Article THE REVELATIONS OF A SQUARE. ← Page 14 of 16 →
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The Revelations Of A Square.
on the subject in our Lod ge . Some Brethren were inclined to understand it as a serious attack on the Order , while others considered it only as an ill-natured joke ; however , it was concluded that the only way of ascertaining the real sentiments of the author would be to feel his pulse by a reply . Bro . Thomson was therefore deputed to answer itwhich he admirabl
, y effected ;* ancl another reply came from a quarter with which our Lodge had no connection . t The author of the obnoxious pamphlet did not respond , and it was believed that his conscience accused him of having basely slandered a benevolent institution , and that he thought it expedient to atone for his calumny by silence ; and the controversy—if it be called bthat
may y name — terminated with a pamphlet bearing the triumphant title of " Masonry the Turnpike-Eoad to Happiness in this Life , and Eternal Happiness hereafter . " J " Amidst all this trifling , the age was not barren in legitimate and well-authenticated publications on pure Masonry . § But the gem of the period was the Candid Disquisition of Wellms Calcott
, || in which he has traced primitive Masonry from its origin ;—explained its symbols and hieroglyphics , its social virtues ancl advantages ; suggested the propriety of building halls for the peculiar and exclusive practice of Masonry , and reprehended its slanderers with great but judicious severity ; for the unprincipled charlatans were still workinoat their masked battery , catering for the morbid curiosity of the profane world , ancl their shafts flew in clouds about our heads . **
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The Revelations Of A Square.
on the subject in our Lod ge . Some Brethren were inclined to understand it as a serious attack on the Order , while others considered it only as an ill-natured joke ; however , it was concluded that the only way of ascertaining the real sentiments of the author would be to feel his pulse by a reply . Bro . Thomson was therefore deputed to answer itwhich he admirabl
, y effected ;* ancl another reply came from a quarter with which our Lodge had no connection . t The author of the obnoxious pamphlet did not respond , and it was believed that his conscience accused him of having basely slandered a benevolent institution , and that he thought it expedient to atone for his calumny by silence ; and the controversy—if it be called bthat
may y name — terminated with a pamphlet bearing the triumphant title of " Masonry the Turnpike-Eoad to Happiness in this Life , and Eternal Happiness hereafter . " J " Amidst all this trifling , the age was not barren in legitimate and well-authenticated publications on pure Masonry . § But the gem of the period was the Candid Disquisition of Wellms Calcott
, || in which he has traced primitive Masonry from its origin ;—explained its symbols and hieroglyphics , its social virtues ancl advantages ; suggested the propriety of building halls for the peculiar and exclusive practice of Masonry , and reprehended its slanderers with great but judicious severity ; for the unprincipled charlatans were still workinoat their masked battery , catering for the morbid curiosity of the profane world , ancl their shafts flew in clouds about our heads . **