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Copy Of Protest By Royal Arch Masons, Aberdeen, Sent To The Supreme Chapter, March 6, 1849.
P . G . J . W . ; Rev . Dr . Mackintosh , P . G ., Chaplain ; Charles Muchaster , I ' . G ., Secretary . Elected by the Members of the Lodge , Charles Mitchell , P . G ., Treasurer ; Henry A . Dewar , P . G . S . D . ; James Rettie , P . G . J . D . ; Andrew Masson , P . G ., Inner Guard ; George Sandison , P . G . Tyler .
EAST PERTHSHIRE , Jan . 25 . —Provincial Grand Lodge . —The Right Honourable and Right Worshipful Lord Kinnaid and Rossie , Provincial Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland for the district of Perthshire , convened a meeting of the various lodges of tbe district in the City Hall , for the purpose of forming a Provincial Grand Lodge , and inducting and installing into office the Provincial Grand Office-bearers . At a preliminary meeting of the lodges , held within the City Hall , at
one o ' clock , it was agreed to form a procession to Barnhill station , there to meet and receive his lordship and the office-bearers of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , who were to accompany him , and to escort them from thence to the City Hall . The brethren present were accordingly marshalled in masonic order in a grand procession , which , in point of order , and uniformity of clothing , and neat appearance , we bave never seen surpassed ; the procession was preceded by an excellent brass
instrumental band . The masonic ceremony of reception being duly performed , the brethren were re-marshalled , and the procession returned . When it had proceeded to the centre of the New Railway Bridge , and upon the word "halt" being given , three rounds of cannon were fired , from several pieces of large calibre , placed for the purpose on the top of the bridge , close to the draw , by the directors of the company . This being followed by three hearty cheersthe procession was again in
mo-, tion , and so soon as the draw was cleared , another round of cannon announced that the bridge had been opened with masonic honours . The procession now descended the flight of steps at the temporary station , and winded its way along Princess-street , through a dense multitude congregated there , to the City Hall , where it arrived at three o ' clock ; shortly after which the brethren assembled in the large committee-room .
The Provincial Grand Lodge for Perthshire East was then formed , and opened in true masonic style by the Provincial Grand Master , who announced the following appointment of office-bearers : — Bro . Sir Peter Murray Threipland , R . W . Prov . Depute G . M . ; Bro . John Murray Drummond , of Megginch , R . W . Prov . Substitute G . M . ; Bro . the Hon . James Drummond ( Strathallan ) , R . W . Prov . Senior Grand Warden ; Bro . David Haiket , R . W . Prov . Junior Grand Warden ; Bro . John AndersonD . D . Right Rev . Prov . Grand Chaplain ; Bro .
, , Archibald Reid , W . Prov . Grand Secretary ; Bros . John Cameron and John Macfarlane , Grand Tylers . The brethren afterwards re-assembled in the City Hall at four o ' clock , and partook of a substantial dinner at the Star Hotel . The Right Hon . Bro . Lord Kinnaird , Prov . Grand Master , presided , and discharged tlie duties of his office with much tact and ability . His lordship was supported on the riht and left by Bro . Captain LawrenceDept . Prov .
g , Grand Master for Sterlingshire ; by the Prov . Grand Office-bearers of East Perthshire ; and by Bro . Laurie , Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The duties of croupiers were ably discharged by the W . Master of the Lodge Perth ltoyal Arch . The evening was convivially spent in the bonds of unity and peace , and sentiments of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Copy Of Protest By Royal Arch Masons, Aberdeen, Sent To The Supreme Chapter, March 6, 1849.
P . G . J . W . ; Rev . Dr . Mackintosh , P . G ., Chaplain ; Charles Muchaster , I ' . G ., Secretary . Elected by the Members of the Lodge , Charles Mitchell , P . G ., Treasurer ; Henry A . Dewar , P . G . S . D . ; James Rettie , P . G . J . D . ; Andrew Masson , P . G ., Inner Guard ; George Sandison , P . G . Tyler .
EAST PERTHSHIRE , Jan . 25 . —Provincial Grand Lodge . —The Right Honourable and Right Worshipful Lord Kinnaid and Rossie , Provincial Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland for the district of Perthshire , convened a meeting of the various lodges of tbe district in the City Hall , for the purpose of forming a Provincial Grand Lodge , and inducting and installing into office the Provincial Grand Office-bearers . At a preliminary meeting of the lodges , held within the City Hall , at
one o ' clock , it was agreed to form a procession to Barnhill station , there to meet and receive his lordship and the office-bearers of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , who were to accompany him , and to escort them from thence to the City Hall . The brethren present were accordingly marshalled in masonic order in a grand procession , which , in point of order , and uniformity of clothing , and neat appearance , we bave never seen surpassed ; the procession was preceded by an excellent brass
instrumental band . The masonic ceremony of reception being duly performed , the brethren were re-marshalled , and the procession returned . When it had proceeded to the centre of the New Railway Bridge , and upon the word "halt" being given , three rounds of cannon were fired , from several pieces of large calibre , placed for the purpose on the top of the bridge , close to the draw , by the directors of the company . This being followed by three hearty cheersthe procession was again in
mo-, tion , and so soon as the draw was cleared , another round of cannon announced that the bridge had been opened with masonic honours . The procession now descended the flight of steps at the temporary station , and winded its way along Princess-street , through a dense multitude congregated there , to the City Hall , where it arrived at three o ' clock ; shortly after which the brethren assembled in the large committee-room .
The Provincial Grand Lodge for Perthshire East was then formed , and opened in true masonic style by the Provincial Grand Master , who announced the following appointment of office-bearers : — Bro . Sir Peter Murray Threipland , R . W . Prov . Depute G . M . ; Bro . John Murray Drummond , of Megginch , R . W . Prov . Substitute G . M . ; Bro . the Hon . James Drummond ( Strathallan ) , R . W . Prov . Senior Grand Warden ; Bro . David Haiket , R . W . Prov . Junior Grand Warden ; Bro . John AndersonD . D . Right Rev . Prov . Grand Chaplain ; Bro .
, , Archibald Reid , W . Prov . Grand Secretary ; Bros . John Cameron and John Macfarlane , Grand Tylers . The brethren afterwards re-assembled in the City Hall at four o ' clock , and partook of a substantial dinner at the Star Hotel . The Right Hon . Bro . Lord Kinnaird , Prov . Grand Master , presided , and discharged tlie duties of his office with much tact and ability . His lordship was supported on the riht and left by Bro . Captain LawrenceDept . Prov .
g , Grand Master for Sterlingshire ; by the Prov . Grand Office-bearers of East Perthshire ; and by Bro . Laurie , Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The duties of croupiers were ably discharged by the W . Master of the Lodge Perth ltoyal Arch . The evening was convivially spent in the bonds of unity and peace , and sentiments of