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The Feeemasons' Quarterly Magazine And Review.
" Subscriptions ( 1851-2 ) , £ 220 . 10 s . Od . ; ( 1851-2 ) , £ 247 . " 16 s . Od ., being an increase of £ 27 . 6 s . Od . " From this result , the Committee derive the confident " belief that they may rely on the support of the Masonic " body , in carrying out the system of the Institution to the
" fullest extent , and that they may be enabled to effect sub" stantial good to the objects of its care . But while the " . Committee have the gratification to feel that much good has "been effected , they cannot disguise from themselves , that
" MUCH MORE REMAINS TO BE DONE . " Notwithstanding the improved arrangements which have " been made in the case of the London boys , MANY CASES "have occurred in which the want of centralization and of " UNIFORM DISCIPLINE HAS BEEN SEVERELY FELT : and aS
" regards the country boys , the Committee have found it " wholly impracticable to establish anything like an efficient " system of general superintendence , whilst they have with " pain remarked many instances of very defective education , " and some , of exceedingly imperfect discipline . In one case ,
" indeed , they have been compelled to resort to the extreme " measure of expulsion for misconduct , which , however cul" pable in itself , could scarcely have occurred in a icett" managed establishment . " The Committee desire to express their deliberate opinion
, " founded on practical experience , that NOTHING BUT THE " FOUNDATION OF AN ESTABLISHMENT FOR BOARDING , OS Well " as Clothing and Educating the Boys , or , at least , a large " portion of them , can enable the Charity to keep pace with " the increased educational demands of the present time , or
" to satisfy the reasonable expectations of the Craft . " The Committee have seen with heartfelt pleasure , that " the principle of such an establishment has been adopted by " the General Court . They believe that the plan suggested . "for carrying out this principle , is well adapted to its object , ^ . and will not impede the present operations of the Charity . "They now respectfully but confidently appeal to their
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Feeemasons' Quarterly Magazine And Review.
" Subscriptions ( 1851-2 ) , £ 220 . 10 s . Od . ; ( 1851-2 ) , £ 247 . " 16 s . Od ., being an increase of £ 27 . 6 s . Od . " From this result , the Committee derive the confident " belief that they may rely on the support of the Masonic " body , in carrying out the system of the Institution to the
" fullest extent , and that they may be enabled to effect sub" stantial good to the objects of its care . But while the " . Committee have the gratification to feel that much good has "been effected , they cannot disguise from themselves , that
" MUCH MORE REMAINS TO BE DONE . " Notwithstanding the improved arrangements which have " been made in the case of the London boys , MANY CASES "have occurred in which the want of centralization and of " UNIFORM DISCIPLINE HAS BEEN SEVERELY FELT : and aS
" regards the country boys , the Committee have found it " wholly impracticable to establish anything like an efficient " system of general superintendence , whilst they have with " pain remarked many instances of very defective education , " and some , of exceedingly imperfect discipline . In one case ,
" indeed , they have been compelled to resort to the extreme " measure of expulsion for misconduct , which , however cul" pable in itself , could scarcely have occurred in a icett" managed establishment . " The Committee desire to express their deliberate opinion
, " founded on practical experience , that NOTHING BUT THE " FOUNDATION OF AN ESTABLISHMENT FOR BOARDING , OS Well " as Clothing and Educating the Boys , or , at least , a large " portion of them , can enable the Charity to keep pace with " the increased educational demands of the present time , or
" to satisfy the reasonable expectations of the Craft . " The Committee have seen with heartfelt pleasure , that " the principle of such an establishment has been adopted by " the General Court . They believe that the plan suggested . "for carrying out this principle , is well adapted to its object , ^ . and will not impede the present operations of the Charity . "They now respectfully but confidently appeal to their