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^ g = T G ENERAL C OMMITTEE OF THE A SYLUM FOR . AGED AND DECAYED FREEMASONS most earnestly direct the attention of their Provincial Brethren to the state of the Funds of that excellent Institution , and trust , that by the aid of Lodges and private Contributions , the serious expenses to which the Charity has been subjected may be met by the kindness and liberality of the Craft .
Post Office Orders , Bank paper , or references on London Houses , will be thankfully acknowledged bg the Bankers , MESSRS . PRESCOTT AND CO ., 6 a , Threadneedle Street , London ; the Treasurer , DR . CRUCEFIX , Grove , Gravesend , Kent ; or the Secretary , ad interim , MR . JOHN WHITMORE , 125 , Oxford Street , London . HYTHEDecember 27 . —The festival of StJohn was celebrated b
, . y the Brethren of Prince'Edwin ' s Lodge , No . 147 , at which time Bro . W . H . Pullen was installed Worshi pful Master for the year ensuing . The ceremony was performed by Bro . AVatson , from London . UXBRIDGE . ROYAL UNION CHAPTER , February 20 . A Chapter of Emergency was held for the purpose of admitting the Rev . Bro . Cooke , of Hillingdon , and Bros . Lake , Pullen , and Bedborough , all of the Royal Union Lodge , No . 536 . Hitherto the exaltations , since our
resuscitation , have been chiefly of London Brethren ; the present accession of strength from the province affords a pleasing indication of increased stability . OXFORD . ALFRED LODGE , Dec . 27 , 1845 . The initiations during
the last two or three years have far exceeded any former period , while the addition that has been made to the Masonic ranks has been such as to give increased stability to the Lodges , ancl additional weight and influence to Masonic principles . The election of Bro . W . Thompson to the chair is as creditable as it was unanimous . His father laboured for upwards of thirty years to place Freemasonry in that pre-eminence which it was his lot to witness before departing to " that bourne whence
no traveller returns . " For Senior Warden , we have Bro . Belcher , son of the late Mayor of Abingdon ; Junior Warden , Bro . James Wyatt , jun ., eldest son of Bro . Aid . James Wyatt , a veteran of the Craft ; Senior Deacon , Bro . James Embling ; Junior Deacon , Bro . E . Kent ; Inner Guard , Bro . J . Rose ; Stewards , Bro . C . Hickman and Bro . H . Gibbs ; Treasurer , Bro . H . Jebber ; Secretary , Bro . J . Betteris . At five o ' clock the inauguration dinner took place in the banquet-room
of the Masonic Hall . The Worshipful Master , Bro . Thompson , presided , and gave , in appropriate terms , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The CHAIRMAN said he had infinite pleasure in proposing the health of a body of Masons who had conferred great benefit on this Lodge and Freemasonry generally . He alluded to the Past Masters , to whom they were so much indebted ( cheers ); and although he had no wish to be invidious , by speaking of one more than another , he could not forbear mentioning the name of one , Bro . P . M . Musgrove ( loud cheers ) , who had been a true and staunch friend to the Lodge , and who had-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
^ g = T G ENERAL C OMMITTEE OF THE A SYLUM FOR . AGED AND DECAYED FREEMASONS most earnestly direct the attention of their Provincial Brethren to the state of the Funds of that excellent Institution , and trust , that by the aid of Lodges and private Contributions , the serious expenses to which the Charity has been subjected may be met by the kindness and liberality of the Craft .
Post Office Orders , Bank paper , or references on London Houses , will be thankfully acknowledged bg the Bankers , MESSRS . PRESCOTT AND CO ., 6 a , Threadneedle Street , London ; the Treasurer , DR . CRUCEFIX , Grove , Gravesend , Kent ; or the Secretary , ad interim , MR . JOHN WHITMORE , 125 , Oxford Street , London . HYTHEDecember 27 . —The festival of StJohn was celebrated b
, . y the Brethren of Prince'Edwin ' s Lodge , No . 147 , at which time Bro . W . H . Pullen was installed Worshi pful Master for the year ensuing . The ceremony was performed by Bro . AVatson , from London . UXBRIDGE . ROYAL UNION CHAPTER , February 20 . A Chapter of Emergency was held for the purpose of admitting the Rev . Bro . Cooke , of Hillingdon , and Bros . Lake , Pullen , and Bedborough , all of the Royal Union Lodge , No . 536 . Hitherto the exaltations , since our
resuscitation , have been chiefly of London Brethren ; the present accession of strength from the province affords a pleasing indication of increased stability . OXFORD . ALFRED LODGE , Dec . 27 , 1845 . The initiations during
the last two or three years have far exceeded any former period , while the addition that has been made to the Masonic ranks has been such as to give increased stability to the Lodges , ancl additional weight and influence to Masonic principles . The election of Bro . W . Thompson to the chair is as creditable as it was unanimous . His father laboured for upwards of thirty years to place Freemasonry in that pre-eminence which it was his lot to witness before departing to " that bourne whence
no traveller returns . " For Senior Warden , we have Bro . Belcher , son of the late Mayor of Abingdon ; Junior Warden , Bro . James Wyatt , jun ., eldest son of Bro . Aid . James Wyatt , a veteran of the Craft ; Senior Deacon , Bro . James Embling ; Junior Deacon , Bro . E . Kent ; Inner Guard , Bro . J . Rose ; Stewards , Bro . C . Hickman and Bro . H . Gibbs ; Treasurer , Bro . H . Jebber ; Secretary , Bro . J . Betteris . At five o ' clock the inauguration dinner took place in the banquet-room
of the Masonic Hall . The Worshipful Master , Bro . Thompson , presided , and gave , in appropriate terms , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The CHAIRMAN said he had infinite pleasure in proposing the health of a body of Masons who had conferred great benefit on this Lodge and Freemasonry generally . He alluded to the Past Masters , to whom they were so much indebted ( cheers ); and although he had no wish to be invidious , by speaking of one more than another , he could not forbear mentioning the name of one , Bro . P . M . Musgrove ( loud cheers ) , who had been a true and staunch friend to the Lodge , and who had-