Article THE REPORTER. ← Page 4 of 4 Article CHIT CHAT. Page 1 of 5 →
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The Reporter.
BANK OF ENGLAND LODGE , ( N o . 329 . )—A gloom is passing over this Lodge , caused by the decease of Bro . ROBERT FIELD , P . M ., the father of the Lodge . The Lodge is ordered to be put into mourning on the melancholy occasion . In our quarterly obituary we have adverted to this painful event at some length . ZETLAND LODGE , ( NO . 752 , ) Feb . 15 . —This new Lodge , constituted last year by Dr . Crucefix , is in full work ; the three degrees were practically illustrated to-day to the several candidates , and afforded instruction to a very numerous meeting of the members ancl their friends .
Chit Chat.
A ROYAL MASONIC PRESENT . —Some time since a chest was despatched to London , bearing the royal arms of France . This chest contained a complete trousseau of toilettes : —morning toilette , evening toilette , ancl two ball toilettes . This present was addressed to the doll of the Princess Royal . King Louis Philippe gave carte blanche to one of the most eminent modestes of Paris , who executed her commission with the utmost good taste . Each gown is a perfect chef 'd ' ceuvre , especially
the ball chesses , which would excite the euvy of our most fashionable duchesses . One is of gros de Naples , the second of pink gauze with velvet flowers , exquisitely made . The small embroidered and trimmed pocket handkerchiefs , the small silk stockings , shoes , slippers , Indian Oachmere shawl , bonnets , muffs , a black lace scarf , & c , have all been made purposely , and with incredible care . There is also a jewel-case with diamonds of the purest waterbraceletsear-ringsancl fillet for the
, , , forehead ; and all these minute curiosities are carefully arranged in the drawers and cases of a beautifully constructed little wardrobe . King Louis Philippe is a Mason ; Her Majesty , the daughter ancl niece of Grand Masters . THE LATE MEMBER FOR AVINDSOR . —Bro . John Ramsbottom , Esq .,
who died at the Albany , on the Sth of October , had sketched out his will roughly on a scrap of paper in bis own hand-writing , on the 2 nd of March , 1844 , which was duly signed and witnessed , whereby he gave to his two sons the whole of his property , but appointed no executor : at the conclusion there was an obliteration of some half-dozen lines , which , from that part of the will being turned down at the time of signing , was not observed by the witnesses . The opinion of the Court was taken . The will was to this effect : — " 1 herebdeclarethat in case of
y , anything occurring to me , and I should be unable to make a regular will , this is my disposition . I give my two silver salvers which were presented to me , to my son John : my silver tea-kettle ancl appurtenances to my son Somerville ; the silver trowel to my daughter Mary —her fortune places her above any necessity for assistance from me " ; the silver tea-pot formerly belonging to the Duke of Wellington , to mv
daughter Susan ; 1000 / . to Mrs . Sarah Townsend for life , and at her death to her daughter Sarah absolutely ; the residue to my sons equally . £ The remainder was obliterated . ] The judge , observing that it being expressly declared to be a temporary or provisional will , in case the testator made no other , and from the appearance of the signature it would seem that the obliteration and signing were contemporaneous acts , decreed-VOL . IV . M-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Reporter.
BANK OF ENGLAND LODGE , ( N o . 329 . )—A gloom is passing over this Lodge , caused by the decease of Bro . ROBERT FIELD , P . M ., the father of the Lodge . The Lodge is ordered to be put into mourning on the melancholy occasion . In our quarterly obituary we have adverted to this painful event at some length . ZETLAND LODGE , ( NO . 752 , ) Feb . 15 . —This new Lodge , constituted last year by Dr . Crucefix , is in full work ; the three degrees were practically illustrated to-day to the several candidates , and afforded instruction to a very numerous meeting of the members ancl their friends .
Chit Chat.
A ROYAL MASONIC PRESENT . —Some time since a chest was despatched to London , bearing the royal arms of France . This chest contained a complete trousseau of toilettes : —morning toilette , evening toilette , ancl two ball toilettes . This present was addressed to the doll of the Princess Royal . King Louis Philippe gave carte blanche to one of the most eminent modestes of Paris , who executed her commission with the utmost good taste . Each gown is a perfect chef 'd ' ceuvre , especially
the ball chesses , which would excite the euvy of our most fashionable duchesses . One is of gros de Naples , the second of pink gauze with velvet flowers , exquisitely made . The small embroidered and trimmed pocket handkerchiefs , the small silk stockings , shoes , slippers , Indian Oachmere shawl , bonnets , muffs , a black lace scarf , & c , have all been made purposely , and with incredible care . There is also a jewel-case with diamonds of the purest waterbraceletsear-ringsancl fillet for the
, , , forehead ; and all these minute curiosities are carefully arranged in the drawers and cases of a beautifully constructed little wardrobe . King Louis Philippe is a Mason ; Her Majesty , the daughter ancl niece of Grand Masters . THE LATE MEMBER FOR AVINDSOR . —Bro . John Ramsbottom , Esq .,
who died at the Albany , on the Sth of October , had sketched out his will roughly on a scrap of paper in bis own hand-writing , on the 2 nd of March , 1844 , which was duly signed and witnessed , whereby he gave to his two sons the whole of his property , but appointed no executor : at the conclusion there was an obliteration of some half-dozen lines , which , from that part of the will being turned down at the time of signing , was not observed by the witnesses . The opinion of the Court was taken . The will was to this effect : — " 1 herebdeclarethat in case of
y , anything occurring to me , and I should be unable to make a regular will , this is my disposition . I give my two silver salvers which were presented to me , to my son John : my silver tea-kettle ancl appurtenances to my son Somerville ; the silver trowel to my daughter Mary —her fortune places her above any necessity for assistance from me " ; the silver tea-pot formerly belonging to the Duke of Wellington , to mv
daughter Susan ; 1000 / . to Mrs . Sarah Townsend for life , and at her death to her daughter Sarah absolutely ; the residue to my sons equally . £ The remainder was obliterated . ] The judge , observing that it being expressly declared to be a temporary or provisional will , in case the testator made no other , and from the appearance of the signature it would seem that the obliteration and signing were contemporaneous acts , decreed-VOL . IV . M-