Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 11 of 26 →
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On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed , as the first toast , " Tiie Queen and the Craft . " The national anthem was sung by Brs . Spencer , Plowman , and Crew , the Brethren pining in the chorus . The toast which followed was " The G . M . of England , the Eari of Zetland . " The W . M . then proposed " The Earl of Yarborough and the Grand Officers of England" and remarked that the G . S . B . of England
, , Bro . Spiers , whose name was received with respect , not only in this but in every Province , had rendered most essential service in establishing and consecrating the Cherwell Lodge . ( Cheers . ) He was also happy to see present on this occasion the P . G . S . B ., Bro . Philipe , who , nine years ago , consecrated the Churchill Lodge , and ho was sure that the Brethren would duly appreciate and acknowledge the valuable services which those two distinguished Brothers had
rendered to Masonry generally , and to this Province in particular . Bro . SPIERS responded to the toast , and assured the Brethren that the G . L . of England looked with great solicitude to the proceedings of the Masonic body in this Province , and when he presented to the G . Sec . the petition for the Cherwell Lodge , it was most cordially received , and afforded infinite delight to all the Grand Officers jiresent . For his own part , he was most anxious , during his year of office , to render some permanent good to the Province ; aud he had been enabled to do so by the part which lie had taken in establishing and consecrating this Lodge . It might be interesting to
them to know the history of Masonry in Banbury . Having examined the records of the G . L ., he had ascertained ' that there was formerly a Lodge held here , at the sign of the " Three Lions , " about the 3 'ear 1780 , for about 30 years previously , but he was unable to find traces of its existence after that date . Another Lodge was formed in 1828 , which met at the sign of the Cock , but , for want , of support , did not exist beyond 1831 . When looking out for a hostelry for the Cherwell Lod they sought for the " Three Lions "
ge , , but they sought in vain , for when the mystic bond of Masonry was broken , the "Three Lions" became also disunited , and each sot up a separate den for himself . ( Laughter . ) It was true that the Cock Inn was still in existence , but the emblem was not a favourite one with them ; for , like their neighbours over the water , they might well fear that if they met one month under the sign of the Cock , at their next meeting they might find it exchanged for the Eagle , and
soon afterwards there might be no sign at all . Delighted , therefore , were they to range themselves under the banner of the "Old Red Lion" of England , and , from the admirable manner in which they had been accommodated and entertained under its auspices this day , they had good reason to be satisfied with their choice . Most sincerely did he hope that Masonry had now taken a firm ancl deep root in the important town of Banbury , that it was the commencement of a long reign , and that it might confer great and lasting benefits on that place where it had found a home . Among the various institutions which tended to elevate the character of tbe
inhabitants , it was a source of much gratification to see a temple dedicated to brotherly love , relief , and truth . He should attend the B . of G . P . of G . L . on the following day , when he should not fail to communicate the successful result of their labours , and their progress in that Craft which they all had so much at heart .
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On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed , as the first toast , " Tiie Queen and the Craft . " The national anthem was sung by Brs . Spencer , Plowman , and Crew , the Brethren pining in the chorus . The toast which followed was " The G . M . of England , the Eari of Zetland . " The W . M . then proposed " The Earl of Yarborough and the Grand Officers of England" and remarked that the G . S . B . of England
, , Bro . Spiers , whose name was received with respect , not only in this but in every Province , had rendered most essential service in establishing and consecrating the Cherwell Lodge . ( Cheers . ) He was also happy to see present on this occasion the P . G . S . B ., Bro . Philipe , who , nine years ago , consecrated the Churchill Lodge , and ho was sure that the Brethren would duly appreciate and acknowledge the valuable services which those two distinguished Brothers had
rendered to Masonry generally , and to this Province in particular . Bro . SPIERS responded to the toast , and assured the Brethren that the G . L . of England looked with great solicitude to the proceedings of the Masonic body in this Province , and when he presented to the G . Sec . the petition for the Cherwell Lodge , it was most cordially received , and afforded infinite delight to all the Grand Officers jiresent . For his own part , he was most anxious , during his year of office , to render some permanent good to the Province ; aud he had been enabled to do so by the part which lie had taken in establishing and consecrating this Lodge . It might be interesting to
them to know the history of Masonry in Banbury . Having examined the records of the G . L ., he had ascertained ' that there was formerly a Lodge held here , at the sign of the " Three Lions , " about the 3 'ear 1780 , for about 30 years previously , but he was unable to find traces of its existence after that date . Another Lodge was formed in 1828 , which met at the sign of the Cock , but , for want , of support , did not exist beyond 1831 . When looking out for a hostelry for the Cherwell Lod they sought for the " Three Lions "
ge , , but they sought in vain , for when the mystic bond of Masonry was broken , the "Three Lions" became also disunited , and each sot up a separate den for himself . ( Laughter . ) It was true that the Cock Inn was still in existence , but the emblem was not a favourite one with them ; for , like their neighbours over the water , they might well fear that if they met one month under the sign of the Cock , at their next meeting they might find it exchanged for the Eagle , and
soon afterwards there might be no sign at all . Delighted , therefore , were they to range themselves under the banner of the "Old Red Lion" of England , and , from the admirable manner in which they had been accommodated and entertained under its auspices this day , they had good reason to be satisfied with their choice . Most sincerely did he hope that Masonry had now taken a firm ancl deep root in the important town of Banbury , that it was the commencement of a long reign , and that it might confer great and lasting benefits on that place where it had found a home . Among the various institutions which tended to elevate the character of tbe
inhabitants , it was a source of much gratification to see a temple dedicated to brotherly love , relief , and truth . He should attend the B . of G . P . of G . L . on the following day , when he should not fail to communicate the successful result of their labours , and their progress in that Craft which they all had so much at heart .