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that it promises shortly to become one of the most numerous and ' respectable Lodges in East Lancashire . The principles of Freemasonry here are becoming better understood and practised , and when ^ that is the case no fear need be entertained of the success of the Order , oiyhat its advantages and privileges will not be duly appreciated . NORFOLK . —NORWICH . —The Social Lodge , No . 110 .. " celebrated St . John ' s Day on Tuesday Jan . 13 th , on which occasion it was visited by
the P . G . M . the Right Hon . Lord Suffield , AV . N . H . Turner , P . G . Sec , ancl forty Brethren . Faithful Lodge , No . 100 . —At a meeting of this " . Lodge , held January 23 , IS .-il , Bro . H . Underwood was installed AV . M . by Bro . II . J . Mason , Prov . Grand Steward ; after which upwards of twenty of the Brethren partook of refreshment , and passed a joyous evening in ^ mutual harmony ancl good fellowship .
Provincial Grand Lodge . — On the 31 st of January , the halfyearly meeting of the Grand Loclge for the Province of Norfolk , was holtlen in the city of Norwich by the R . AA- ' . Lord Suffield , the Prov . G . AL , at ivhich the following Brethren ivere present;—Bros . Tomlinson . as P . G . S . AV . ; P . Millard , P . G . J . AV . ; J . Harwell , P . G . Treasurer ' ; J . Dixon , as P . G . S . D . ; AV . N . H . Turner , P . G . Secretary ; S . Ferrier , P . G . R . ; J . Lound , P . G . Sup . of AV . ; — L ' tting , P . G . S . B . ; D . Barnard , P . G . Pursuivant , with the P . G . Stewards , and the Masters Wardens , Officers , and Brethren , ofthe City and County Lodges .
I he Prov . G . L . having been opened m clue form , anil with solemn prayer , and the routine business of the meeting having been disposed of , the P . G . M ., in an eloquent and kind address , presented to Lro . Turner , the P . G . Secretary , a rich and elegant silver tea and coffee service ( which had heen subscribed for by the Grand Officers and Brethren ) , as a token of the high estimation in ivhich Lro . Turner ' s services to the Craft , extending over a period of twenty-one years , are held by the Brethren within the Province . The R . AV . P . G . M . in his
admirable address , particularly . alluded to the untiring zeal which Bro . Turner had , from theperioc ! of his initiation to the present time , evinced toivards Freemasonry , and to the great exertions which he had ever made in carrying out the Landmarks of the Order , it having been mainly through his instrumentality that Masonry had been preserved in its present flourishing state in the Province . His Lordship concluded an eloquent address with a beautiful and feeling exordium to Bro . Turner ,
as to his future career in life , and a fervent prayer for his prosperity and happiness , ancl that he might long live to enjoy the esteem anil respect of his Brethren . Brother Turner , ivho was at times much affected , expressed his thanks in a neat and appropriate speech . The P . G . Lodge was then duly closed , and the Brethren retired to refreshment . The plate consists of a complete tea and coffee service , ancl is of the rich Louis Quartorze pattern , most elegantly and elaborately chased . It was supplied by Bro . Cooper , of this city , and the following inscription is engraved upon the coffee biggin : —
" Presented to IV . N . H . Turner , Esq ., Secretary of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fiec aud Accepted Masons for Norfolk , by the Grand Olficevs ami Brethren whhm the Province , as a token of tiie high estimation in which his services to the Craft arc held by tticm . " January 31 , 11151 . NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . —KETTERING . —Lodge of Perseverance , G 6 t > . — The Brethren of this Loclge assembled at their new room , High Street , Feb . 17 th , for the first time , when no little interest was , excited . The
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that it promises shortly to become one of the most numerous and ' respectable Lodges in East Lancashire . The principles of Freemasonry here are becoming better understood and practised , and when ^ that is the case no fear need be entertained of the success of the Order , oiyhat its advantages and privileges will not be duly appreciated . NORFOLK . —NORWICH . —The Social Lodge , No . 110 .. " celebrated St . John ' s Day on Tuesday Jan . 13 th , on which occasion it was visited by
the P . G . M . the Right Hon . Lord Suffield , AV . N . H . Turner , P . G . Sec , ancl forty Brethren . Faithful Lodge , No . 100 . —At a meeting of this " . Lodge , held January 23 , IS .-il , Bro . H . Underwood was installed AV . M . by Bro . II . J . Mason , Prov . Grand Steward ; after which upwards of twenty of the Brethren partook of refreshment , and passed a joyous evening in ^ mutual harmony ancl good fellowship .
Provincial Grand Lodge . — On the 31 st of January , the halfyearly meeting of the Grand Loclge for the Province of Norfolk , was holtlen in the city of Norwich by the R . AA- ' . Lord Suffield , the Prov . G . AL , at ivhich the following Brethren ivere present;—Bros . Tomlinson . as P . G . S . AV . ; P . Millard , P . G . J . AV . ; J . Harwell , P . G . Treasurer ' ; J . Dixon , as P . G . S . D . ; AV . N . H . Turner , P . G . Secretary ; S . Ferrier , P . G . R . ; J . Lound , P . G . Sup . of AV . ; — L ' tting , P . G . S . B . ; D . Barnard , P . G . Pursuivant , with the P . G . Stewards , and the Masters Wardens , Officers , and Brethren , ofthe City and County Lodges .
I he Prov . G . L . having been opened m clue form , anil with solemn prayer , and the routine business of the meeting having been disposed of , the P . G . M ., in an eloquent and kind address , presented to Lro . Turner , the P . G . Secretary , a rich and elegant silver tea and coffee service ( which had heen subscribed for by the Grand Officers and Brethren ) , as a token of the high estimation in ivhich Lro . Turner ' s services to the Craft , extending over a period of twenty-one years , are held by the Brethren within the Province . The R . AV . P . G . M . in his
admirable address , particularly . alluded to the untiring zeal which Bro . Turner had , from theperioc ! of his initiation to the present time , evinced toivards Freemasonry , and to the great exertions which he had ever made in carrying out the Landmarks of the Order , it having been mainly through his instrumentality that Masonry had been preserved in its present flourishing state in the Province . His Lordship concluded an eloquent address with a beautiful and feeling exordium to Bro . Turner ,
as to his future career in life , and a fervent prayer for his prosperity and happiness , ancl that he might long live to enjoy the esteem anil respect of his Brethren . Brother Turner , ivho was at times much affected , expressed his thanks in a neat and appropriate speech . The P . G . Lodge was then duly closed , and the Brethren retired to refreshment . The plate consists of a complete tea and coffee service , ancl is of the rich Louis Quartorze pattern , most elegantly and elaborately chased . It was supplied by Bro . Cooper , of this city , and the following inscription is engraved upon the coffee biggin : —
" Presented to IV . N . H . Turner , Esq ., Secretary of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fiec aud Accepted Masons for Norfolk , by the Grand Olficevs ami Brethren whhm the Province , as a token of tiie high estimation in which his services to the Craft arc held by tticm . " January 31 , 11151 . NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . —KETTERING . —Lodge of Perseverance , G 6 t > . — The Brethren of this Loclge assembled at their new room , High Street , Feb . 17 th , for the first time , when no little interest was , excited . The