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Another meeting of the Encampment was held on the 28 th January , 1852 , at which Bro . Sir H . Russell was installed E . Commander , and some other routine business transacted . South-Doion . —The first meeting of the Pr . Grand Lodge of South-Down was held on Tuesday , the 17 th February , 1852 , in the Markethouse , Downpatrick , for the purpose of witnessing the Installation of the new Pr . G . M . W . B . Forcleand of appointing the different
, , Officers . At two o ' clock , p . m ., a Pr . G . L . was opened in due form , by the R . W . Bro . Archdeacon Mant , P . G . M . of Belfast ancl North Down , acting by virtue of a commission from his Grace the Duke of Leinster , G . M . of Ireland . The G . M . 's Commissioner was assisted by the AV . Masters of Lodges 77 , Newry , and 86 , Downpatrick , as S . and J . G . AVs ., and hythe Masters ancl Wardens of several Lodges in the new Province . The jiatent of appointment and the G . M . ' s
commission having been read , Bro . AV . B . Forcle was presented by Bro . P . M . ' s AV . Henry , of No . 18 , Newry , ancl Brabazon , of 86 , Downpatrick , and was installed and invested , proclaimed and saluted R . W . Pr . G . M . of South-Down . The Pr . G . M . then jiroceeded to announce to the Brethren , that , in exercising his prerogative to ajipoint a Deputy , his choice had fallen on Bro . AVm . Henry ,
P . M . of Lodge 18 , who was accordingly installed , invested , and saluted as Dep . P . G . M . The Pr . G . M . then proceeded to the appointment of Officers for the ensuing year , when the following Brethren were invested with the insignia of office , viz . : Brs . P . E . Brabazon , S . G . W . ; Demay , J . G . AV . ; Elmes , P . S . G . D . ; J . Cunningham , J . G . D . ; AV . Keown , I . G . The R . W . Pr . G . M . then nominated Bro . G . Eclin ,
to be Pr . G . S ., and the Revs . J . C . Quin and J . Ford , Pr . G . Cs . The Pr . G . L . met again in the evening for " refreshment , " and dined together in the apartment of Lodge 86 . The R . AV . P . G . M . presided , and was well supported by the Brethren . After the customary and appropriate toasts had been given and responded to , the P . G . L . was duly closed , and the Brethren separated at an early hour . The establishment of this Provincial G . Lodgeunder the
jn-esi-, dency of a weil-known and esteemed Brother , is hailed by the Freemasons of South-Down as an event likely to be followed by much benefit to the Society . It is the intention of the Pr . G . M ., as his district embraces the two important towns of Downpatrick and Newry , to hold the meetings of his P . G . L . alternately at each town , so that the advantages may be equally shared by Brethren of both parts of the Province .
NORTH MUNSTER . — The Brethren of the Desmond Masonic Lodge , No . 202 , Newcastle , held their first half-yearly festival on Wednesday , January 14 , Bro . Duncan , W . M ., presiding . The vice-chair was filled by Bro . Pierce , S . AV . The hall , used many centuries ago by the chivalrous Temjilars for Masonic jiurposes , was on this occasion restored to its original use by Brethren of a kindred Order . The usual loyal toasts were given and resjionded to , and the utmost harmony prevailed .
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Another meeting of the Encampment was held on the 28 th January , 1852 , at which Bro . Sir H . Russell was installed E . Commander , and some other routine business transacted . South-Doion . —The first meeting of the Pr . Grand Lodge of South-Down was held on Tuesday , the 17 th February , 1852 , in the Markethouse , Downpatrick , for the purpose of witnessing the Installation of the new Pr . G . M . W . B . Forcleand of appointing the different
, , Officers . At two o ' clock , p . m ., a Pr . G . L . was opened in due form , by the R . W . Bro . Archdeacon Mant , P . G . M . of Belfast ancl North Down , acting by virtue of a commission from his Grace the Duke of Leinster , G . M . of Ireland . The G . M . 's Commissioner was assisted by the AV . Masters of Lodges 77 , Newry , and 86 , Downpatrick , as S . and J . G . AVs ., and hythe Masters ancl Wardens of several Lodges in the new Province . The jiatent of appointment and the G . M . ' s
commission having been read , Bro . AV . B . Forcle was presented by Bro . P . M . ' s AV . Henry , of No . 18 , Newry , ancl Brabazon , of 86 , Downpatrick , and was installed and invested , proclaimed and saluted R . W . Pr . G . M . of South-Down . The Pr . G . M . then jiroceeded to announce to the Brethren , that , in exercising his prerogative to ajipoint a Deputy , his choice had fallen on Bro . AVm . Henry ,
P . M . of Lodge 18 , who was accordingly installed , invested , and saluted as Dep . P . G . M . The Pr . G . M . then proceeded to the appointment of Officers for the ensuing year , when the following Brethren were invested with the insignia of office , viz . : Brs . P . E . Brabazon , S . G . W . ; Demay , J . G . AV . ; Elmes , P . S . G . D . ; J . Cunningham , J . G . D . ; AV . Keown , I . G . The R . W . Pr . G . M . then nominated Bro . G . Eclin ,
to be Pr . G . S ., and the Revs . J . C . Quin and J . Ford , Pr . G . Cs . The Pr . G . L . met again in the evening for " refreshment , " and dined together in the apartment of Lodge 86 . The R . AV . P . G . M . presided , and was well supported by the Brethren . After the customary and appropriate toasts had been given and responded to , the P . G . L . was duly closed , and the Brethren separated at an early hour . The establishment of this Provincial G . Lodgeunder the
jn-esi-, dency of a weil-known and esteemed Brother , is hailed by the Freemasons of South-Down as an event likely to be followed by much benefit to the Society . It is the intention of the Pr . G . M ., as his district embraces the two important towns of Downpatrick and Newry , to hold the meetings of his P . G . L . alternately at each town , so that the advantages may be equally shared by Brethren of both parts of the Province .
NORTH MUNSTER . — The Brethren of the Desmond Masonic Lodge , No . 202 , Newcastle , held their first half-yearly festival on Wednesday , January 14 , Bro . Duncan , W . M ., presiding . The vice-chair was filled by Bro . Pierce , S . AV . The hall , used many centuries ago by the chivalrous Temjilars for Masonic jiurposes , was on this occasion restored to its original use by Brethren of a kindred Order . The usual loyal toasts were given and resjionded to , and the utmost harmony prevailed .