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Reply to the Circular—Address to Mr . Thomas Colquhoun , Scottish Master Masons' Club , Old Town Cafe , 209 , High Street . Council Chamber , Edinburgh , Fell . 2 G , 1851 . SIB , —I am directed by the Lord Provost to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22 nd inst ., with a resolution of the Scottish Master Masons' Clubof the date January 131851 ancl copy of their laws
, , , and regulations ; and to state that while his Lordship feels obliged by your kind invitation to visit the club , either in his public or private capacity , he does not consider it necessary at present to clo so . His Lordship feels assured that the meetings of the club are conducted with propriety , and is pleased to find that by the said resolutions that its members are bound to aid and support , and assist to the best of their abilitythose in authority over them .
, You will be pleased to communicate this to the Club . I am , Sir , your most obedient . Signed , R . MORHAM , Deput . City Clerk . Mr . Thos . Colquhoun , Scottish Master Masons' Club , Town Cafe .
GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLARD . —On Monday , the 2 nd Dec , 1850 , the Grand Loilge met in Edinburgh , for the annual election of office-bearers , and for the celebration of the Festival of St . Andrew . The following were those chosen for the ensuing year : — His Grace the Duke of Athol , G . M . ; Right Hon . Lord Frederick Fitzclarence , G . C . H ., P . G . M . ; J . AV . Melville , of Bennochy , D . G . M . ; Sir AV . MillerBart . of GlenleeS . G . M . ; Col . M . Belshesof
In-, , , , vermay , S . G . AV . ; Sir J . D . Lauder , Bart ., J . G . AV . ; S . Hay , G . T . ; AV . A . Laurie , G . S . ; J . L . Woodman , G . C . ; Rev . Dr . Arnot , G . C ; F . L . S . Wedderburn , S . G . D . ; Sir J . AV . Drummond , Bart ., J . G . D . ; D . Bryce , G . A . ; C . Mackay , G . J . ; J . Deuchar , G . B . B . ; R . Gilfillan , ( since dead ) , G . B . ; Lieut . P . Deuchar , R . N . G . D . C ; A . Murray , G . S . B . ; W . N . Montiguani , G . D . M . ; A . Menzies and J . TinsleyG . M . ; D . Ross Band , W . M . PryceTylers .
, , In the evening about forty Brethren dined together at the Waterloo Hotel . His Grace the Duke of Athole , Grand Master , occupied the chair , and was supported by the Earl of Buchan , Lord J . Murray , Sir R . Menzies , Rev . Dr . Arnot , Capt . J . Murray , R . N ., Col . Boileau , Bengal Army , S . Hay , W . A . Laurie , G . S . ; — Graham , of Leitchtown , & c . Sir J . D . Lauder , Bart ., J . G . AV ., acted as croupier , and was supported by the Hon . Capt . J . R . Drummond , H . N ., J . J .
Oswald , of Dunnikier , J . Hunter , North British Staff , Capt . Crawford , 93 rd Highlanders , J . A . Fraser , 93 rd Highlanders , H . Frazer , of Struve , J . L . Woodman , D . Bryce , Capt . M'Neil , & c . After the dinner , there was a large meeting in the Great Hall . Besides the Edinburgh Lodges , there were present various deputations from those in the provinces . The evening was spent in that harmony , which has always characterized the Craft . The fine band of the 93 rd Highlanders attended , and played a choice selection of music from the best masters , under Sig . D'Angelis , thc able and talented conductor .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reply to the Circular—Address to Mr . Thomas Colquhoun , Scottish Master Masons' Club , Old Town Cafe , 209 , High Street . Council Chamber , Edinburgh , Fell . 2 G , 1851 . SIB , —I am directed by the Lord Provost to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22 nd inst ., with a resolution of the Scottish Master Masons' Clubof the date January 131851 ancl copy of their laws
, , , and regulations ; and to state that while his Lordship feels obliged by your kind invitation to visit the club , either in his public or private capacity , he does not consider it necessary at present to clo so . His Lordship feels assured that the meetings of the club are conducted with propriety , and is pleased to find that by the said resolutions that its members are bound to aid and support , and assist to the best of their abilitythose in authority over them .
, You will be pleased to communicate this to the Club . I am , Sir , your most obedient . Signed , R . MORHAM , Deput . City Clerk . Mr . Thos . Colquhoun , Scottish Master Masons' Club , Town Cafe .
GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLARD . —On Monday , the 2 nd Dec , 1850 , the Grand Loilge met in Edinburgh , for the annual election of office-bearers , and for the celebration of the Festival of St . Andrew . The following were those chosen for the ensuing year : — His Grace the Duke of Athol , G . M . ; Right Hon . Lord Frederick Fitzclarence , G . C . H ., P . G . M . ; J . AV . Melville , of Bennochy , D . G . M . ; Sir AV . MillerBart . of GlenleeS . G . M . ; Col . M . Belshesof
In-, , , , vermay , S . G . AV . ; Sir J . D . Lauder , Bart ., J . G . AV . ; S . Hay , G . T . ; AV . A . Laurie , G . S . ; J . L . Woodman , G . C . ; Rev . Dr . Arnot , G . C ; F . L . S . Wedderburn , S . G . D . ; Sir J . AV . Drummond , Bart ., J . G . D . ; D . Bryce , G . A . ; C . Mackay , G . J . ; J . Deuchar , G . B . B . ; R . Gilfillan , ( since dead ) , G . B . ; Lieut . P . Deuchar , R . N . G . D . C ; A . Murray , G . S . B . ; W . N . Montiguani , G . D . M . ; A . Menzies and J . TinsleyG . M . ; D . Ross Band , W . M . PryceTylers .
, , In the evening about forty Brethren dined together at the Waterloo Hotel . His Grace the Duke of Athole , Grand Master , occupied the chair , and was supported by the Earl of Buchan , Lord J . Murray , Sir R . Menzies , Rev . Dr . Arnot , Capt . J . Murray , R . N ., Col . Boileau , Bengal Army , S . Hay , W . A . Laurie , G . S . ; — Graham , of Leitchtown , & c . Sir J . D . Lauder , Bart ., J . G . AV ., acted as croupier , and was supported by the Hon . Capt . J . R . Drummond , H . N ., J . J .
Oswald , of Dunnikier , J . Hunter , North British Staff , Capt . Crawford , 93 rd Highlanders , J . A . Fraser , 93 rd Highlanders , H . Frazer , of Struve , J . L . Woodman , D . Bryce , Capt . M'Neil , & c . After the dinner , there was a large meeting in the Great Hall . Besides the Edinburgh Lodges , there were present various deputations from those in the provinces . The evening was spent in that harmony , which has always characterized the Craft . The fine band of the 93 rd Highlanders attended , and played a choice selection of music from the best masters , under Sig . D'Angelis , thc able and talented conductor .