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THE following Brethren have been nominated Office Bearers of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Scotland : — Comp . John White Melville , of Mount Melville , Most Excellent Grand Principal Z . ; his Grace the Duke of Athole , Past Grand Principal Z . ; George Walker Arnott , of Arlary , LL . D ., Deputy Grand Principal Z . ; James Graham , of Leitchtown , Grand Principal II . ; Sir James AValker Drummondof Ilawthornden
, , Bart ., Grand Principal J . Provincial Grand Superintendents . — W . R . Burton , Jamaica ; Hon . W . Stephenson , Grenada ; John Willis , Nova Scotia ; Alexander Bulloch , Esq ., New Brunswick ; Robert Ramage , Grand Scribe E . ; William Gaylor , Grancl Scribe N . ; Daniel Robertson , Grand Treasurer ; Sir William Miller , of Glenlee , Grancl Chancellor ; Edward MainDeputy Grand Chancellor ; Dr . AV . D . Mac
, Ritchie , First Grand Sojourner ; Patrick Deuchar , R . N ., Second Grand Sojourner ; Thomas Coates , Third Grand Sojourner ; Thomas Boog , Grand Recorder ; T . B . Douglas , Grand Sword Bearer ; Christian Jockell , Grand Standard Bearer ; David Bryce , Grand Architect ; John Law , Grancl Jeweller ; AVilliam Donaldson , Grand Clothier ; James McLean , Grand Janitor . Standing Gommittee of Grand Chapter . —The Grand Principal Z .
, the Grand Principal H ., ancl the Grand Principal J ., ex officiis ; George AValker Arnott , Deputy Grand Principal Z ; Robert Ramage , William Gaylor , Daniel Robertson , Thomas Boog , Andrew Murray , John Henry , Morris Leon , George Edge ( Chairman of the Committee ) , David Dobson , Patrick Deuchar .
WE are glad to devote a portion of our jiages to the dissemination of such intelligence as apjiears to indicate the spreading of the true principles of Freemasonry in any nation , but esj . eeially in our own country . The Brethren of our great family can never be uninterested in that which concerns each other . It is well known that for many years the zeal of the Masonic sjiirit had greatly declined in Ireland . The higher classes hacl begun , with some distinguished
excejitions , to look with ajiathy upon those ties' which , nevertheless , were still as much prized as ever among those who hold a lower position in the social scale . Yet , however zealous might be its supporters among the peasantry , artisans , and humbler tradespeojile , it is easy to conceive that a certain degree of error and deterioration would be apt to infuse itself among the practices of the Craft , and that its high and refined moral and literary tone would soon become lowered , if the more highly educated and more influential classes ceased to take an interest in its meetings , its charities , and its extension . A good example is always readily followed among zealous
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THE following Brethren have been nominated Office Bearers of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Scotland : — Comp . John White Melville , of Mount Melville , Most Excellent Grand Principal Z . ; his Grace the Duke of Athole , Past Grand Principal Z . ; George Walker Arnott , of Arlary , LL . D ., Deputy Grand Principal Z . ; James Graham , of Leitchtown , Grand Principal II . ; Sir James AValker Drummondof Ilawthornden
, , Bart ., Grand Principal J . Provincial Grand Superintendents . — W . R . Burton , Jamaica ; Hon . W . Stephenson , Grenada ; John Willis , Nova Scotia ; Alexander Bulloch , Esq ., New Brunswick ; Robert Ramage , Grand Scribe E . ; William Gaylor , Grancl Scribe N . ; Daniel Robertson , Grand Treasurer ; Sir William Miller , of Glenlee , Grancl Chancellor ; Edward MainDeputy Grand Chancellor ; Dr . AV . D . Mac
, Ritchie , First Grand Sojourner ; Patrick Deuchar , R . N ., Second Grand Sojourner ; Thomas Coates , Third Grand Sojourner ; Thomas Boog , Grand Recorder ; T . B . Douglas , Grand Sword Bearer ; Christian Jockell , Grand Standard Bearer ; David Bryce , Grand Architect ; John Law , Grancl Jeweller ; AVilliam Donaldson , Grand Clothier ; James McLean , Grand Janitor . Standing Gommittee of Grand Chapter . —The Grand Principal Z .
, the Grand Principal H ., ancl the Grand Principal J ., ex officiis ; George AValker Arnott , Deputy Grand Principal Z ; Robert Ramage , William Gaylor , Daniel Robertson , Thomas Boog , Andrew Murray , John Henry , Morris Leon , George Edge ( Chairman of the Committee ) , David Dobson , Patrick Deuchar .
WE are glad to devote a portion of our jiages to the dissemination of such intelligence as apjiears to indicate the spreading of the true principles of Freemasonry in any nation , but esj . eeially in our own country . The Brethren of our great family can never be uninterested in that which concerns each other . It is well known that for many years the zeal of the Masonic sjiirit had greatly declined in Ireland . The higher classes hacl begun , with some distinguished
excejitions , to look with ajiathy upon those ties' which , nevertheless , were still as much prized as ever among those who hold a lower position in the social scale . Yet , however zealous might be its supporters among the peasantry , artisans , and humbler tradespeojile , it is easy to conceive that a certain degree of error and deterioration would be apt to infuse itself among the practices of the Craft , and that its high and refined moral and literary tone would soon become lowered , if the more highly educated and more influential classes ceased to take an interest in its meetings , its charities , and its extension . A good example is always readily followed among zealous