Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 7 of 8 →
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la loyaute qui distingue le veritable Ma ^ on de repousser tout ce qui pent porter atteinte a la reputation d ' autrui , et je m ' empresse de remplir ce rigoureux devoir . L'article de l'Univers a ete provoque par l'imprudence du chef du Secretariat du Grand Orient de France , qui , trop jeune Ma ^ on pour apprecier suffisamment ce qui convient a notre situation , avait entame' une polemique avec ce journal . II a ete blame
necessairement , car 1 'essence de notre institution veut que nous evitions toute controverse politique et religieuse . Quant aux Jesuites , dont on prononce souvent trop legerement le nom , et auxquels on impute toutes les mauvaises actions , parce qu'on confond malhenreusement le Jesuitisme religieux avec le Je ' suitisme social , loin de chercher a persecute ! - la Maconnerie , iis paraissent tres disposes a la servir en l ' affranchissant des entraves
que les pontifs de Rome ont jusqu ' a present apportes a son exercise . Je sais de science certaine que les chefs de cet ordre ont demande un Memoire sur la Maijonnerie , afin de le mettre sous les yeux du Pape et de l'engager a revoquer les Bulles que ses predecesseurs ont fuhninees centre notre societe inoffensive a toutes les reli gions . Ce memoire a ete fait par l ' un des Macrons juge le plus propre a 1 ' ceuvre ; il est entre les mains des Reverends Peres , et j'ai l ' assurance
qu'ils accompliront religieusement la mission humanitaire dont iis se sont charges . Veuillez , en inserant cette planche dans voire prochain numero , me croire ,
Votre tout devoue F . LEBLANC DE MARCONNAY , Memb . du G . 0 . de France . Le F . Lepee aura la complaisance de traduire cette lettre . O . de Paris , le Fe ' vrier 1852 , C . V . [ Translation . ]
SIR AND DEAR BROTHER , —In your number of The Quarterly Magazine and Review for December 31 st , 1851 , you have given an article from V Univers Religieux against Masonry , and you attribute the persecutions , of which we have always been threatened , to the Jesuits . It becomes the loyalty which distinguishes the true Mason to repel everything that prejudices the reputation of others , and I hasten to fulfil this rigorous duty . The article of the Univers has been provoked through the imprudence of the chief of the secretary ' s ofiiee of the Grand Orient of Prancewho being too
, young a Mason to sufficiently appreciate what belongs to our situation , had commenced a polemical contest with that paper . Of course , he has been blamed ; for the essence of our institution forbids us to enter into any kind of controversy , either political or religious . As to the Jesuits , whose name is too often lightly mentioned , and to whom all kinds of evil actions are imputed , because people unfortunately confound religious Jesuitism with social Jesuitism , so far from their endeavouring to persecute Masonrythey much disposed to serve itbfreeing it from
, appear , y the shackles which the Pontiffs of Eome have hitherto imposed on its exercise . I know it for certain , that the chiefs of that order have requested ( to be furnished ivith ) a memoir on Masonry , in order to place it under the eyes of the Pope , to engage him to repeal the Bulls which his predecessors have fulminated against our Society , which is inoffensive to every religion . This memoir has been drawn up by one of the Masons who are considered as the most competent for that task . It is in the hands of the Reverend Fathers ,
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la loyaute qui distingue le veritable Ma ^ on de repousser tout ce qui pent porter atteinte a la reputation d ' autrui , et je m ' empresse de remplir ce rigoureux devoir . L'article de l'Univers a ete provoque par l'imprudence du chef du Secretariat du Grand Orient de France , qui , trop jeune Ma ^ on pour apprecier suffisamment ce qui convient a notre situation , avait entame' une polemique avec ce journal . II a ete blame
necessairement , car 1 'essence de notre institution veut que nous evitions toute controverse politique et religieuse . Quant aux Jesuites , dont on prononce souvent trop legerement le nom , et auxquels on impute toutes les mauvaises actions , parce qu'on confond malhenreusement le Jesuitisme religieux avec le Je ' suitisme social , loin de chercher a persecute ! - la Maconnerie , iis paraissent tres disposes a la servir en l ' affranchissant des entraves
que les pontifs de Rome ont jusqu ' a present apportes a son exercise . Je sais de science certaine que les chefs de cet ordre ont demande un Memoire sur la Maijonnerie , afin de le mettre sous les yeux du Pape et de l'engager a revoquer les Bulles que ses predecesseurs ont fuhninees centre notre societe inoffensive a toutes les reli gions . Ce memoire a ete fait par l ' un des Macrons juge le plus propre a 1 ' ceuvre ; il est entre les mains des Reverends Peres , et j'ai l ' assurance
qu'ils accompliront religieusement la mission humanitaire dont iis se sont charges . Veuillez , en inserant cette planche dans voire prochain numero , me croire ,
Votre tout devoue F . LEBLANC DE MARCONNAY , Memb . du G . 0 . de France . Le F . Lepee aura la complaisance de traduire cette lettre . O . de Paris , le Fe ' vrier 1852 , C . V . [ Translation . ]
SIR AND DEAR BROTHER , —In your number of The Quarterly Magazine and Review for December 31 st , 1851 , you have given an article from V Univers Religieux against Masonry , and you attribute the persecutions , of which we have always been threatened , to the Jesuits . It becomes the loyalty which distinguishes the true Mason to repel everything that prejudices the reputation of others , and I hasten to fulfil this rigorous duty . The article of the Univers has been provoked through the imprudence of the chief of the secretary ' s ofiiee of the Grand Orient of Prancewho being too
, young a Mason to sufficiently appreciate what belongs to our situation , had commenced a polemical contest with that paper . Of course , he has been blamed ; for the essence of our institution forbids us to enter into any kind of controversy , either political or religious . As to the Jesuits , whose name is too often lightly mentioned , and to whom all kinds of evil actions are imputed , because people unfortunately confound religious Jesuitism with social Jesuitism , so far from their endeavouring to persecute Masonrythey much disposed to serve itbfreeing it from
, appear , y the shackles which the Pontiffs of Eome have hitherto imposed on its exercise . I know it for certain , that the chiefs of that order have requested ( to be furnished ivith ) a memoir on Masonry , in order to place it under the eyes of the Pope , to engage him to repeal the Bulls which his predecessors have fulminated against our Society , which is inoffensive to every religion . This memoir has been drawn up by one of the Masons who are considered as the most competent for that task . It is in the hands of the Reverend Fathers ,