Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 14 →
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Lodge was summoned for 3 o ' clock , there being three initiations . The business of the Lodge being over , the Brethren retired to the New Inn to partake of refreshment , provided by Bro . Lansbury , to commemorate the auspicious event . Bro . Horder ) , AV , M ., presided , Bro . Hales , S . AV ., filled the vice chair . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and drunk with the accustomed honours ; the evening was spent in rational and cheerful enjoymenttrue Masonic feeling manifesting
, itself throughout . The Brethren separated soon after 10 o ' clock . OXFORD . —Provincial Grand Lodge . —The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire was held at the Masonic Hall in this city on the 19 th of February . The Prov . G . Master , Bro . the Rev . J . C . Ridley , of University College , addressed the Brethren , and congratulated them on the increasing prosperity of Masonry in this provinceand on the revival of the
, Churchill Loclge , at Henley , through the active exertions of his Senior Grand AVarden , Bro . R . J . Spiers . He rejoiced that the Mastership of the Lodge had been entrusted to Bro . the Rev . Edward Moore , as it was a sure guarantee of its success . He alluded to the banquet given by the Lord Mayor of London to the Grand Masters' Lodge , the Provincial Grand Masters , ancl the Officers of the Grand Lodge of England , and considered that in his person an honour had been paid to the Province
of Oxfordshire , over which it was his good fortune to preside . He . regarded also the appointment of Bro . R . J . Spiers to the hi gh office of Grand Sword Bearer as highly complimentary to the Province . The report and financial statement of the past year were so satisfactory that the Lodge was enabled not only to continue its annual subscription to the general Masonic charities , but also to contribute towards funds of the several local charities .
The following sums were voted : —To the Masonic Boys' School , 1 / . Is . ; to the Masonic Girls' School , ll . Is . ; to the Royal Masonic Institution and the building fund , 2 / . ; to the Ratcliffe Infirmary , 3 / . 3 . ? . ; to the Oxford Medical Dispensary , 11 . 2 s . ; to the Anti-Menciicity Society , 11 . Is . ; to the Blue Coat Boys' School , 1 / . Is ., and to the Clothing Fund 21 . 2 s .
The P . G . M . then appointed the following brethren to be his officers for the ensuing year : — Bros . S . Burstall , Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; the Rev . G . R . Portal , of Ch . Ch ., Senior Grand Warden ; F . Symonds , Junior Grand Warden ; the Rev . R . J . O gle , of Lincoln College , Grand Chaplain ; F . Thomas , Grand Registrar ; Tyrwhitt , of Ch . Ch ., Grand Secretary ; Owen , Senior Grand Deacon ; Beach , of Ch . Ch ., Junior Grand Deacon ; Leslie , of Balliol , Superintendent of
Works ; Paul , of Exeter College , Director of Ceremonies ; J . Martin , Assistant Director of Ceremonies ; AV . Gardiner , Sword Bearer ; Dr . Elvey , Organist ; Bossom , Pursuivant ; Terry , Aid . Dudley , D . Walsh , J . Thorp , Balguy , and E . Townsend , Stewards . Bro . Blake was reelected Grand Treasurer , ancl Bro . Tipton Grand Tyler . In the afternoon of the same day Bro . Tyrwhitt was installed into the office of Worshipful Master of the Apollo University Lodge for the
ensuing year . The ceremony was conducted in a most impressive and able manner by the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Burstall , and elicited the applause of the brethren . The W . M . appointed the following brethren to be his officers for the year : —Bros . W . W . Beach , S . W ., Ch . Ch . ; C . K . Paul , J . W ., Exe-
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Lodge was summoned for 3 o ' clock , there being three initiations . The business of the Lodge being over , the Brethren retired to the New Inn to partake of refreshment , provided by Bro . Lansbury , to commemorate the auspicious event . Bro . Horder ) , AV , M ., presided , Bro . Hales , S . AV ., filled the vice chair . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and drunk with the accustomed honours ; the evening was spent in rational and cheerful enjoymenttrue Masonic feeling manifesting
, itself throughout . The Brethren separated soon after 10 o ' clock . OXFORD . —Provincial Grand Lodge . —The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire was held at the Masonic Hall in this city on the 19 th of February . The Prov . G . Master , Bro . the Rev . J . C . Ridley , of University College , addressed the Brethren , and congratulated them on the increasing prosperity of Masonry in this provinceand on the revival of the
, Churchill Loclge , at Henley , through the active exertions of his Senior Grand AVarden , Bro . R . J . Spiers . He rejoiced that the Mastership of the Lodge had been entrusted to Bro . the Rev . Edward Moore , as it was a sure guarantee of its success . He alluded to the banquet given by the Lord Mayor of London to the Grand Masters' Lodge , the Provincial Grand Masters , ancl the Officers of the Grand Lodge of England , and considered that in his person an honour had been paid to the Province
of Oxfordshire , over which it was his good fortune to preside . He . regarded also the appointment of Bro . R . J . Spiers to the hi gh office of Grand Sword Bearer as highly complimentary to the Province . The report and financial statement of the past year were so satisfactory that the Lodge was enabled not only to continue its annual subscription to the general Masonic charities , but also to contribute towards funds of the several local charities .
The following sums were voted : —To the Masonic Boys' School , 1 / . Is . ; to the Masonic Girls' School , ll . Is . ; to the Royal Masonic Institution and the building fund , 2 / . ; to the Ratcliffe Infirmary , 3 / . 3 . ? . ; to the Oxford Medical Dispensary , 11 . 2 s . ; to the Anti-Menciicity Society , 11 . Is . ; to the Blue Coat Boys' School , 1 / . Is ., and to the Clothing Fund 21 . 2 s .
The P . G . M . then appointed the following brethren to be his officers for the ensuing year : — Bros . S . Burstall , Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; the Rev . G . R . Portal , of Ch . Ch ., Senior Grand Warden ; F . Symonds , Junior Grand Warden ; the Rev . R . J . O gle , of Lincoln College , Grand Chaplain ; F . Thomas , Grand Registrar ; Tyrwhitt , of Ch . Ch ., Grand Secretary ; Owen , Senior Grand Deacon ; Beach , of Ch . Ch ., Junior Grand Deacon ; Leslie , of Balliol , Superintendent of
Works ; Paul , of Exeter College , Director of Ceremonies ; J . Martin , Assistant Director of Ceremonies ; AV . Gardiner , Sword Bearer ; Dr . Elvey , Organist ; Bossom , Pursuivant ; Terry , Aid . Dudley , D . Walsh , J . Thorp , Balguy , and E . Townsend , Stewards . Bro . Blake was reelected Grand Treasurer , ancl Bro . Tipton Grand Tyler . In the afternoon of the same day Bro . Tyrwhitt was installed into the office of Worshipful Master of the Apollo University Lodge for the
ensuing year . The ceremony was conducted in a most impressive and able manner by the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Burstall , and elicited the applause of the brethren . The W . M . appointed the following brethren to be his officers for the year : —Bros . W . W . Beach , S . W ., Ch . Ch . ; C . K . Paul , J . W ., Exe-