Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 20 of 26 →
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to the P . G . M ., but thought it was impossible for any exjiression he might use to raise him in the estimation of those around him . The Noble CHAIRMAN then gave " Sir A . V . Corbet , " to which the worthy baronet replied . Dr . BOWLES then rose again , and proposed " The healths of the Dep .-Pr . G . M ., E . II . Dymock , Esq ., ancl Bro . AVilliam Clement . " Upon the conclusion of Dr . Bowles' addressloud and prolonged
, cheers burst from every part of the room . The proceedings elicited universal approbation . The attention and courtesy given and received was unceasing , and the recollection of the day ' s proceeding will be long remembered , and form a bright era in the annals of the Shropshire and North AVales Provincial Grand Lodge .
SOMERSET . —TAUNTON . —Presentation of a Masonic Testimonial io Bro . Stradling . —The R . W . the P . G . M . of the Province , Col . C . Kemeys Tynte , assembled his Grand Lodge at Bridgewater on Friday , the Gth of Feb ., which was attended by most ofthe distinguished Grand Officers of the Province , both past and acting . The P . G . M . was in excellent spirits , and went through the gratifying duties ofthe day witli his accustomed ability and kindness . Among the Grand Officers were Bros . RandolhD . P . G . M . ; Revds .
BytheseaTrewp , , man , and Brande ; Maher , AV . and R . Stradling , Phillips , Bales AVhite , Symes , Gooding , Trevor , Reed , Francis , Kni g ht , Dinham , Abraham , Waghorn , Taylor , and others . The Lodge of Perpetual Friendship having opened their Lodge , the G . L . formed in procession , and jiroceeded thither in Masonic order , where they were received with all the honours . The R . AV . the P . G . M . having taken the Chairaddressed the
, assembled Brethren with much feeling , and expressed his satisfaction at meeting them ; "but , " said the worthy chief , "Ilament that I cannot see you substantially , yet I derive pleasurable sensations from being able to behold you in my mind ' s eye . To greet you in all affection , I have deemed it my duty to call you together for the purpose
of carrying out a very laudable desire of the Province , —namely , to jn-esent this testimonial of our esteem for long and faithful service to a Brother whom we highly value . I present to Bvo . AVilliam Stradling , then , this appropriate offering , in the name of the Province , and with the affectionate regards of all . My pleasure therein is twofold . I jiresent it to an old friend , a descendant of one of the oldest and most honoured families in the west , —remarkable for his uniform kindness
of heart , and his desire to keep up , in remembrance , the better portions of the manners and customs of the olden time . I trust that the possession of this humble acknowledgment of his services will often remind him of his hapjiy intercourse with his Brethren and friends , and that he will estimate it as an earnest of their best and warmest wishes for the health and happiness of all his family . " [ The testimonial was here handed to Bro . Stradling . It consists of a
massive silver centre-piece , of elegant Masonic and foliated design , supporting- a cut-g-lass plateau , filled for the present witli models of flowers in wax , contributed by the daughters of Mr . Bales White , one of the oldest Masons in the Province . The base is triangular , and presents three shields , on which are engraved the arms and quarterlies of this ancient and distinguished family , the inscription and the jewels of the various offices which Bro . Stradling has served . ]
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to the P . G . M ., but thought it was impossible for any exjiression he might use to raise him in the estimation of those around him . The Noble CHAIRMAN then gave " Sir A . V . Corbet , " to which the worthy baronet replied . Dr . BOWLES then rose again , and proposed " The healths of the Dep .-Pr . G . M ., E . II . Dymock , Esq ., ancl Bro . AVilliam Clement . " Upon the conclusion of Dr . Bowles' addressloud and prolonged
, cheers burst from every part of the room . The proceedings elicited universal approbation . The attention and courtesy given and received was unceasing , and the recollection of the day ' s proceeding will be long remembered , and form a bright era in the annals of the Shropshire and North AVales Provincial Grand Lodge .
SOMERSET . —TAUNTON . —Presentation of a Masonic Testimonial io Bro . Stradling . —The R . W . the P . G . M . of the Province , Col . C . Kemeys Tynte , assembled his Grand Lodge at Bridgewater on Friday , the Gth of Feb ., which was attended by most ofthe distinguished Grand Officers of the Province , both past and acting . The P . G . M . was in excellent spirits , and went through the gratifying duties ofthe day witli his accustomed ability and kindness . Among the Grand Officers were Bros . RandolhD . P . G . M . ; Revds .
BytheseaTrewp , , man , and Brande ; Maher , AV . and R . Stradling , Phillips , Bales AVhite , Symes , Gooding , Trevor , Reed , Francis , Kni g ht , Dinham , Abraham , Waghorn , Taylor , and others . The Lodge of Perpetual Friendship having opened their Lodge , the G . L . formed in procession , and jiroceeded thither in Masonic order , where they were received with all the honours . The R . AV . the P . G . M . having taken the Chairaddressed the
, assembled Brethren with much feeling , and expressed his satisfaction at meeting them ; "but , " said the worthy chief , "Ilament that I cannot see you substantially , yet I derive pleasurable sensations from being able to behold you in my mind ' s eye . To greet you in all affection , I have deemed it my duty to call you together for the purpose
of carrying out a very laudable desire of the Province , —namely , to jn-esent this testimonial of our esteem for long and faithful service to a Brother whom we highly value . I present to Bvo . AVilliam Stradling , then , this appropriate offering , in the name of the Province , and with the affectionate regards of all . My pleasure therein is twofold . I jiresent it to an old friend , a descendant of one of the oldest and most honoured families in the west , —remarkable for his uniform kindness
of heart , and his desire to keep up , in remembrance , the better portions of the manners and customs of the olden time . I trust that the possession of this humble acknowledgment of his services will often remind him of his hapjiy intercourse with his Brethren and friends , and that he will estimate it as an earnest of their best and warmest wishes for the health and happiness of all his family . " [ The testimonial was here handed to Bro . Stradling . It consists of a
massive silver centre-piece , of elegant Masonic and foliated design , supporting- a cut-g-lass plateau , filled for the present witli models of flowers in wax , contributed by the daughters of Mr . Bales White , one of the oldest Masons in the Province . The base is triangular , and presents three shields , on which are engraved the arms and quarterlies of this ancient and distinguished family , the inscription and the jewels of the various offices which Bro . Stradling has served . ]