Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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In the course of his eloquent remarks , whilst proposing the toast of the evening , "Prosperity to the Lodges of Instruction , " the Chairman took occasion to congratulate the Lodge—nearly the oldest existing—upon its present flourishing rirospects and high working order . For his own part , he freely admitted the great advantage he himself had derived from his attendance there , not merely in qualifying himself for the position he at present filled
, but as a means of affording him greater light , whereby to contemplate the sublime mysteries of the ancient Order . Bro . Naghten concluded an address replete with Masonic feeling , by an energetic appeal to his younger Brethren to avail themselves of the numerous channels of Masonic information afforded by the Lodges of Instruction in London , for which many of our provincial Brethren must wish in vain .
Bro . Crawley , the Secretary , whose name was most properly coupled with the toast , briefly returned thanks , and the festivities , conducted in a truly Masonic spirit , were prolonged till a late hour . —N . B . The Lodge meets every Tuesday , at eight .
ST . ANDREW S LODGE , No . 281 . —On Thursday , Feb . 6 th , the Installation of Bro . G . G . Hooper as W . M . of this ancient Lodge took place in the Freemasons' Tavern under the most pleasing auspices . The ceremony was most ably and impressively performed by Bro . Levick . After the Installation , the W . M . initiated Bro . King , and went through the whole business of the Lodge in the most correct and efficient manner , so much so as to receive the unqualified approbation of nine Past Masterswho honoured the ceremony
, with their presence . Bro . Mills was appointed S . W . and Bro . Glendenning , J . W . The Secretary , in allusion to the annual report , congratulated the Lodge on its progressive prosperity , and from the large accession of members , there was every expectation of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge standing high in the estimation of the Craft . About twenty-eight of the Brethren and visitors sat down to a magnificent banquet , furnished by the new proprietors of the tavern ,
which included every delicacy of the season , and the wines were excellent . The harmony and conviviality ofthe evening were much enhanced by the well-told tales of Bro . Cubeson , and the rich and racy comic singing of Bro . Moodie .
BANK OP ENGLAND LODGE , NO . 329 . —The Brethren of this Lodge held their Installation meeting at Radley ' s Hotel on the 8 th of Jan . last , when Bro . M . Costa ( Grand Organist ) , the W . M . elect , was duly installed in the Chair by Bro . Past Master Whitmore , whose admirable performance of this beautiful and impressive ceremony is a great Masonic treat , and worthy of all praise . Bro . Costa , on his Installation , presented to the Lodge three elegant and costly carved oak chairswith velvet cushions & cand
, , , elevated platforms for the same , all designed and made expressly for the occasion ; also , a polished oak case , en suite , containing three pair of richly silver-laced gauntlets , embroidered with Masonic emblems ; and a complete set of very handsome collars for the Officers of the Lodge . These magnificent gifts were greatly admired , and the liberality of the donor duly appreciated by the Brethren , who immediately passed a vote of thanks to the following effect : — " That the Brethren have
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In the course of his eloquent remarks , whilst proposing the toast of the evening , "Prosperity to the Lodges of Instruction , " the Chairman took occasion to congratulate the Lodge—nearly the oldest existing—upon its present flourishing rirospects and high working order . For his own part , he freely admitted the great advantage he himself had derived from his attendance there , not merely in qualifying himself for the position he at present filled
, but as a means of affording him greater light , whereby to contemplate the sublime mysteries of the ancient Order . Bro . Naghten concluded an address replete with Masonic feeling , by an energetic appeal to his younger Brethren to avail themselves of the numerous channels of Masonic information afforded by the Lodges of Instruction in London , for which many of our provincial Brethren must wish in vain .
Bro . Crawley , the Secretary , whose name was most properly coupled with the toast , briefly returned thanks , and the festivities , conducted in a truly Masonic spirit , were prolonged till a late hour . —N . B . The Lodge meets every Tuesday , at eight .
ST . ANDREW S LODGE , No . 281 . —On Thursday , Feb . 6 th , the Installation of Bro . G . G . Hooper as W . M . of this ancient Lodge took place in the Freemasons' Tavern under the most pleasing auspices . The ceremony was most ably and impressively performed by Bro . Levick . After the Installation , the W . M . initiated Bro . King , and went through the whole business of the Lodge in the most correct and efficient manner , so much so as to receive the unqualified approbation of nine Past Masterswho honoured the ceremony
, with their presence . Bro . Mills was appointed S . W . and Bro . Glendenning , J . W . The Secretary , in allusion to the annual report , congratulated the Lodge on its progressive prosperity , and from the large accession of members , there was every expectation of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge standing high in the estimation of the Craft . About twenty-eight of the Brethren and visitors sat down to a magnificent banquet , furnished by the new proprietors of the tavern ,
which included every delicacy of the season , and the wines were excellent . The harmony and conviviality ofthe evening were much enhanced by the well-told tales of Bro . Cubeson , and the rich and racy comic singing of Bro . Moodie .
BANK OP ENGLAND LODGE , NO . 329 . —The Brethren of this Lodge held their Installation meeting at Radley ' s Hotel on the 8 th of Jan . last , when Bro . M . Costa ( Grand Organist ) , the W . M . elect , was duly installed in the Chair by Bro . Past Master Whitmore , whose admirable performance of this beautiful and impressive ceremony is a great Masonic treat , and worthy of all praise . Bro . Costa , on his Installation , presented to the Lodge three elegant and costly carved oak chairswith velvet cushions & cand
, , , elevated platforms for the same , all designed and made expressly for the occasion ; also , a polished oak case , en suite , containing three pair of richly silver-laced gauntlets , embroidered with Masonic emblems ; and a complete set of very handsome collars for the Officers of the Lodge . These magnificent gifts were greatly admired , and the liberality of the donor duly appreciated by the Brethren , who immediately passed a vote of thanks to the following effect : — " That the Brethren have