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The Feeemasons' Quarterly Magazine And Review.
supervision , and the assurance that the benevolence extended towards them is not abused , can remain just as they are at present . There is the same NECESSITY to extend the growingimprovements of education to these children as to the others under our care ; but , since " Masonry is free , " if the
conscience of their relatives will not allow them to assort with the other children under one common roof , it is at once our bounden duty to do the best for them we can , under the circumstances in which they are unavoidably placed ; but , it were the height of absurdity , because these children cannot ,
on account of religious scruples , partake of the benefits which the others would enjoy , under the superintendence of an Institution , to deprive the greater number of benefits which are incalculable , and of privileges , the worth of which few will fail to appreciate . The extraordinary progress which
the boys , residing within the London district , have made since they have , by the regulations of the Committee , been concentrated in several well-selected . Schools , is clear evidence that , if the NECESSITY , which has thus far been met , be carried out to its full and imperative developement , "
BOYS' SCHOOL , " will also soon take an equally high position with THE GIRLS' SCHOOL , and be no less an honour to the Craft , than the latter Charity has ever been from the time of its foundation .
Here , then , is our case , which we place in broad outline before the Brethren . On a future occasion , and when the plan of operations is fully matured , we may plead with them on the ground of detail , if it should be found necessary to do so . We fervently trust , however , that that moment will never
come . The spirit , which animated the Brethren at the recent Festival , and their unprecedented liberal Contributions , are earnests to our minds , that they will , with a promptness and a generosity , in harmony with their acknowledged principles , continue , as they have begun , to prove to those , to whom they have
\ . ommitted the- management of this department of their affairs , how fully and thoroughly they place Masonic confidence in their integrity and intelligence . The assurance is fixed and
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The Feeemasons' Quarterly Magazine And Review.
supervision , and the assurance that the benevolence extended towards them is not abused , can remain just as they are at present . There is the same NECESSITY to extend the growingimprovements of education to these children as to the others under our care ; but , since " Masonry is free , " if the
conscience of their relatives will not allow them to assort with the other children under one common roof , it is at once our bounden duty to do the best for them we can , under the circumstances in which they are unavoidably placed ; but , it were the height of absurdity , because these children cannot ,
on account of religious scruples , partake of the benefits which the others would enjoy , under the superintendence of an Institution , to deprive the greater number of benefits which are incalculable , and of privileges , the worth of which few will fail to appreciate . The extraordinary progress which
the boys , residing within the London district , have made since they have , by the regulations of the Committee , been concentrated in several well-selected . Schools , is clear evidence that , if the NECESSITY , which has thus far been met , be carried out to its full and imperative developement , "
BOYS' SCHOOL , " will also soon take an equally high position with THE GIRLS' SCHOOL , and be no less an honour to the Craft , than the latter Charity has ever been from the time of its foundation .
Here , then , is our case , which we place in broad outline before the Brethren . On a future occasion , and when the plan of operations is fully matured , we may plead with them on the ground of detail , if it should be found necessary to do so . We fervently trust , however , that that moment will never
come . The spirit , which animated the Brethren at the recent Festival , and their unprecedented liberal Contributions , are earnests to our minds , that they will , with a promptness and a generosity , in harmony with their acknowledged principles , continue , as they have begun , to prove to those , to whom they have
\ . ommitted the- management of this department of their affairs , how fully and thoroughly they place Masonic confidence in their integrity and intelligence . The assurance is fixed and