Bro . Beadon assumed the chair . The children were then supplied with wine , and the healths of " Her Majesty , " ( followed by the singing of the National Anthem ) , "H . R . H . Prince Albert , " " Albert , Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " followed by " A Song for Merry England . " The Queen and Prince Albert were drunk with great zest .
Bro . CREW then begged to be allowed to introduce to the Chairman Miss Jack , who having been educated in the school , hacl boon apprenticed to it , and had up to the present time conducted herself wth the utmost propriety . The CHAIRMAN kindly shook Miss Jack by the hand , and assured her that it woulcl at all times give the Committee and himself the greatest pleasure to hear
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Royal Freemasons' Girls' School.
your patient and kind support , but I cannot recollect ono instance in which I had to lament tho want ' of cither . Allow mo to assure you , that as long as my feeble energies remain , they will ever bo at your disposal . In returning you , gentlemen , my sincere and best thanks for this and the many jiast proofs of your condescending respect for my humble services , allow me to add my fervent prayer that the Groat God of Providence may bless youv fetuve exertions with increased success in the cause of the Freemason ' s orphan . I will now , with your permission , address myself to the children before you . My clear Children- —I receive with unmingled pleasure affectionate
, your address . It is tme , fifty years have witnessed the anxiety of my mind to promote your welfare , but great has been the reward I have received , in tho assurance that my humble efforts to advance yotu- interests have been crowned with success in most cases . I thank you sincerely , as I feel sensibly your affectionate regard , your pious wishes , and your Scriptural benedictions : God bless you , my dear children ! May the Freemasons' School never want a warmer friend than is your affectionate Governess .
Bro . Dr . Moore being at this period about to leave the room , — Bro . CREW said , he was sure he should not be doing his duty if he did not acknowledge , on behalf of the Committee , how deeply indebted they were to the worthy doctor for his attendance and general attention to tho interests of the children in the school . Bro . Dr . MOORE acknowledged the compliment , ancl expressed tho gratification he felt at the interesting events of the day . He regretted that he was compelled to leave , but could assure the ladies ancl gentlemen present , he
would at all times be happy to do his best in support of the interests of the Institution . The CHAIRMAN begged to apologise , in consequence of a pressing engagement , at having to leave the company , whom he hoped would continue to partake in the happiness of the day . Bro . CREW was sure they could not let then- worthy Treasurer depart without expressing then- thanks for his presence that day , as well as for the deep interest , which he had taken in this charity for the last twenty or thirty years , — an interest indeed which he took in ovory charitable institution , Bro . Cabbell ' s
name being known all over the world as synonymous with charity . ( Applause . ) He hacl managed the whole of the money affairs of the Institution , in a manner to entitle him to their gratitude , which he now begged to express to him in the name of the Committee and of tho laches who hacl honoured them with thenpresence . ( Applause . ) Bro . CABBELL begged to acknowledge the kindness with which his name had been mentioned by Bro . Crew and responded to by the ladies ancl gentlemen present . He hacl always had the greatest pleasure on . all occasions in visiting that Institutionin the success of which he should ever take tho deepest
, interest . Before ho left , though perhaps a little out of order , he might bo allowed to propose one toast—¦ " Health , long life , ancl happiness to Mrs . Crook . " ( Applause . ) She had been with them fifty years , ancl he trusted she might be yet spared many years to continue her valuable sen-ices to the Institution ; and when it should please the Almighty to take her to Himself , he was sure she would cany with her not only the respect of tho subscribers and Committee , but the love and esteem of all the children . ( Applause . )
The toast having been drunk , Bro . Cabbell retired , and , a . t the request of the Brethren present , Bro . Beadon assumed the chair . The children were then supplied with wine , and the healths of " Her Majesty , " ( followed by the singing of the National Anthem ) , "H . R . H . Prince Albert , " " Albert , Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " followed by " A Song for Merry England . " The Queen and Prince Albert were drunk with great zest .
Bro . CREW then begged to be allowed to introduce to the Chairman Miss Jack , who having been educated in the school , hacl boon apprenticed to it , and had up to the present time conducted herself wth the utmost propriety . The CHAIRMAN kindly shook Miss Jack by the hand , and assured her that it woulcl at all times give the Committee and himself the greatest pleasure to hear