Article GENERAL MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 14 →
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General Meetings.
NATIONAL MERCANTILE ASSURANCE SOCIETIES . —The annual dinner of the members and friends of these very improved and successful Life and Fire Assurance Societies took place on the 6 th January , at the London Tavern . The annual meeting was held at the office of the society , in the Poultry , in the early part of the day , Robert Wilcoxon , Esq ., in the chair .
PROVIDENT CLERKS' MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . —The eighth annual General Meeting , was held on the 15 th January , at the London Tavern , Bishopgate-street . Mr . Richard Henry Jones , the Chairman of the Board of Directors , presided . The CHAIRMAN congratulated the members on the prosperous state of the association , notwithstanding the vast amount of sickness that had prevailed . He then read the report , which stated that notwithstanding the great commercial depression which had retarded its during
progress the year , the association had considerably increased its members . Five hundred and twenty-five proposals had been made , amounting to 111 , 460 / . ; of which four hundred and nine had been accepted , sixtysix declined , fifty withdrawn and waiting . Four hundred and thirtyfour policies , representing 85 , 110 / ., had been issued during the year . The claims continued below the average rates , only eleven deaths having occurred during the year , being claims to the extent of 2 , 150 / . The
annual premiums has been increased by 2 , 355 / ., which , ivith the interest on stock , amounted to about 8 , 900 / . During tbe past year , the board had purchased 4 , 500 / . three and a quarter per cent , stock , making the total in the names ofthe Trustees 15 , 000 / . The report then alluded to the first quinquennial division of profits which took place during the year , and which gave a reduction equivalent to 33 per cent , on the premiums payable for the next five years . At the last annual meeting , the
Board called attention to the favourable results produced by deputations to the provinces , to make known the advantages of the association , and during the past year the same plan had been pursued . The report alluded to four of the Board retiring , viz ., Mr . S . Jepps , Mr . R . H . Jones , Mr . S . Notley , and Mr . R . Price , by rotation , but being eligible , offered themselves for re-election ; and that a vacancy having occurred through the retirement of Mr . J . J . Iselin , Mr . J . Dankaerts , offers
himself for election . Thc Chairman wished particularly to call attention to . the nomination clause . During the past year , many of the families of deceased members had suffered great expense on account of the deceased having neglected to nominate . The process saved so much trouble and expense , that it was extraordinary any one should omit it . In case of death , the party nominated received the amount of the policy without expense ; but if neglected , the relatives of the deceased member had . to undergo all the ceremony incidental to proving a will in the Prerogative Court .
Mr . HONEY proposed the thanks of the meeting to the Board of Management , and that the sum of 400 / . be awarded them for their valuable services during the year . - Mr . MOI . LETT seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . The CHAIRMAN expressed his thanks and that of the managers . Mr . J . W . WELCH moved , " That Mr . R . H . Jones be re-elected manager of the association , " carried unanimously . Mr . S . Jepps , Mr . S . Notley , and Mr . Richard Price , were also reelected managers of the association . Mr . J . Dankaerts , chief clerk in the house of Messrs . Anthony Gibbs and Sons , was also elected .
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General Meetings.
NATIONAL MERCANTILE ASSURANCE SOCIETIES . —The annual dinner of the members and friends of these very improved and successful Life and Fire Assurance Societies took place on the 6 th January , at the London Tavern . The annual meeting was held at the office of the society , in the Poultry , in the early part of the day , Robert Wilcoxon , Esq ., in the chair .
PROVIDENT CLERKS' MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . —The eighth annual General Meeting , was held on the 15 th January , at the London Tavern , Bishopgate-street . Mr . Richard Henry Jones , the Chairman of the Board of Directors , presided . The CHAIRMAN congratulated the members on the prosperous state of the association , notwithstanding the vast amount of sickness that had prevailed . He then read the report , which stated that notwithstanding the great commercial depression which had retarded its during
progress the year , the association had considerably increased its members . Five hundred and twenty-five proposals had been made , amounting to 111 , 460 / . ; of which four hundred and nine had been accepted , sixtysix declined , fifty withdrawn and waiting . Four hundred and thirtyfour policies , representing 85 , 110 / ., had been issued during the year . The claims continued below the average rates , only eleven deaths having occurred during the year , being claims to the extent of 2 , 150 / . The
annual premiums has been increased by 2 , 355 / ., which , ivith the interest on stock , amounted to about 8 , 900 / . During tbe past year , the board had purchased 4 , 500 / . three and a quarter per cent , stock , making the total in the names ofthe Trustees 15 , 000 / . The report then alluded to the first quinquennial division of profits which took place during the year , and which gave a reduction equivalent to 33 per cent , on the premiums payable for the next five years . At the last annual meeting , the
Board called attention to the favourable results produced by deputations to the provinces , to make known the advantages of the association , and during the past year the same plan had been pursued . The report alluded to four of the Board retiring , viz ., Mr . S . Jepps , Mr . R . H . Jones , Mr . S . Notley , and Mr . R . Price , by rotation , but being eligible , offered themselves for re-election ; and that a vacancy having occurred through the retirement of Mr . J . J . Iselin , Mr . J . Dankaerts , offers
himself for election . Thc Chairman wished particularly to call attention to . the nomination clause . During the past year , many of the families of deceased members had suffered great expense on account of the deceased having neglected to nominate . The process saved so much trouble and expense , that it was extraordinary any one should omit it . In case of death , the party nominated received the amount of the policy without expense ; but if neglected , the relatives of the deceased member had . to undergo all the ceremony incidental to proving a will in the Prerogative Court .
Mr . HONEY proposed the thanks of the meeting to the Board of Management , and that the sum of 400 / . be awarded them for their valuable services during the year . - Mr . MOI . LETT seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . The CHAIRMAN expressed his thanks and that of the managers . Mr . J . W . WELCH moved , " That Mr . R . H . Jones be re-elected manager of the association , " carried unanimously . Mr . S . Jepps , Mr . S . Notley , and Mr . Richard Price , were also reelected managers of the association . Mr . J . Dankaerts , chief clerk in the house of Messrs . Anthony Gibbs and Sons , was also elected .