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EDINBURGH . —A grand ball , under the patronage of the Scottish Grand Lodge of Freemasons , took place in the Assembly Rooms and Music Hall , George Street , on the evening of the 4 th of February . The assemblage was most numerous and fashionable , amounting to betiveen four and five hundred , and the ball-room was enlivened by the varied and profuse display of the ornaments and official distinctions of the " Brethren . " His Grace the Duke of AtholGrand Master Mason of
, Scotland , ancl the Masters and Office-bearers of various Lodges appeared in full Masonic costume , while others were distinguished as belonging to the mystic Craft , by symply wearing the small apron . The highest Order of Masonry , namely , the 33 rd degree , forming the Council of Scottish Rites , were represented by the Duke of Athol , the Hon . Bro . Jocelyn , Dr . Somerville , J . L . AVoodman , and AV . Donaldson . The dancing was carried on with great spirit until five o ' clock in the
morning—the Duke and Duchess of Athol , and many other distinguished parties , remained till that hour . The band of the 93 rd Highlanders , after performing a variety of airs in the vestibule , played during supper in the gallery of the Music Hall . The lively tune of the " Merry Masons" was frequently and spiritedly performed , as well as several other airs appropriate to the occasion . The supper table was elegantly laid out in the Music Hall . Both ball and supper-rooms , and lobbies , were fitted up by Mr . Scrymgeour—the style of decoration being very simple , but tasteful .
On Monday , March 10 , the Theatre Royal , Edinburgh , presented a brilliant spectacle , the evening ' s performance being uncier the patronage of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , headed by his Grace the Duke of Athol and other Officers of the Grand Loclge of Scotland . In the Grand Master ' s box , and surrounding the Most Worshipful G . M ., were Lord J . Murray , the Hon . Capt . Drummond , S . ' r J . Drummond , Bart ., M . Drummond , Esq . W . A . Laurie , Esq ., J . L . AVoodham , Esq ., Capt .
Scott , Capt . Wade , & c . The performances commenced with the " Merchant of Venice , " ( in which Mr . G . V . Brooke appeared as Shylock ) , ancl " Simpson and Co ., " in which Mr . Murray represented the hero of the piece _ In the interval between the pieces Mr . Murray appeared on the stage in Masonic costume and delivered an address , which was enthusiastically cheered , after which the whole company appeared on the stage , when the National Anthem was sung , the audience joining in the chorus .
Annual Meeting of Master Masons . —On Monday , the 17 th of February , the members of the Master Masons' Club celebrated their anniversary in the Old Town Cafe . The former Office Bearers having been re-elected , the Brethren sat down to an excellent supper , prepared in Mrs . Murray ' s best style . The Chair was ably filled by Bro . John Brown , Depute-Chairman of the Club , who , having given the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts , proposed the health of "the Uuke of Athol ,
Most Worshipful Grand Master of Scotland , and the Grand Lodge of Scotland . " He very happily alluded to the trul y Masonic manner in which the M . AV . Grand Master at all times evinced his anxiety to be of service to the Craft , and in every way in his poiver to forward the interests of Scottish Masonry . He only knew him as a Mason , and in that capacity alone referred to him . Whatever the opinion of the popular world mi ght be , from the manner in which he had presided over the Grand Loclge , he had earned for himself the respect and esteem of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
EDINBURGH . —A grand ball , under the patronage of the Scottish Grand Lodge of Freemasons , took place in the Assembly Rooms and Music Hall , George Street , on the evening of the 4 th of February . The assemblage was most numerous and fashionable , amounting to betiveen four and five hundred , and the ball-room was enlivened by the varied and profuse display of the ornaments and official distinctions of the " Brethren . " His Grace the Duke of AtholGrand Master Mason of
, Scotland , ancl the Masters and Office-bearers of various Lodges appeared in full Masonic costume , while others were distinguished as belonging to the mystic Craft , by symply wearing the small apron . The highest Order of Masonry , namely , the 33 rd degree , forming the Council of Scottish Rites , were represented by the Duke of Athol , the Hon . Bro . Jocelyn , Dr . Somerville , J . L . AVoodman , and AV . Donaldson . The dancing was carried on with great spirit until five o ' clock in the
morning—the Duke and Duchess of Athol , and many other distinguished parties , remained till that hour . The band of the 93 rd Highlanders , after performing a variety of airs in the vestibule , played during supper in the gallery of the Music Hall . The lively tune of the " Merry Masons" was frequently and spiritedly performed , as well as several other airs appropriate to the occasion . The supper table was elegantly laid out in the Music Hall . Both ball and supper-rooms , and lobbies , were fitted up by Mr . Scrymgeour—the style of decoration being very simple , but tasteful .
On Monday , March 10 , the Theatre Royal , Edinburgh , presented a brilliant spectacle , the evening ' s performance being uncier the patronage of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , headed by his Grace the Duke of Athol and other Officers of the Grand Loclge of Scotland . In the Grand Master ' s box , and surrounding the Most Worshipful G . M ., were Lord J . Murray , the Hon . Capt . Drummond , S . ' r J . Drummond , Bart ., M . Drummond , Esq . W . A . Laurie , Esq ., J . L . AVoodham , Esq ., Capt .
Scott , Capt . Wade , & c . The performances commenced with the " Merchant of Venice , " ( in which Mr . G . V . Brooke appeared as Shylock ) , ancl " Simpson and Co ., " in which Mr . Murray represented the hero of the piece _ In the interval between the pieces Mr . Murray appeared on the stage in Masonic costume and delivered an address , which was enthusiastically cheered , after which the whole company appeared on the stage , when the National Anthem was sung , the audience joining in the chorus .
Annual Meeting of Master Masons . —On Monday , the 17 th of February , the members of the Master Masons' Club celebrated their anniversary in the Old Town Cafe . The former Office Bearers having been re-elected , the Brethren sat down to an excellent supper , prepared in Mrs . Murray ' s best style . The Chair was ably filled by Bro . John Brown , Depute-Chairman of the Club , who , having given the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts , proposed the health of "the Uuke of Athol ,
Most Worshipful Grand Master of Scotland , and the Grand Lodge of Scotland . " He very happily alluded to the trul y Masonic manner in which the M . AV . Grand Master at all times evinced his anxiety to be of service to the Craft , and in every way in his poiver to forward the interests of Scottish Masonry . He only knew him as a Mason , and in that capacity alone referred to him . Whatever the opinion of the popular world mi ght be , from the manner in which he had presided over the Grand Loclge , he had earned for himself the respect and esteem of