Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 13 of 14 →
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Address to the Grand Master . —The recent admission of Jews to the Continental lodges is a source of much gratification to the English Freemasons , through whose influence ancl exertions their exclusion has been abandoned . In England the Jew has long been allowed to participate in the privileges of the mystic science ; but in Prussia he has been sedulously excluded , and even when known as an English brother , he has not been suffered to attend their lodges . The unmerited ill-treatment
of their Jewish brethren , at length awakened the attention of the body in England , among whom many Jewish gentlemen have been remarkable for their blameless lives , their zeal and usefulness . The Grand Master of England remonstrated with the Grand Lodge of Prussia , and ultimately obtained for his Jewish brethren an admission of their claims . On this circumstance being announced to the various lodges , a general feeling of satisfaction was evinced , and the Shakspeare Lodge , at Warwick , which
for two years had enjoyed tbe privilege of being governed by a member of the Jewish faith , Bro . H . T . Louis , of Birmingham , voted an address of thanks to the Grand Master for his exertions for the welfare of the Craft generally , and particularly in reference to the Jewish question . The Right Hon . the Earl Howe , Provincial Grand Master for Warwickshire , signed the address , expressing his cordial approval of its sentiments . In answer to the address , the Grand Master has replied in a very cordial manner .
TAUNTON , Jan . 3 . —St . John ' s clay is always a red-letter clay amopg the Craft , and was especially regarded by the brethren of the 'Taunton Lodge . A board of installed Masters was duly opened at high twelve ; the various lodges being admitted , Bro . Charles Waghorn was installed in the chair of Lodge No . 327 , after the ancient manner , and amid the hearty salutations of the assembly . The banquet was attended by most of the influential Masons of the neighbourhood . Notes from the R . W . Prov . Grand MasterColonel Tynteand the R . W . the Prov . Grand
, , Master for Dorset , Bro . Tucker , were read , expressing regret that temporary illness prevented their usual attendance . The customary toasts were given from the chair ; the wants of the poor and distressed responded to ; hearty good wishes mutually exchanged ; and the brethren dispersed at an early hour , anxious for the next opportunity of meeting , to benefit by the efficient elements which are chosen to make No . 327 essentially a working lodge . Bros . Kingsbury and Dinham are honoured
with the jewels of Wardens , Bro . Lake that of Treasurer , and Bro . Eales White resumes once more that of Secretary ; the experienced brother observing , on his health being drunk , that he hacl been a member of the lodge upwards of twenty-five years without missing a meeting , except on some pressing emergency .
Jan . 25 . —A Royal Arch Chapter was held in the lodge room , when an exchange of officers took place , ancl many propositions for exaltation made . Comps . Maher , May , ancl Waghorn , are elevated to the chairs ; Comp . Kingsbury elected Principal Sojourner , and Comp . Eales White occupies the important trust as E . ; this brother has filled the oflice of First Principal of chapter four different times , tlie Craft therefoie will estimate his zeal for Masonry by his occupation of his present position . A lodge was held on the conclusion of the duties of chapter , which was attended by Bro . Lieut . Leigh Lambert , R . N . —who was visiting Bro . Eales White ; this worth y brother was initiated in the Pythagorean Lodge at Corfu , and was mainly instrumental in forming an excellent
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Address to the Grand Master . —The recent admission of Jews to the Continental lodges is a source of much gratification to the English Freemasons , through whose influence ancl exertions their exclusion has been abandoned . In England the Jew has long been allowed to participate in the privileges of the mystic science ; but in Prussia he has been sedulously excluded , and even when known as an English brother , he has not been suffered to attend their lodges . The unmerited ill-treatment
of their Jewish brethren , at length awakened the attention of the body in England , among whom many Jewish gentlemen have been remarkable for their blameless lives , their zeal and usefulness . The Grand Master of England remonstrated with the Grand Lodge of Prussia , and ultimately obtained for his Jewish brethren an admission of their claims . On this circumstance being announced to the various lodges , a general feeling of satisfaction was evinced , and the Shakspeare Lodge , at Warwick , which
for two years had enjoyed tbe privilege of being governed by a member of the Jewish faith , Bro . H . T . Louis , of Birmingham , voted an address of thanks to the Grand Master for his exertions for the welfare of the Craft generally , and particularly in reference to the Jewish question . The Right Hon . the Earl Howe , Provincial Grand Master for Warwickshire , signed the address , expressing his cordial approval of its sentiments . In answer to the address , the Grand Master has replied in a very cordial manner .
TAUNTON , Jan . 3 . —St . John ' s clay is always a red-letter clay amopg the Craft , and was especially regarded by the brethren of the 'Taunton Lodge . A board of installed Masters was duly opened at high twelve ; the various lodges being admitted , Bro . Charles Waghorn was installed in the chair of Lodge No . 327 , after the ancient manner , and amid the hearty salutations of the assembly . The banquet was attended by most of the influential Masons of the neighbourhood . Notes from the R . W . Prov . Grand MasterColonel Tynteand the R . W . the Prov . Grand
, , Master for Dorset , Bro . Tucker , were read , expressing regret that temporary illness prevented their usual attendance . The customary toasts were given from the chair ; the wants of the poor and distressed responded to ; hearty good wishes mutually exchanged ; and the brethren dispersed at an early hour , anxious for the next opportunity of meeting , to benefit by the efficient elements which are chosen to make No . 327 essentially a working lodge . Bros . Kingsbury and Dinham are honoured
with the jewels of Wardens , Bro . Lake that of Treasurer , and Bro . Eales White resumes once more that of Secretary ; the experienced brother observing , on his health being drunk , that he hacl been a member of the lodge upwards of twenty-five years without missing a meeting , except on some pressing emergency .
Jan . 25 . —A Royal Arch Chapter was held in the lodge room , when an exchange of officers took place , ancl many propositions for exaltation made . Comps . Maher , May , ancl Waghorn , are elevated to the chairs ; Comp . Kingsbury elected Principal Sojourner , and Comp . Eales White occupies the important trust as E . ; this brother has filled the oflice of First Principal of chapter four different times , tlie Craft therefoie will estimate his zeal for Masonry by his occupation of his present position . A lodge was held on the conclusion of the duties of chapter , which was attended by Bro . Lieut . Leigh Lambert , R . N . —who was visiting Bro . Eales White ; this worth y brother was initiated in the Pythagorean Lodge at Corfu , and was mainly instrumental in forming an excellent