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Notes Upon Funeral Solemnities.
being solemnly sung by the said monastery , and diver 5 Diriges were sung in other parts of the church . With respect to the Dirige , it is generally supposed that our word Dirge is derived from it . Dr . Johnson , however , rejects this derivation . It is not , however , borrowed from the hymn " Dirige gressus meos" as the lexicographer
, says some pretend , but from the anthem to the first Nocturne in the matins for the oflice of the dead , beginning , " Dirige Domine meas in conspectu tuo viam meam . " The Dirige over , the corpse was lowered into the grave , and the mourners retired to partake of a slight refreshment , the candles and tapers around the hearse being left burning .
The next day , all returned to the church and resumed their places . Then began the first mass of Our Lady , solemnly sung by deacon and subdeacon , and at thc offertory the chief mourner , with the other mourners , made an offering of gold . In the evening , the mass of Requiem was sung by the Abbot of Bury " in pontificalibus , " and at thc
offertory the monks made their oblation after the custom and manner . Then the chief mourner made a second offering , and , the sermon preached , and other ceremonies concluded , there began a great dole , * given among the poor . Then the banners were set in order in the said chapel , in traces of iron , and the herse , with all other things , did remain there still , until the month ' s mind . f These banners
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes Upon Funeral Solemnities.
being solemnly sung by the said monastery , and diver 5 Diriges were sung in other parts of the church . With respect to the Dirige , it is generally supposed that our word Dirge is derived from it . Dr . Johnson , however , rejects this derivation . It is not , however , borrowed from the hymn " Dirige gressus meos" as the lexicographer
, says some pretend , but from the anthem to the first Nocturne in the matins for the oflice of the dead , beginning , " Dirige Domine meas in conspectu tuo viam meam . " The Dirige over , the corpse was lowered into the grave , and the mourners retired to partake of a slight refreshment , the candles and tapers around the hearse being left burning .
The next day , all returned to the church and resumed their places . Then began the first mass of Our Lady , solemnly sung by deacon and subdeacon , and at thc offertory the chief mourner , with the other mourners , made an offering of gold . In the evening , the mass of Requiem was sung by the Abbot of Bury " in pontificalibus , " and at thc
offertory the monks made their oblation after the custom and manner . Then the chief mourner made a second offering , and , the sermon preached , and other ceremonies concluded , there began a great dole , * given among the poor . Then the banners were set in order in the said chapel , in traces of iron , and the herse , with all other things , did remain there still , until the month ' s mind . f These banners