Article TO LADY C N, ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASON'S BOWL. Page 1 of 1
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To Lady C N,
Yet , take this wish . AVhen Time shall droop his wing Upon thy form , with years ancl blessings rife ; Oh , may an honour'd age around thee fling The dying graces of an honour'd life ! And , when shall come the hour of life ' s long night , BGod decreed for theeas allto
diey , , Oh , may thy spirit calmly wing its flight , To scenes of blissful immortality ! THOMAS EYRE POOLE , A . M . Written 1844
Auguit , .
The Mason's Bowl.
C OME quaff the Mason ' s drink ! Fill high the Mason ' s bowl : Till o ' er its crystal brink , The drops of nectar roll . As sunlight to the fiow ' r , As flow ' ret to the bee ; As Hope in Sorrow ' s hour
; The luscious draught will be . - Then quaff , " & c . Fear not with thirsty lip , Thejewell'd cup to drain ; He never yet did sip Who quaffed it not again .
'Tis gracious dew distilled From heaven ' s richest vine . By Love the cup is filled With Charity divine . Then quafl ^ & c .
No barren toast was e ' er Drunk in its living stream . ; No promise , light as air , To cheat with mocking beam . For moral health , and light , At once are his who drains The fountain of delight ,
The Mason ' s cup contains . Then quaff , & c . W . SNEWINO . Robert Burns Lotlge . VOL . IV . K
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Lady C N,
Yet , take this wish . AVhen Time shall droop his wing Upon thy form , with years ancl blessings rife ; Oh , may an honour'd age around thee fling The dying graces of an honour'd life ! And , when shall come the hour of life ' s long night , BGod decreed for theeas allto
diey , , Oh , may thy spirit calmly wing its flight , To scenes of blissful immortality ! THOMAS EYRE POOLE , A . M . Written 1844
Auguit , .
The Mason's Bowl.
C OME quaff the Mason ' s drink ! Fill high the Mason ' s bowl : Till o ' er its crystal brink , The drops of nectar roll . As sunlight to the fiow ' r , As flow ' ret to the bee ; As Hope in Sorrow ' s hour
; The luscious draught will be . - Then quaff , " & c . Fear not with thirsty lip , Thejewell'd cup to drain ; He never yet did sip Who quaffed it not again .
'Tis gracious dew distilled From heaven ' s richest vine . By Love the cup is filled With Charity divine . Then quafl ^ & c .
No barren toast was e ' er Drunk in its living stream . ; No promise , light as air , To cheat with mocking beam . For moral health , and light , At once are his who drains The fountain of delight ,
The Mason ' s cup contains . Then quaff , & c . W . SNEWINO . Robert Burns Lotlge . VOL . IV . K