Article CONTINENTAL LODGES. Page 1 of 1 Article DUTCH AND BELGIAN LODGES. Page 1 of 14 →
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Continental Lodges.
We have great pleasure in presenting to our readers lists of the working and dormant Freemasons' Lodges at present registered in Belgium , France , Germany , Holland , and their colonies , and are persuaded they will be found not only useful but of considerable importance to every traveller on the Continent . It has long been a desideratum that fists of Lodges abroad should exist in the English language , in order that the members of the Craft when visiting a continental town may know if a
Masonic Lodge existed therein , in order that a closer intimacy might be created by the interchange of visits . We had hoped to have been enabled to give the days and places of meeting , but as we are not authentically or officially informed , we deem it better to abstain from giving the information we possess , which might be found incorrect and mislead the Brethren ; it will be very easy for them now , knowing that a Lodge is at work in the town they happen to beaud likewise having the name
, , to ascertain where and when its meetings occur . We are mainly indebted for the information herein contained to the Latomia , and also the Globe , a French Masonic periodical ; Annuaire Massonique , a Belgian , and the Netherlandish Year Book , a Dutch Masonic publication . A short history of continental Freemasonry will be found in the volume for 1844 , of the present series of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review .
Dutch And Belgian Lodges.
The letter [ a ) Indicates Lodges not at work . (&) Isolated Lodges , or not under warrant of a Grand Lodge , ( c ) Those declared irregular . Town . Kingdom . Name of Lodge . Date of Warrant . Antwerp , Belgium , Lodge of Perseverance . . . 1818 Friends of Commerce ( a ) . . , 1804 Alkmaar , Holland , North Star ..... 1800 Amsterdam , .. Concordia Vincit Animos . . . Z 757
.. Lodge of Peace .... 1757 Lodge of Charity .... 1757 Good Friends .... 1757 William Frederick .... 1814 Ath , Belgium , Regeneration ... .. 1 S 39 Amheim , Holland , the Brotherhood of Guelderland . . 1786 Bruges , Belgium , Tolerance .... . 1839 Brussels , .. Grand Belgium Orient .... Supreme Council of Belgium . True Friends of the Union . . . 1782 Philanthronic Friends .... 1799
Friends of Progress ... . 1838 Peace and Candour ( a ) .... 1802 Work . . . . . .. 1840 Hope ( a ) .... . 1805 Bergen , Holland , Inseparables ..... 1767 Breda .. Het Vrij Geweten .... 1789 Bengal , East Indies , Solomon ( a ) . . . . . 1759 Firmness ( a ) ..... 1773 Berbice , America , Coelum non Mutat Genus ( a ) . . . 1799 Briel , Holland , Aurora ( a ) . . . . . . 1761
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Continental Lodges.
We have great pleasure in presenting to our readers lists of the working and dormant Freemasons' Lodges at present registered in Belgium , France , Germany , Holland , and their colonies , and are persuaded they will be found not only useful but of considerable importance to every traveller on the Continent . It has long been a desideratum that fists of Lodges abroad should exist in the English language , in order that the members of the Craft when visiting a continental town may know if a
Masonic Lodge existed therein , in order that a closer intimacy might be created by the interchange of visits . We had hoped to have been enabled to give the days and places of meeting , but as we are not authentically or officially informed , we deem it better to abstain from giving the information we possess , which might be found incorrect and mislead the Brethren ; it will be very easy for them now , knowing that a Lodge is at work in the town they happen to beaud likewise having the name
, , to ascertain where and when its meetings occur . We are mainly indebted for the information herein contained to the Latomia , and also the Globe , a French Masonic periodical ; Annuaire Massonique , a Belgian , and the Netherlandish Year Book , a Dutch Masonic publication . A short history of continental Freemasonry will be found in the volume for 1844 , of the present series of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review .
Dutch And Belgian Lodges.
The letter [ a ) Indicates Lodges not at work . (&) Isolated Lodges , or not under warrant of a Grand Lodge , ( c ) Those declared irregular . Town . Kingdom . Name of Lodge . Date of Warrant . Antwerp , Belgium , Lodge of Perseverance . . . 1818 Friends of Commerce ( a ) . . , 1804 Alkmaar , Holland , North Star ..... 1800 Amsterdam , .. Concordia Vincit Animos . . . Z 757
.. Lodge of Peace .... 1757 Lodge of Charity .... 1757 Good Friends .... 1757 William Frederick .... 1814 Ath , Belgium , Regeneration ... .. 1 S 39 Amheim , Holland , the Brotherhood of Guelderland . . 1786 Bruges , Belgium , Tolerance .... . 1839 Brussels , .. Grand Belgium Orient .... Supreme Council of Belgium . True Friends of the Union . . . 1782 Philanthronic Friends .... 1799
Friends of Progress ... . 1838 Peace and Candour ( a ) .... 1802 Work . . . . . .. 1840 Hope ( a ) .... . 1805 Bergen , Holland , Inseparables ..... 1767 Breda .. Het Vrij Geweten .... 1789 Bengal , East Indies , Solomon ( a ) . . . . . 1759 Firmness ( a ) ..... 1773 Berbice , America , Coelum non Mutat Genus ( a ) . . . 1799 Briel , Holland , Aurora ( a ) . . . . . . 1761