Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 8 of 26 →
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and during the last twelve months , some good men and true have joined this Lodge . OXON . —O XFORD . —The annual meeting of the Pr . G . L . of Oxfordshire was held in the Masonic Hall , in this city , on Thursday , Feb . 19 , when a large number of the Fraternity attended . The
Pr . G . M ., Bro . Rev . C . J . Ridley , of University College , addressed the Brethren , and congratulated them on the progress oi' Masonry in the Province , and the large accession of members during the past year . He expressed the gratification it afforded him to see the Churchill Lodge re-established , and that a new Lodge , called the Cherwell Lodge , was about to be opened at Banbury . He exhorted the Brethren to carry out the principles of Masonry in all the
relations of life , and thus testify to the world that they were founded on truth , justice , and mercy . — The' accounts were audited and passed , ancl the following subscriptions voted : —21 . to the Masonic Annuity and Building Fund ; 21 . 2 s . to the Masonic Girls' and Boys' School ; 31 . 3 s . to the Radcliffe Infirmary ; 11 . Is . to the Oxford Medical Dispensary ; 11 . Is . to the Oxford Blue Coat School ; and 11 . Is . to the Anti-Mendicity Society .
The Dep .-Pr . G . M ., Bro . S . Bin-stall , moved , in eloquent terms , and Bro . Blake seconded , that the Pr . G . L . should present to Bro . Aid . R . J . Spiers , G . S . B . of England , some acknowledgment of the many and valuable services which he had rendered to Freemasonry , and for the very efficient maimer , in which he hacl promoted its advancement and success .
The motion was carried by the unanimous voice of the Lodge , and the Pr . G . M . stated that , having anticipated such a result , a token in the form of a silver goblet had been provided , which lie begged to present in the name of the Lodge to Bro . Spiers . The goblet , which is of an elegant design and exquisite workmanship , bore the following inscription : — .
Presented by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire to Bro . R . J . Spiers , P . P . G . S . W ., P . M . of the Alfred Lodge , and Grancl Sword Bearer of England , in grateful recollection of his various and valuable services in the cause of Freemasonry . Feb . 19 , 1852 . " Bro . Spiers returned thanks in appropriate terms , and was greatly applauded by the Brethren . The P . G . M . then appointed the following brethren to be his officers for the year : —Bros . F . SymondsS . "W . R . St . John T-
, ; yr whitt , Christ Church , J . W . ; Rev . C . J . Paul , Exeter College , Chaplain ; G . W . Latham , Brasenose College , Registrar ; J . Martin , Sec ; W . Beach , Christ Church , S . D . ; Aid . Dudley , J . D . ; J . H . Isles , Lincoln College , Sup . of W . ; T . Joy , Dir . of Cer . ; O . Ogle , Wadham College , Assis . ditto ; S . Elvy , O ; J . Thorp , S . B . Stewards—Brs . J . Prior , Frazer , A . Joy , Harrison ( Brasenose College ) , Still ( Exeter College ) , and Malcolm ( Christ Church ) . Bro .
Bossom was re-appointed Pursuivant , and Bro . Tipton , Tyler . Bro . Blake was re-elected Treasurer by the unanimous vote of the lodge . Apollo University Lodge . —In the afternoon of the same day the Brethren of the Apollo Universit y Lodge assembled for the purpose of installing their newly-elected W . M ., Bro . W . Beach , of Christ Church . The ceremony was performed by the
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and during the last twelve months , some good men and true have joined this Lodge . OXON . —O XFORD . —The annual meeting of the Pr . G . L . of Oxfordshire was held in the Masonic Hall , in this city , on Thursday , Feb . 19 , when a large number of the Fraternity attended . The
Pr . G . M ., Bro . Rev . C . J . Ridley , of University College , addressed the Brethren , and congratulated them on the progress oi' Masonry in the Province , and the large accession of members during the past year . He expressed the gratification it afforded him to see the Churchill Lodge re-established , and that a new Lodge , called the Cherwell Lodge , was about to be opened at Banbury . He exhorted the Brethren to carry out the principles of Masonry in all the
relations of life , and thus testify to the world that they were founded on truth , justice , and mercy . — The' accounts were audited and passed , ancl the following subscriptions voted : —21 . to the Masonic Annuity and Building Fund ; 21 . 2 s . to the Masonic Girls' and Boys' School ; 31 . 3 s . to the Radcliffe Infirmary ; 11 . Is . to the Oxford Medical Dispensary ; 11 . Is . to the Oxford Blue Coat School ; and 11 . Is . to the Anti-Mendicity Society .
The Dep .-Pr . G . M ., Bro . S . Bin-stall , moved , in eloquent terms , and Bro . Blake seconded , that the Pr . G . L . should present to Bro . Aid . R . J . Spiers , G . S . B . of England , some acknowledgment of the many and valuable services which he had rendered to Freemasonry , and for the very efficient maimer , in which he hacl promoted its advancement and success .
The motion was carried by the unanimous voice of the Lodge , and the Pr . G . M . stated that , having anticipated such a result , a token in the form of a silver goblet had been provided , which lie begged to present in the name of the Lodge to Bro . Spiers . The goblet , which is of an elegant design and exquisite workmanship , bore the following inscription : — .
Presented by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire to Bro . R . J . Spiers , P . P . G . S . W ., P . M . of the Alfred Lodge , and Grancl Sword Bearer of England , in grateful recollection of his various and valuable services in the cause of Freemasonry . Feb . 19 , 1852 . " Bro . Spiers returned thanks in appropriate terms , and was greatly applauded by the Brethren . The P . G . M . then appointed the following brethren to be his officers for the year : —Bros . F . SymondsS . "W . R . St . John T-
, ; yr whitt , Christ Church , J . W . ; Rev . C . J . Paul , Exeter College , Chaplain ; G . W . Latham , Brasenose College , Registrar ; J . Martin , Sec ; W . Beach , Christ Church , S . D . ; Aid . Dudley , J . D . ; J . H . Isles , Lincoln College , Sup . of W . ; T . Joy , Dir . of Cer . ; O . Ogle , Wadham College , Assis . ditto ; S . Elvy , O ; J . Thorp , S . B . Stewards—Brs . J . Prior , Frazer , A . Joy , Harrison ( Brasenose College ) , Still ( Exeter College ) , and Malcolm ( Christ Church ) . Bro .
Bossom was re-appointed Pursuivant , and Bro . Tipton , Tyler . Bro . Blake was re-elected Treasurer by the unanimous vote of the lodge . Apollo University Lodge . —In the afternoon of the same day the Brethren of the Apollo Universit y Lodge assembled for the purpose of installing their newly-elected W . M ., Bro . W . Beach , of Christ Church . The ceremony was performed by the