Article MASONIC SKETCHES, ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Masonic Sketches,
and goodly fruits of the most generous emotion that can swell the bosom of man towards man , — the desire to succour his brother in distress , and to give free scope to that ever-hallowed charit y * Which droppeth as tbe gentle rain from heaven , And blossotb him that gives , and him that takes . ' " It is with cordial sympathy , therefore , as well as with sincere pride and gratification , that the Masonic fraternity of Bombay have
responded to your summons , and borne their emblems to this spot to-day . And when the record of the proceedings shall be read within the houses of our Order , dispersed over the civilized world , our Brethren also of every tongue and nation will rejoice that we have been aiding you in this good work ; and will participate with us in exultation , that by far the foremost man for deeds of true wisdom in tills portion of the globe , has also been giving effect to the munificent designs of love and charity , and been the first of his tribe and country to solicit the countenance of our Brotherhood on any occasion .
"It has been usual to explain these ceremonies of ours , and in this , the first instance of their being practised at Bombay , it is essential , at least , that I should guard against their being misinterpreted . There is one portion of them , which will awaken a sympathy in the bosom of every reflecting individual even of this vast assemblage , composed though it be of men of all varieties of sects , customs , and habits of thought ; since no condition of society exists in which—at
the season of doubt and anxiety , but especially at the commencement of a momentous undertaking , the plan of which he may conceive , but the execution of which depends on a far mightier than he—man cannot but feel his absolute dependance on the Omnipotent Creator , and by a natural instinct turn to His throne as his stay and support . " But the impulse , which prompts this appeal , acquires intensit y , when the frail and transitory being contemplates the erection of an and
enduring stupendous structure , which may rear its stately dome for centuries after he is mouldering in the dust ; and hence , from the remotest ages , and in almost all countries , the foundation-stone of important edifices has been deposited with an impressive solemnit y , indicative of the founder ' s humble trust and fervent prayer , that the Almighty Architect of the universe may prosper his work , and ever shower down His bounty and blessings upon it . As visible types of these
blessings , we pour forth , with a spirit of hope and thankfulness , the abundant fruits of the earth on the first corner-stone , in the corn of nourishment , the wine of refreshment , and the oil of joy . Such , then , is the simple origin of one portion of these ceremonies , which so far will be recognized as analogous to those performed by one of our most distinguished Parsee families , in laying the foundation keels of some of those superb vessels , which of late years have brought Great Britain and India into closer and dearer connection . "
" You have seen me apply certain implements of operative architecture to this stone , in accordance with the ancient and immemorial usage of our Order at the foundation of all great edifices . But you are too enli ghtened to suppose that the essence of Freemasonry lies m a mere formality like this , or that those about me and myself have linked ourselves together in an indissoluble tie only to practise
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Masonic Sketches,
and goodly fruits of the most generous emotion that can swell the bosom of man towards man , — the desire to succour his brother in distress , and to give free scope to that ever-hallowed charit y * Which droppeth as tbe gentle rain from heaven , And blossotb him that gives , and him that takes . ' " It is with cordial sympathy , therefore , as well as with sincere pride and gratification , that the Masonic fraternity of Bombay have
responded to your summons , and borne their emblems to this spot to-day . And when the record of the proceedings shall be read within the houses of our Order , dispersed over the civilized world , our Brethren also of every tongue and nation will rejoice that we have been aiding you in this good work ; and will participate with us in exultation , that by far the foremost man for deeds of true wisdom in tills portion of the globe , has also been giving effect to the munificent designs of love and charity , and been the first of his tribe and country to solicit the countenance of our Brotherhood on any occasion .
"It has been usual to explain these ceremonies of ours , and in this , the first instance of their being practised at Bombay , it is essential , at least , that I should guard against their being misinterpreted . There is one portion of them , which will awaken a sympathy in the bosom of every reflecting individual even of this vast assemblage , composed though it be of men of all varieties of sects , customs , and habits of thought ; since no condition of society exists in which—at
the season of doubt and anxiety , but especially at the commencement of a momentous undertaking , the plan of which he may conceive , but the execution of which depends on a far mightier than he—man cannot but feel his absolute dependance on the Omnipotent Creator , and by a natural instinct turn to His throne as his stay and support . " But the impulse , which prompts this appeal , acquires intensit y , when the frail and transitory being contemplates the erection of an and
enduring stupendous structure , which may rear its stately dome for centuries after he is mouldering in the dust ; and hence , from the remotest ages , and in almost all countries , the foundation-stone of important edifices has been deposited with an impressive solemnit y , indicative of the founder ' s humble trust and fervent prayer , that the Almighty Architect of the universe may prosper his work , and ever shower down His bounty and blessings upon it . As visible types of these
blessings , we pour forth , with a spirit of hope and thankfulness , the abundant fruits of the earth on the first corner-stone , in the corn of nourishment , the wine of refreshment , and the oil of joy . Such , then , is the simple origin of one portion of these ceremonies , which so far will be recognized as analogous to those performed by one of our most distinguished Parsee families , in laying the foundation keels of some of those superb vessels , which of late years have brought Great Britain and India into closer and dearer connection . "
" You have seen me apply certain implements of operative architecture to this stone , in accordance with the ancient and immemorial usage of our Order at the foundation of all great edifices . But you are too enli ghtened to suppose that the essence of Freemasonry lies m a mere formality like this , or that those about me and myself have linked ourselves together in an indissoluble tie only to practise