Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 22 of 26 →
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dispersion of the party , who were unanimous in voting it a " red letter day" in their Masonic diary . SOMERSET . — YEOVIL . — Masonic Ball . —Yeovil has never been favoured with a more brilliant soiree dansantc than that of Tuesday , Feb . 10 . Arrivals commenced at ten o'clock , and by twelve the noble room presented an appearance which will not be soon forgotten . Nearly 240 of the elite of the neihbourhoodand those from distant
g , parts of the Province , were seen winding in the graceful evolutions of the waltz , whirling a polka , or more steadily pacing the quadrille . The Brethren were arrayed , by desire , in full Masonic clothing and jewels of office , which , with the sumptuous and tasteful dresses of the ladies , and officers in uniform , presented a truly brilliant scene . The room was decorated with the handsome banners « of the Lodges ancl Chapters of the Provinceto which was added that of the Pro .
, Grand Master , sent with his accustomed kindness . The supper-rooms were also arrayed with floral wreaths , ancl appropriate banners and mottoes intermingled , and abundant refreshments were jirovided , giving a most agreeable and acceptable finish to the whole .
SOUTH WALES . —CARDIFF . —Glamorgan Lodge , No . 43 . —On the 12 th January , this Lodge held its meeting , and after the business had been concluded the Brethren sat down to " refreshment , " provided by Bro . John Woods , of the Cardiff Arms Hotel , at whose house the Brethren assemble . . After the removal of the cloth , ancl the usual Masonic and loyal toasts had been done justice to , a P . M . jewel and a pair of massive Corinthian silver candlesticks were jiresented to Bro . AVilliam BirdP . M . bearing a suitable inscription . Some idea
, , of the estimation in which Bro . AV . Bird is held may be gleaned from the following remarks , which fell from the W . M . Bro . Thomas Hodge : — " It is at all times a pleasure to meet together as Masons , but this gathering brings with it a pleasure , which is not of ordinary occurrence . We are mutually drawn together , as it were , on this occasion , by feelings which perhaps none of us can jn-operly express , for
the purpose of carrying out an object which , must be truly gratifying to all who are engaged in it . It is well known that for many years the most important and arduous duties of this Lodge have been performed in a way , which has given entire satisfaction and called forth the ad miration not only of its members , but also of its visiting Brethren . One might have thought that the frequent and oftentimes unreasonable calls for his valuable services woulcl have tired his patiencebut
, no ; he studied our mysteries , not only from a desire of knowledge , but also to become more useful to his Brethren in Masonry . A short time since several of the Brethren of this Lodge , almost simultaneously , felt that they ought to show in some outward and visible way their gratitude so justly due to him . This feeling rajiidly spread : a Committee was formed , the members were called ujion , and they responded to the call immediately . Those separated from us by
distance expressed themselves as happy as ourselves in having such an opportunity of showing their sincere appreciation of his worth . It is now my ' duty , as W . M . of this Lodge , to bring the Committee ' s arrangements to maturity , by presenting to Bro . AV . Bird a small token , simply expressive of the brotherly love entertained towards
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dispersion of the party , who were unanimous in voting it a " red letter day" in their Masonic diary . SOMERSET . — YEOVIL . — Masonic Ball . —Yeovil has never been favoured with a more brilliant soiree dansantc than that of Tuesday , Feb . 10 . Arrivals commenced at ten o'clock , and by twelve the noble room presented an appearance which will not be soon forgotten . Nearly 240 of the elite of the neihbourhoodand those from distant
g , parts of the Province , were seen winding in the graceful evolutions of the waltz , whirling a polka , or more steadily pacing the quadrille . The Brethren were arrayed , by desire , in full Masonic clothing and jewels of office , which , with the sumptuous and tasteful dresses of the ladies , and officers in uniform , presented a truly brilliant scene . The room was decorated with the handsome banners « of the Lodges ancl Chapters of the Provinceto which was added that of the Pro .
, Grand Master , sent with his accustomed kindness . The supper-rooms were also arrayed with floral wreaths , ancl appropriate banners and mottoes intermingled , and abundant refreshments were jirovided , giving a most agreeable and acceptable finish to the whole .
SOUTH WALES . —CARDIFF . —Glamorgan Lodge , No . 43 . —On the 12 th January , this Lodge held its meeting , and after the business had been concluded the Brethren sat down to " refreshment , " provided by Bro . John Woods , of the Cardiff Arms Hotel , at whose house the Brethren assemble . . After the removal of the cloth , ancl the usual Masonic and loyal toasts had been done justice to , a P . M . jewel and a pair of massive Corinthian silver candlesticks were jiresented to Bro . AVilliam BirdP . M . bearing a suitable inscription . Some idea
, , of the estimation in which Bro . AV . Bird is held may be gleaned from the following remarks , which fell from the W . M . Bro . Thomas Hodge : — " It is at all times a pleasure to meet together as Masons , but this gathering brings with it a pleasure , which is not of ordinary occurrence . We are mutually drawn together , as it were , on this occasion , by feelings which perhaps none of us can jn-operly express , for
the purpose of carrying out an object which , must be truly gratifying to all who are engaged in it . It is well known that for many years the most important and arduous duties of this Lodge have been performed in a way , which has given entire satisfaction and called forth the ad miration not only of its members , but also of its visiting Brethren . One might have thought that the frequent and oftentimes unreasonable calls for his valuable services woulcl have tired his patiencebut
, no ; he studied our mysteries , not only from a desire of knowledge , but also to become more useful to his Brethren in Masonry . A short time since several of the Brethren of this Lodge , almost simultaneously , felt that they ought to show in some outward and visible way their gratitude so justly due to him . This feeling rajiidly spread : a Committee was formed , the members were called ujion , and they responded to the call immediately . Those separated from us by
distance expressed themselves as happy as ourselves in having such an opportunity of showing their sincere appreciation of his worth . It is now my ' duty , as W . M . of this Lodge , to bring the Committee ' s arrangements to maturity , by presenting to Bro . AV . Bird a small token , simply expressive of the brotherly love entertained towards