Article EAST INDIES. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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East Indies.
and Brotherl y love . Yes , Brethren , it is possible , as Bro . Masked states , that I shall be upon the wide and open sea on St . John's Day—but my heart will be with you . Think of me then when conducting the ceremonies of that day . Think of me in your own circles at Christmas—and you may assure yourselves then , that my mind will be turned towards my Home , my family , and my Brethren . Again and again I thank you most sincerely my dear Brethren , for all your kindness since 1 have been associated with
you as a Mason . Bro . McDowell then proposed the health of " the AV . Bro . Glover , the P . G . S ., " which was responded to with cheers . Bro . Coleman rose to propose the health of " the AV . Bro . who sat on the left ofthe Chairman , AV . Bro . Papell , of Lodge Social Friendship , and S- G . AV . of this Province . " AV . B . Papell was well known to the whole of the Craft in India , it was therefore unnecessary to detain the Brethren with any speech b of prefacebut it would be admitted ball seated around
y way , y the board , that Bro . Papell was one of the most zealous Masons enrolled under the banners of Freemasonry . To the above Bro . Papell eloquently replied . __ The next toast to " Our Sister Lodges of Perfect Unanimity , Social Friendship , and Pilgrims of Light , " was proposed by Bro . Dickson , prefaced by a few appropriate remarks . This being responded to by the Brethren , AV . Bro . Laurence , of Lodge Social Friendship , returned thanks .
Bro . Papell then rose and said—Brethren and Friends , allow me to call upon you to charge bumpers to do honour to the toast I am about to propose . I am sure that as it is the duty of all Masons to relieve , as far as their circumstances in life will fairly warrant , the friend or Brother in distress ; we cannot carry out that duty more satisfactorily than by wishing " Increased prosperity to Lodge Uuiversal Charity , " a Lodge liaving CHARITY for its name—CHARITY for its motto—and , let us hope , CHARITY in all its transactions .
"It is good for Brethren to dwell in unity "—and how can they do that unless bound together by the bonds of love or Charity—not carping at each other ' s human frailties , but , as far as can be , extending the principle of Charity to ah , that is by practising " Universal Charity . " Brother Maskell returned thanks on behalf of Lodge Universal Charity . Brother Grant next proposed " the health of the Ladies , " accompanied by a few remarks ; which being enthusiastically responded to , Brother Skey rose and " The healthwealthprosperityand
happigave , , , , ness of all our guests assembled this evening . " Worshipful Brother Kennet , as the oldest guest present , returned thanks on behalf of himself and the other Brethren and friends . After several other toasts , which being responded to , Bro . Mackertich proposed " Our absent Friends . " The Brethren separated at midnight , quite delighted with the proceedings of the evening , and in perfect harmony with each other .
SINGAPORE . —Lodge Zetland in the East , No . 748 Tbe 27 th December being the anniversary of the titular Saint of Masonry , the members of the above Lodge assembled at the Masonic Hall , in North Bridge Road , for the purpose of witnessing the installation of the AVorshipful Master elect , Bro . Jarvie , and the investiture of the Office Bearers for the ensuing year . The ceremony was performed by the AV . P . M ., Bro . M . F . Davidson , assisted by the VV . Bros . Gumming , Baumgarten , and Smith . The following Office Bearers were appointed : —
AV . Bro . J . Jarvie , M . E . J ., 748 AV . M . ; F . Davidson , P . M . ; F . A . Cargill , S . AV . ; T . H . Campbell , J . VV . j Rev . F . AV . Linstedt , Chaplain ; J . C . Smith , Treas . ; C . J . Curties , Sec . ; R . AV . AViber , Assist . Sec . ; AV . C . Leisk , S . D . ; T . Tivendale , J . D . ; G . H . Brown , O . ; AV . Martin , I . G . ; AV . Kraal , and C . Perreau , Tylers .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
East Indies.
and Brotherl y love . Yes , Brethren , it is possible , as Bro . Masked states , that I shall be upon the wide and open sea on St . John's Day—but my heart will be with you . Think of me then when conducting the ceremonies of that day . Think of me in your own circles at Christmas—and you may assure yourselves then , that my mind will be turned towards my Home , my family , and my Brethren . Again and again I thank you most sincerely my dear Brethren , for all your kindness since 1 have been associated with
you as a Mason . Bro . McDowell then proposed the health of " the AV . Bro . Glover , the P . G . S ., " which was responded to with cheers . Bro . Coleman rose to propose the health of " the AV . Bro . who sat on the left ofthe Chairman , AV . Bro . Papell , of Lodge Social Friendship , and S- G . AV . of this Province . " AV . B . Papell was well known to the whole of the Craft in India , it was therefore unnecessary to detain the Brethren with any speech b of prefacebut it would be admitted ball seated around
y way , y the board , that Bro . Papell was one of the most zealous Masons enrolled under the banners of Freemasonry . To the above Bro . Papell eloquently replied . __ The next toast to " Our Sister Lodges of Perfect Unanimity , Social Friendship , and Pilgrims of Light , " was proposed by Bro . Dickson , prefaced by a few appropriate remarks . This being responded to by the Brethren , AV . Bro . Laurence , of Lodge Social Friendship , returned thanks .
Bro . Papell then rose and said—Brethren and Friends , allow me to call upon you to charge bumpers to do honour to the toast I am about to propose . I am sure that as it is the duty of all Masons to relieve , as far as their circumstances in life will fairly warrant , the friend or Brother in distress ; we cannot carry out that duty more satisfactorily than by wishing " Increased prosperity to Lodge Uuiversal Charity , " a Lodge liaving CHARITY for its name—CHARITY for its motto—and , let us hope , CHARITY in all its transactions .
"It is good for Brethren to dwell in unity "—and how can they do that unless bound together by the bonds of love or Charity—not carping at each other ' s human frailties , but , as far as can be , extending the principle of Charity to ah , that is by practising " Universal Charity . " Brother Maskell returned thanks on behalf of Lodge Universal Charity . Brother Grant next proposed " the health of the Ladies , " accompanied by a few remarks ; which being enthusiastically responded to , Brother Skey rose and " The healthwealthprosperityand
happigave , , , , ness of all our guests assembled this evening . " Worshipful Brother Kennet , as the oldest guest present , returned thanks on behalf of himself and the other Brethren and friends . After several other toasts , which being responded to , Bro . Mackertich proposed " Our absent Friends . " The Brethren separated at midnight , quite delighted with the proceedings of the evening , and in perfect harmony with each other .
SINGAPORE . —Lodge Zetland in the East , No . 748 Tbe 27 th December being the anniversary of the titular Saint of Masonry , the members of the above Lodge assembled at the Masonic Hall , in North Bridge Road , for the purpose of witnessing the installation of the AVorshipful Master elect , Bro . Jarvie , and the investiture of the Office Bearers for the ensuing year . The ceremony was performed by the AV . P . M ., Bro . M . F . Davidson , assisted by the VV . Bros . Gumming , Baumgarten , and Smith . The following Office Bearers were appointed : —
AV . Bro . J . Jarvie , M . E . J ., 748 AV . M . ; F . Davidson , P . M . ; F . A . Cargill , S . AV . ; T . H . Campbell , J . VV . j Rev . F . AV . Linstedt , Chaplain ; J . C . Smith , Treas . ; C . J . Curties , Sec . ; R . AV . AViber , Assist . Sec . ; AV . C . Leisk , S . D . ; T . Tivendale , J . D . ; G . H . Brown , O . ; AV . Martin , I . G . ; AV . Kraal , and C . Perreau , Tylers .