Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
P . G . S . B . ; H . B . AVebb , P . G . S . B . ; E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; F . AV . Breitling , G . Pursuivant ; R . L . AVilson , Rep . from G . L . of Ireland ; J . Boiioraudi , Rep . from G . L . of Switzerland ; thc Grand Stewards of the year : the Master , Past Masters , and Wardens of the Grand Stewards' Lodge , and the Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of many other Lodges .
The Grand Loclge was opened in form and with solemn prayer . The G . SECRETARY stated that he hacl received letters from the M . AV . the Grand Master , wherein his Lordship expressed his great regret at not being able to come to town to take thc chair at the Grand Loclge ; but , although his health was gradually improving , the progress was but slowand his medical attendant hacl most
, positively forbidden his undertaking a journey to London at present . His Lordship trusted the Grand Lodge would believe that he was only prevented being present by thc state of his health . The Minutes of the last Quarterly Communication were read and confirmed .
RE-ELECTION OP THE GRAND MASTER . Bro . AV . AVING said that throe months ago he hacl the pleasure of nominating the Earl of Zetland for re-election to the office of Grand Master . He hacl now the pleasure of moving that the noble Brother should be re-elected . As there was a pressure of business he should confine himself entirely to his motionwithout trespassing further
, on the Grand Lodge . Bro . J . SAVAGE said , that having had the happiness of seconding Bro . Wing's original proposition , he should now ask the Brethren to carry that proposition into effect . They all respected and loved their Grand Master so much , that it was unnecessary to take up their time . They must all deeply regret the state of his Lordship ' s
health , and if their good wishes could restore him , it ivould not be long before he was again among them , for they all appreciated his Lordship ' s kindness ancl condescension . The proposition was carried by acclamation , and his Lordship was proclaimed in ancient form . Bro . R . Percival , P . S . G . W ., was unanimously re-elected Grand
Treasurer and proclaimed . The Report of the Board of Benevolence was read , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Report of the Board of General Purposes was read , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . Bro . R . G . ALSTONas President of the Board of General Purposes
, , moved the adoption of the recommendation of the Board with respect to the granting dispensations . Pie said it had come to their knowledge that dispensations had been applied for upon very light occasions ; it was felt desirable that this should be remedied , and with that view the object was to put such a charge upon them as
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Masonic Intelligence.
P . G . S . B . ; H . B . AVebb , P . G . S . B . ; E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; F . AV . Breitling , G . Pursuivant ; R . L . AVilson , Rep . from G . L . of Ireland ; J . Boiioraudi , Rep . from G . L . of Switzerland ; thc Grand Stewards of the year : the Master , Past Masters , and Wardens of the Grand Stewards' Lodge , and the Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of many other Lodges .
The Grand Loclge was opened in form and with solemn prayer . The G . SECRETARY stated that he hacl received letters from the M . AV . the Grand Master , wherein his Lordship expressed his great regret at not being able to come to town to take thc chair at the Grand Loclge ; but , although his health was gradually improving , the progress was but slowand his medical attendant hacl most
, positively forbidden his undertaking a journey to London at present . His Lordship trusted the Grand Lodge would believe that he was only prevented being present by thc state of his health . The Minutes of the last Quarterly Communication were read and confirmed .
RE-ELECTION OP THE GRAND MASTER . Bro . AV . AVING said that throe months ago he hacl the pleasure of nominating the Earl of Zetland for re-election to the office of Grand Master . He hacl now the pleasure of moving that the noble Brother should be re-elected . As there was a pressure of business he should confine himself entirely to his motionwithout trespassing further
, on the Grand Lodge . Bro . J . SAVAGE said , that having had the happiness of seconding Bro . Wing's original proposition , he should now ask the Brethren to carry that proposition into effect . They all respected and loved their Grand Master so much , that it was unnecessary to take up their time . They must all deeply regret the state of his Lordship ' s
health , and if their good wishes could restore him , it ivould not be long before he was again among them , for they all appreciated his Lordship ' s kindness ancl condescension . The proposition was carried by acclamation , and his Lordship was proclaimed in ancient form . Bro . R . Percival , P . S . G . W ., was unanimously re-elected Grand
Treasurer and proclaimed . The Report of the Board of Benevolence was read , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Report of the Board of General Purposes was read , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . Bro . R . G . ALSTONas President of the Board of General Purposes
, , moved the adoption of the recommendation of the Board with respect to the granting dispensations . Pie said it had come to their knowledge that dispensations had been applied for upon very light occasions ; it was felt desirable that this should be remedied , and with that view the object was to put such a charge upon them as