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The Feeemasons' Quarterly Magazine And Review.
been scattered in every direction . Until within the last year —• during which period the London boys have been placed in a few carefully selected schools—they have been left to run almost wild , and neither their condition , nor their education , seemed to receive any practical consideration . The field was
all barren ; the spots of fertility upon it were " few and far between" indeed . Here and there " a blushing flower" might be seen striving to raise its head ; but " its sweetness" was " wasted on the desert air" for want of proper culture , nutriment , and training .
The time has now , however , come when the honour of the Craft and our character , as patriots , demand that we should provide a common HOME for these hitherto comparatively neglected offspring of our indigent Brethren , where they may not only receive an education , in an intellectual point of view ,
suited to the advanced intelligence of the age , —and which , we repeat without fear of contradiction , they have not hitherto had , —but be brought under a system of moral training , which , under the blessing of the Gr . A . 0 . T . XL , shall lay the basis of a character , by which they shall reflect honour upon our
ancient Craft , become in after life its brightest ornaments and most steady and consistent supporters , fulfilling with integrity all the personal , relative , and social duties of life , and intelligently and uncompromisingly discharging their obligations as patriots and friends of the whole family of man .
, We have said , that there is a NECESSITY for such an establishment as that to which we are alluding . That we are speaking the " words of truth and soberness" is well known to every one , who has taken the slightest interest in the subject , or is acquainted with the real facts of the case .
As , however , it is very probable that many of the Brethren , especially those residing at a distance from the Metropolitan " head quarters , " are ignorant of these facts , we ask their attention to the following passages from the Annual Report Njf the School Committee , which has recently been issued , and circulated . . " The Committee during the past year have anxiously
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The Feeemasons' Quarterly Magazine And Review.
been scattered in every direction . Until within the last year —• during which period the London boys have been placed in a few carefully selected schools—they have been left to run almost wild , and neither their condition , nor their education , seemed to receive any practical consideration . The field was
all barren ; the spots of fertility upon it were " few and far between" indeed . Here and there " a blushing flower" might be seen striving to raise its head ; but " its sweetness" was " wasted on the desert air" for want of proper culture , nutriment , and training .
The time has now , however , come when the honour of the Craft and our character , as patriots , demand that we should provide a common HOME for these hitherto comparatively neglected offspring of our indigent Brethren , where they may not only receive an education , in an intellectual point of view ,
suited to the advanced intelligence of the age , —and which , we repeat without fear of contradiction , they have not hitherto had , —but be brought under a system of moral training , which , under the blessing of the Gr . A . 0 . T . XL , shall lay the basis of a character , by which they shall reflect honour upon our
ancient Craft , become in after life its brightest ornaments and most steady and consistent supporters , fulfilling with integrity all the personal , relative , and social duties of life , and intelligently and uncompromisingly discharging their obligations as patriots and friends of the whole family of man .
, We have said , that there is a NECESSITY for such an establishment as that to which we are alluding . That we are speaking the " words of truth and soberness" is well known to every one , who has taken the slightest interest in the subject , or is acquainted with the real facts of the case .
As , however , it is very probable that many of the Brethren , especially those residing at a distance from the Metropolitan " head quarters , " are ignorant of these facts , we ask their attention to the following passages from the Annual Report Njf the School Committee , which has recently been issued , and circulated . . " The Committee during the past year have anxiously