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The Grand Orient And The Provisional Government Of France.
A deputation of the members of the masonic lotlge , the Grant ! Orient , in their full attire of ceremony , yesterday arrived at the Hotel de Ville to hand in to the Provisional Government their adhesion to the Republic . They were received by MM . Cre ' mieux , Gamier Pages , and Paguerre , all wearing their masonic orders . M . Bertrand , ex-president of the tribunal of commerce , representing the Grand Master , delivered a loyal address , which was most favourably responded to by M . Cremieux , after which the deputation withdrew , amidst cries of "Five la Republique !"—Morning Chronicle , March 10 .
The Masters', Past Masters', And Wardens' Club.
_ The formation of this association is looked to with the most intense interest ; there appears no other mode by which the influence of the purple in esse , and the subservience of those who aspire to it in posse , can be controlled . It is not attempted to be denied , inasmuch as it cannot be concealed , that independent of the influence of those on the dais , as merely assembling on the occasion of debate , that the forthcoming business is not merelpreviouslcanvassedbut that arrangements
y y , are made to effect the wishes of the " managing clique . " This was many years felt to be so oppressive to the vital interests of the Order , that the club" was established as a counterpoise to this baneful cliqueism —and it succeeded in defeating it ; and having clone so , it suspended its meetings . Circumstances most imperatively call for its revival , and we hope it will be revived with even more than its former moral energy - and that its having for its objectsthe dignity and independence of
, freemasonry , its members , which alread y embrace the stalwart and the free-minded , may be as united as their cause is noble . " Tho' opposed by many a foe , Masonic soldier ! onward go . "
OxvoKD . —Alfred Lodge , Dec . 21 . —Bro . R . J . Spiers received , at the hands of the W . Master , a splendid Past Master ' s jewel , presented by the lodge in grateful testimony of their personal esteem , and appreciation of lus zeal in the cause of Masonry . We regret that we are compelled to be thus brief in our record . Our kind contemporarythe Oxford University Heraldhas enabled
, , us to report that at the Boys' School Festival , on the 22 nd , the company nearly two hundred , under the presidency of Bro . B . B . Cabbell M P were ( highly delighted , and that the collection exceeded 450 / . ; thus London masonic intelli gence of importance reaches us before the Secretary _ . of the Institution can find time to report .
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The Grand Orient And The Provisional Government Of France.
A deputation of the members of the masonic lotlge , the Grant ! Orient , in their full attire of ceremony , yesterday arrived at the Hotel de Ville to hand in to the Provisional Government their adhesion to the Republic . They were received by MM . Cre ' mieux , Gamier Pages , and Paguerre , all wearing their masonic orders . M . Bertrand , ex-president of the tribunal of commerce , representing the Grand Master , delivered a loyal address , which was most favourably responded to by M . Cremieux , after which the deputation withdrew , amidst cries of "Five la Republique !"—Morning Chronicle , March 10 .
The Masters', Past Masters', And Wardens' Club.
_ The formation of this association is looked to with the most intense interest ; there appears no other mode by which the influence of the purple in esse , and the subservience of those who aspire to it in posse , can be controlled . It is not attempted to be denied , inasmuch as it cannot be concealed , that independent of the influence of those on the dais , as merely assembling on the occasion of debate , that the forthcoming business is not merelpreviouslcanvassedbut that arrangements
y y , are made to effect the wishes of the " managing clique . " This was many years felt to be so oppressive to the vital interests of the Order , that the club" was established as a counterpoise to this baneful cliqueism —and it succeeded in defeating it ; and having clone so , it suspended its meetings . Circumstances most imperatively call for its revival , and we hope it will be revived with even more than its former moral energy - and that its having for its objectsthe dignity and independence of
, freemasonry , its members , which alread y embrace the stalwart and the free-minded , may be as united as their cause is noble . " Tho' opposed by many a foe , Masonic soldier ! onward go . "
OxvoKD . —Alfred Lodge , Dec . 21 . —Bro . R . J . Spiers received , at the hands of the W . Master , a splendid Past Master ' s jewel , presented by the lodge in grateful testimony of their personal esteem , and appreciation of lus zeal in the cause of Masonry . We regret that we are compelled to be thus brief in our record . Our kind contemporarythe Oxford University Heraldhas enabled
, , us to report that at the Boys' School Festival , on the 22 nd , the company nearly two hundred , under the presidency of Bro . B . B . Cabbell M P were ( highly delighted , and that the collection exceeded 450 / . ; thus London masonic intelli gence of importance reaches us before the Secretary _ . of the Institution can find time to report .