Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 26 →
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Richard Shaw , Junr . J . G . ; and J . Berry Tyler . After tiie business of tho Lodge was concluded , the Brethren sat down , to refreshment prepared for the occasion . When the usual toasts had been drunk , Loyal and Masonic , each departed to their respective homes , highly pleased with the jiroceedings . OLDHAM . —Consecration of the Royal Tudor ArchChapter , No . 344 . —This novel and beautiful ceremony took lace in the newl-formed
p y Chapter in this town , on Monday , the 26 th January , 1852 , the Most Excellent the Pr . G . S . for East Lancashire , Stephen Blair , M . P ., having kindly consented to be present on the occasion ; he deputed the arrangement of the ceremony to the M . E . P . Z ., No . 404 , and member of the Chapter of Virtue , No . 177 , Manchester , J . J . Moody , ancl he requested the E . C , the Rev . Moses Margoliouth , B . A ., of No . 177 , to undertake the onerous duties of Chaplain .
P . Z . J . J . Moody installed the E . Comp ., William Henry Fletcher , as 2 nd Principal , and P . Z . Samuel Brown , as 3 rd Principal of the Tudor Chapter , No . 344 , the M . E . Z . elect being unavoidably absent from illness . ' Six candidates were proposed for exaltation at the next meeting of the Chapter , which , from the well-known zeal and activity of its members , promises to become one of the most influential in the Eastern . Division of Lancashire .
LINCOLNSHIRE . —SPALDING . —The Members of the Hundred of Elloe Lodge , No . 6 . 00 , met at the Masonic Hall , Bank Passage , to celebrate the Festivity of St . John , on the 29 th of December last , and to install the W . M , Elect . P . M . Williamson presided as the Installing Master . Bro . J . W . II . Fids ivell , the W . M . Elect ., was duly installed by the Board of Installed Masters , and then appointed his Officers , and invested them with the insignia of office ; viz ., Bro . F . J . Limdy , from No . 833 , Canada , S . W . ; Bro . Jno . Clark , J . W . ; Bro . Willmot , S . D . ; Bro . Chas . Ramiz , as J . D . ; Bro . Draper , Treasurer ; Bro . Edw . Gentle , Secretary , and Bro . Briggs , J . G .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . —NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge , 693 . —The Installation of Bro . Cornelius Evans , as W . M . of this Lodge for the ensuing year , took place on the 31 st ult ., at the Masonic Hall , High Street . The following appointments were also made : — -S . W ., Bro . Hallen ; J . W ., Bro . West ; Tr ., Br . Wells ; Sec ., Bro . W . Williams ; Deacons , Brs . Collier and VVJiitechurch ; J . G ., Bro . Kelly ; Tyler , Bro . Frenburg . The Brethren afterwards dined together at the Westgate Hotelwhen a splendid Tea Service and a R . A . Jewel
, was presented to Bro . Samuel Coombs , " as a small token of gratitude for liis past services . " ' The W . M ., in presenting the Testimonial , feelingly alluded to the many years Bro . Coombs had devoted to Masonry ; to the number of Brethren he had from time to time initiated ; and to the very many acts of kindness always evinced by that Brother to the Craft in general .
Bro . Coombs , who was much affected by the presenilation , briefly , yet eloquently , returned thanks for the unexpected present thus made to him . The Brethren separated at an early hour . We are happy to add that Masonry is gaining ground rapidly in Newport ,
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Richard Shaw , Junr . J . G . ; and J . Berry Tyler . After tiie business of tho Lodge was concluded , the Brethren sat down , to refreshment prepared for the occasion . When the usual toasts had been drunk , Loyal and Masonic , each departed to their respective homes , highly pleased with the jiroceedings . OLDHAM . —Consecration of the Royal Tudor ArchChapter , No . 344 . —This novel and beautiful ceremony took lace in the newl-formed
p y Chapter in this town , on Monday , the 26 th January , 1852 , the Most Excellent the Pr . G . S . for East Lancashire , Stephen Blair , M . P ., having kindly consented to be present on the occasion ; he deputed the arrangement of the ceremony to the M . E . P . Z ., No . 404 , and member of the Chapter of Virtue , No . 177 , Manchester , J . J . Moody , ancl he requested the E . C , the Rev . Moses Margoliouth , B . A ., of No . 177 , to undertake the onerous duties of Chaplain .
P . Z . J . J . Moody installed the E . Comp ., William Henry Fletcher , as 2 nd Principal , and P . Z . Samuel Brown , as 3 rd Principal of the Tudor Chapter , No . 344 , the M . E . Z . elect being unavoidably absent from illness . ' Six candidates were proposed for exaltation at the next meeting of the Chapter , which , from the well-known zeal and activity of its members , promises to become one of the most influential in the Eastern . Division of Lancashire .
LINCOLNSHIRE . —SPALDING . —The Members of the Hundred of Elloe Lodge , No . 6 . 00 , met at the Masonic Hall , Bank Passage , to celebrate the Festivity of St . John , on the 29 th of December last , and to install the W . M , Elect . P . M . Williamson presided as the Installing Master . Bro . J . W . II . Fids ivell , the W . M . Elect ., was duly installed by the Board of Installed Masters , and then appointed his Officers , and invested them with the insignia of office ; viz ., Bro . F . J . Limdy , from No . 833 , Canada , S . W . ; Bro . Jno . Clark , J . W . ; Bro . Willmot , S . D . ; Bro . Chas . Ramiz , as J . D . ; Bro . Draper , Treasurer ; Bro . Edw . Gentle , Secretary , and Bro . Briggs , J . G .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . —NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge , 693 . —The Installation of Bro . Cornelius Evans , as W . M . of this Lodge for the ensuing year , took place on the 31 st ult ., at the Masonic Hall , High Street . The following appointments were also made : — -S . W ., Bro . Hallen ; J . W ., Bro . West ; Tr ., Br . Wells ; Sec ., Bro . W . Williams ; Deacons , Brs . Collier and VVJiitechurch ; J . G ., Bro . Kelly ; Tyler , Bro . Frenburg . The Brethren afterwards dined together at the Westgate Hotelwhen a splendid Tea Service and a R . A . Jewel
, was presented to Bro . Samuel Coombs , " as a small token of gratitude for liis past services . " ' The W . M ., in presenting the Testimonial , feelingly alluded to the many years Bro . Coombs had devoted to Masonry ; to the number of Brethren he had from time to time initiated ; and to the very many acts of kindness always evinced by that Brother to the Craft in general .
Bro . Coombs , who was much affected by the presenilation , briefly , yet eloquently , returned thanks for the unexpected present thus made to him . The Brethren separated at an early hour . We are happy to add that Masonry is gaining ground rapidly in Newport ,