Article FREEMASONRY IN TURKEY, PERSIA, AND JAPAN.* ← Page 5 of 5 Article THE LADIES* Page 1 of 2 →
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Freemasonry In Turkey, Persia, And Japan.*
" But who bas misled these milliard men ? Who gave them different and opposing creeds ? different worship ? and different gods ? Who has made them villains ? Who has driven them to such madness , to such wicked and malicious acts ? to become revengeful and unhappy beings ? " 'Phis is a secret , which the history of every people explains to him who knows how to read and understand it .
" But who can reconcile and appease them ; bring them back to tolerate and love , to support and maintain each other , to form a column of mutual defence ? "That is the direct ( precisement ) , the great secret of Freemasonry , —that is the OBLIGATION , the DUTY , the SECRET , the INSTRUCTION of every properly initiated brother . " { To be eontinued . )
The Ladies*
From an Address before Solomon ' s Lodge , Lafayette , Alabama . BY BRO . L . LA TASTE . " ALTHOUGH I am admonished to hasten to a close , my task would be incomplete did I omit addressing a few words to that sex * whose good opinion we are ever desirous to cultivate—whose favour we cordially desire to conciliate . ' There are so many good reasons why the ladies
should not be admitted into our ranks , that I ask them to give me a patient hearing , and then a fair and impartial judgment . " Their exclusion is an ancient landmark of our Order , which we are not permitted to remove . When Masonry was operative in its character , no one will contend that they ought to have been found wielding the trowel , the gavel , the square and the level . No one will place them so low in the scale of creation as to say they ought to have assisted in removing the stone from the quarry , preparing its surface for its place in the building , tempering the mortar , felling and squaring the timber , and performing other duties required of operative Masons . Their
physical strength disqualified them for the task , and nature had intended them for another and different sphere . It has been said , too , that their exclusion was owing to the fact , that the Craft was , at times , exposed to the severest persecutions , and to the greatest peril , and out of kindness to the sex , and with a desire , which we still possess , to enable them to perform their social relations , for which they are so admirably fitted , they were not admitted to membership . " There is another reason why they are not admitted . ' Masonry was
intended to check vice , to restrain evil passions , to cultivate morality and love ; ' and will you , ladies , admit that you need such aid to restrain your vices , to curb your evil passions , to elevate your morality , and to encourage your love ? Are not charity and love essential ingredients in female character—inwrought in their very constitution ? " This objection is so beautifull y and triumphantly removed in the words of another , that I cannot refrain from quoting them . Bro . J . H .
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Freemasonry In Turkey, Persia, And Japan.*
" But who bas misled these milliard men ? Who gave them different and opposing creeds ? different worship ? and different gods ? Who has made them villains ? Who has driven them to such madness , to such wicked and malicious acts ? to become revengeful and unhappy beings ? " 'Phis is a secret , which the history of every people explains to him who knows how to read and understand it .
" But who can reconcile and appease them ; bring them back to tolerate and love , to support and maintain each other , to form a column of mutual defence ? "That is the direct ( precisement ) , the great secret of Freemasonry , —that is the OBLIGATION , the DUTY , the SECRET , the INSTRUCTION of every properly initiated brother . " { To be eontinued . )
The Ladies*
From an Address before Solomon ' s Lodge , Lafayette , Alabama . BY BRO . L . LA TASTE . " ALTHOUGH I am admonished to hasten to a close , my task would be incomplete did I omit addressing a few words to that sex * whose good opinion we are ever desirous to cultivate—whose favour we cordially desire to conciliate . ' There are so many good reasons why the ladies
should not be admitted into our ranks , that I ask them to give me a patient hearing , and then a fair and impartial judgment . " Their exclusion is an ancient landmark of our Order , which we are not permitted to remove . When Masonry was operative in its character , no one will contend that they ought to have been found wielding the trowel , the gavel , the square and the level . No one will place them so low in the scale of creation as to say they ought to have assisted in removing the stone from the quarry , preparing its surface for its place in the building , tempering the mortar , felling and squaring the timber , and performing other duties required of operative Masons . Their
physical strength disqualified them for the task , and nature had intended them for another and different sphere . It has been said , too , that their exclusion was owing to the fact , that the Craft was , at times , exposed to the severest persecutions , and to the greatest peril , and out of kindness to the sex , and with a desire , which we still possess , to enable them to perform their social relations , for which they are so admirably fitted , they were not admitted to membership . " There is another reason why they are not admitted . ' Masonry was
intended to check vice , to restrain evil passions , to cultivate morality and love ; ' and will you , ladies , admit that you need such aid to restrain your vices , to curb your evil passions , to elevate your morality , and to encourage your love ? Are not charity and love essential ingredients in female character—inwrought in their very constitution ? " This objection is so beautifull y and triumphantly removed in the words of another , that I cannot refrain from quoting them . Bro . J . H .