Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 26 →
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Bro . JOHNSON rose and was warmly greeted , and offered his thanks in a speech replete with true Masonic feeling . " The West Lancashire Institution for the education and advancement in life of children of distressed Freemasons ; " and with this , " Prosperity to all Masonic Benevolent Institutions , " was admirably supported by the W . M . and Bro . P . Boardman . A spirited appeal from the chair speedily originated a respectable list of annual
subscribers ; after which , the usual collection was made for the asistance of poor and distressed Freemasons . " The Worshipful Master" was then proposed by Bro . Harriott , who responded in most appropriate terms . "The Visiting Brethren" was acknowledged by Bro . Clarkson , supported by _ Bro . Fowler , who gave— " The Sister Lodges ; may they all flourish in Masonic excellence . "
The healths of the Wardens , Deacons , Inner Guard , and Tyler , were then duly honoured , as well as the absent Brethren , ancl the Ladies . The W , M . then gave the toast , which forms the solemn conclusion on all festive occasions , and the brethren separated , delighted in the participation of those fraternal feelings and that comprehensive charity by which the festival ivas so eminently characterized .
MANCHESTER . —A very interesting event took place in the Lodge of Virtue , at the monthly meeting on Tuesday evening , the 16 th of March , 1852 . It having been intimated by Bro . Moody , that Bro . Captain Childs , of H . M . 's 46 th Reg . of Infantry , had in his possession the Bible used on the initiation into Freemasonry of the celebrated George Washington , in the Lodge of Social and Military Virtues , No . 227 , of the said regiment , the Chaplain of the garrison , Bro . the Rev . P . C . Nicholson , a member
of the Lodge of Virtue , No . 177 , kindly undertook to be the bearer of a letter from the W . M ., Bro . Thomas Chadwick , to Bro . Captain Childs , and the other officers of the Regiment , members of the Order , to the following effect : —
" Eev . ancl clear Sir and Brother , —The very interesting fact ofthe volume of the Sacrecl Law , upon which the great General Washington was obligated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry , being in the possession of the Masonie officers of H . M . 's 46 th Regiment of Infantry , having come to my knowledge , I shall esteem it a favour if you , as the Chaplain of the regiment here , accompanied by the Chaplain of the Lodge over which I have the honour to preside , ancl of which you are a member , will do me the favour of presenting my fraternal regards to all the officers of the regiment who are Masons , and say what delight it will give to me , ancl the Brethren of the Lodge of Virtue , if they will visit our Lodge on Tuesday evening next , and how much that delight will be increased by then- bearing ivith them that sacred volume , to which must be attached reminiscences most clear to every Masonie heart . "'
The following is an extract from Mr . Nicholson ' s reply : — " Dear Brother ancl W . M . —According to yom- request , I this day called at Salford Barracks , ancl was fortunate enough to meet ivith Captain Child ancl Dr . Franklin . both Brothers of the 46 th Regiment . Captain Child immediately produced the hallowed book , which he never permits to be far from his sight ; it having been placed in his company when the Lodge of the 46 th Regiment was dissolved some years ago , in Halifax , N . S . My eyes were gladdened by the ancient ancl venerable appearance of the Bible , twice taken in war , and carried off with the baggage of the 46 th Regiment , by the enemy—once by General Washington , in command of the American army , in 1777 , and once by the French , at Dominica , ancl each time honourably restored to the Lodge of VOL . HI . O
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Bro . JOHNSON rose and was warmly greeted , and offered his thanks in a speech replete with true Masonic feeling . " The West Lancashire Institution for the education and advancement in life of children of distressed Freemasons ; " and with this , " Prosperity to all Masonic Benevolent Institutions , " was admirably supported by the W . M . and Bro . P . Boardman . A spirited appeal from the chair speedily originated a respectable list of annual
subscribers ; after which , the usual collection was made for the asistance of poor and distressed Freemasons . " The Worshipful Master" was then proposed by Bro . Harriott , who responded in most appropriate terms . "The Visiting Brethren" was acknowledged by Bro . Clarkson , supported by _ Bro . Fowler , who gave— " The Sister Lodges ; may they all flourish in Masonic excellence . "
The healths of the Wardens , Deacons , Inner Guard , and Tyler , were then duly honoured , as well as the absent Brethren , ancl the Ladies . The W , M . then gave the toast , which forms the solemn conclusion on all festive occasions , and the brethren separated , delighted in the participation of those fraternal feelings and that comprehensive charity by which the festival ivas so eminently characterized .
MANCHESTER . —A very interesting event took place in the Lodge of Virtue , at the monthly meeting on Tuesday evening , the 16 th of March , 1852 . It having been intimated by Bro . Moody , that Bro . Captain Childs , of H . M . 's 46 th Reg . of Infantry , had in his possession the Bible used on the initiation into Freemasonry of the celebrated George Washington , in the Lodge of Social and Military Virtues , No . 227 , of the said regiment , the Chaplain of the garrison , Bro . the Rev . P . C . Nicholson , a member
of the Lodge of Virtue , No . 177 , kindly undertook to be the bearer of a letter from the W . M ., Bro . Thomas Chadwick , to Bro . Captain Childs , and the other officers of the Regiment , members of the Order , to the following effect : —
" Eev . ancl clear Sir and Brother , —The very interesting fact ofthe volume of the Sacrecl Law , upon which the great General Washington was obligated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry , being in the possession of the Masonie officers of H . M . 's 46 th Regiment of Infantry , having come to my knowledge , I shall esteem it a favour if you , as the Chaplain of the regiment here , accompanied by the Chaplain of the Lodge over which I have the honour to preside , ancl of which you are a member , will do me the favour of presenting my fraternal regards to all the officers of the regiment who are Masons , and say what delight it will give to me , ancl the Brethren of the Lodge of Virtue , if they will visit our Lodge on Tuesday evening next , and how much that delight will be increased by then- bearing ivith them that sacred volume , to which must be attached reminiscences most clear to every Masonie heart . "'
The following is an extract from Mr . Nicholson ' s reply : — " Dear Brother ancl W . M . —According to yom- request , I this day called at Salford Barracks , ancl was fortunate enough to meet ivith Captain Child ancl Dr . Franklin . both Brothers of the 46 th Regiment . Captain Child immediately produced the hallowed book , which he never permits to be far from his sight ; it having been placed in his company when the Lodge of the 46 th Regiment was dissolved some years ago , in Halifax , N . S . My eyes were gladdened by the ancient ancl venerable appearance of the Bible , twice taken in war , and carried off with the baggage of the 46 th Regiment , by the enemy—once by General Washington , in command of the American army , in 1777 , and once by the French , at Dominica , ancl each time honourably restored to the Lodge of VOL . HI . O