Article DUTCH AND BELGIAN LODGES. ← Page 11 of 14 →
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Dutch And Belgian Lodges.
Calbc , Prussia , Prov . Saxony , Firm Castle . . . 1820 Camin , Prussian Pomerania , Holy John (< z ) . . - . . I 78 O Celle , Hanover , Brilliant Star ..... Charlottenberg , Prussia , Louise , the Crowned Beauty ( a ) . . 1801 Chemnitz , Saxony , Harmony , ( the Hohenstein Lodge is incorporated with this ) . . . . . . . . 1799 Cleve , Rhine Province , Prussia , Hope .... 1775 Coblentz , Rhine Province , Prussia , Frederick Love of Country . 1817 Coburg , Saxe Coburg , Truth , Freedom and Right . Colberg , Prussian Pomerania , William , Manual Strength . . 1809 Coloene , Rhine Province , Prussia , Minerva , United Countrymen . 1815
Agrippina , formerly Secret of the Three Kings , . 1824 Conitz , West Prussia , Frederick of True Friendship . . 1790 Cosel , Prussian Silesia , Triumphant Truth .... 1812 Coeslin , Prussian Pomerania , Maria .... 1777 Cottbns , Prussia , Well in the Desert .... 1797 Custrin , Prussia , Frederick William .... 1782 Dantzic , Prussia , Eugenia ...... 1777
Union ...... 1790 Darmstadt , Hesse , John the Evangelist , Union . . . 1817 Delitzsch , Prov . Saxony , Prussia , Victor ( a ) . . ¦ 1821 Dresden , Saxony , Grand Lodge of Saxony . . . . 1812 Three Swords ..... 1739 Golden Apple ..... 1739 Duisburg , Rhine Province , Prussia , German Castle . . 1820 Dusseldorf , Rhine Province , Prussia , Three United . . 1806 Eimbeck , Hanover , George . .
Eisleben , Prov . Saxony , Prussia , Blossoming Tree . . 1816 Elbei'feltl , Rhine , Prussia , Plerman at the Land ofthe Hills . 1815 Elbing , Prussia , Constantia of the Crowned Union . . 1773 Embden , Hanover , True Faithfulness ( a ) . . . . 1789 Peace and Concord ( a ) .... ~ Emmerich , Rhine , Prussia , Pax inimica Malis . . . 17 S 8 Erlangen , Bavaria , Lebanon of the Three Cedars . Erfurt , Prov . Saxony , Prussia , Charles of the Three Eagles . 1787
Frankenthal , Rhine Prov ., Bavaria , Liberality on the Rhine Frankfort-on-the- Maine , Hanstown , Mother Lodge of the Eclectic Union Concord . . . 1742 Socrates and Firmness Charles and the New Light . .. Frankfort Eagle Rising Morning Light . 1817
Frankfort-on-the-Oder , Prussia , Plonest Heart . . . 1770 Freiberg , Saxony , Three Hills ..... 1798 Furth , Bavaria , Truth and Friendship .... Gardelegen , Prov . Saxony , Prussia , Frederick True to Country ( a ) 1820 Gera , Reuss , Archimedes Eternal Union .... 1803 Giessen , Hesse , Louis and Truth ... . . Glatz , Prussian Silesia , Three Triangles . ... 1766 GlogauPrussian SilesiaVirtuous Union .... 1803
, , Gnesen , Prussia , The Wreathed Cube .... 1804 Gorlitz , Prussian Silesia , Crowned Serpent . . ¦ 1816 " Goslar , Hanover , Herzynia . . . . . 1809 ^ otha , Saxe Gotha , Ernest . ¦ . . . . 1774 Gottingen , Hanover , Augusta ..... Graudenz , West Prussia , Victoria ..... 1799 VOL . iv . 1
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Dutch And Belgian Lodges.
Calbc , Prussia , Prov . Saxony , Firm Castle . . . 1820 Camin , Prussian Pomerania , Holy John (< z ) . . - . . I 78 O Celle , Hanover , Brilliant Star ..... Charlottenberg , Prussia , Louise , the Crowned Beauty ( a ) . . 1801 Chemnitz , Saxony , Harmony , ( the Hohenstein Lodge is incorporated with this ) . . . . . . . . 1799 Cleve , Rhine Province , Prussia , Hope .... 1775 Coblentz , Rhine Province , Prussia , Frederick Love of Country . 1817 Coburg , Saxe Coburg , Truth , Freedom and Right . Colberg , Prussian Pomerania , William , Manual Strength . . 1809 Coloene , Rhine Province , Prussia , Minerva , United Countrymen . 1815
Agrippina , formerly Secret of the Three Kings , . 1824 Conitz , West Prussia , Frederick of True Friendship . . 1790 Cosel , Prussian Silesia , Triumphant Truth .... 1812 Coeslin , Prussian Pomerania , Maria .... 1777 Cottbns , Prussia , Well in the Desert .... 1797 Custrin , Prussia , Frederick William .... 1782 Dantzic , Prussia , Eugenia ...... 1777
Union ...... 1790 Darmstadt , Hesse , John the Evangelist , Union . . . 1817 Delitzsch , Prov . Saxony , Prussia , Victor ( a ) . . ¦ 1821 Dresden , Saxony , Grand Lodge of Saxony . . . . 1812 Three Swords ..... 1739 Golden Apple ..... 1739 Duisburg , Rhine Province , Prussia , German Castle . . 1820 Dusseldorf , Rhine Province , Prussia , Three United . . 1806 Eimbeck , Hanover , George . .
Eisleben , Prov . Saxony , Prussia , Blossoming Tree . . 1816 Elbei'feltl , Rhine , Prussia , Plerman at the Land ofthe Hills . 1815 Elbing , Prussia , Constantia of the Crowned Union . . 1773 Embden , Hanover , True Faithfulness ( a ) . . . . 1789 Peace and Concord ( a ) .... ~ Emmerich , Rhine , Prussia , Pax inimica Malis . . . 17 S 8 Erlangen , Bavaria , Lebanon of the Three Cedars . Erfurt , Prov . Saxony , Prussia , Charles of the Three Eagles . 1787
Frankenthal , Rhine Prov ., Bavaria , Liberality on the Rhine Frankfort-on-the- Maine , Hanstown , Mother Lodge of the Eclectic Union Concord . . . 1742 Socrates and Firmness Charles and the New Light . .. Frankfort Eagle Rising Morning Light . 1817
Frankfort-on-the-Oder , Prussia , Plonest Heart . . . 1770 Freiberg , Saxony , Three Hills ..... 1798 Furth , Bavaria , Truth and Friendship .... Gardelegen , Prov . Saxony , Prussia , Frederick True to Country ( a ) 1820 Gera , Reuss , Archimedes Eternal Union .... 1803 Giessen , Hesse , Louis and Truth ... . . Glatz , Prussian Silesia , Three Triangles . ... 1766 GlogauPrussian SilesiaVirtuous Union .... 1803
, , Gnesen , Prussia , The Wreathed Cube .... 1804 Gorlitz , Prussian Silesia , Crowned Serpent . . ¦ 1816 " Goslar , Hanover , Herzynia . . . . . 1809 ^ otha , Saxe Gotha , Ernest . ¦ . . . . 1774 Gottingen , Hanover , Augusta ..... Graudenz , West Prussia , Victoria ..... 1799 VOL . iv . 1