Article A LEGEND OF SIRIAD. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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A Legend Of Siriad.
when the spirit had shuffled off this mortal coil , would dawn upon the soul , a perfect day , whose sun of light and joy should never set . Aware of the danger whicli would ensue , should the wicked and profane be permitted to enter the holy brotherhood , he ordained that no one should be initiated into the light of their mysteries unless he were a lover of righteousness and integrity . Having finished his labours , and received the solemn promise of the people that they would religiously adhere to
them , his form was changed into an intense and dazzling speck of light , from which spread circle after circle , until the whole multitude were embraced in its folds , when it gradually blended with the arch of heaven and faded from their view .
Awe-struck at the miraculous translation of their spiritual guide and father , they threw themselves upon the earth , and with one voice swore unwavering adherence to a system of morality so signally stamped as an emanation of "light" itself . The beard had ripened on the chins of many who at its advent were unborn , and still the system worked prosperously ; producing rich fruits and budding prospects of future excellence . At that time there lived a man of large possessions , whose name was
Negligence . Careless of the morrow , and in possession of large flocks which his young men tended , he lacked those qualities necessary to increase his stores , or even perpetuate that whicli had descended to him from his fathers . At the close of a summer ' s day he had sauntered some distance from his tents , and had entered a wood of considerable extent , when he was roused from his dreamy reveries by a startling . danger . A large lion , maddened by hunger , was rushing upon him with dreadful roarings : his fate appeared inevitable ; for with his usual thoughtlessness he was unarmed and without means of defence . With
eyes starting from their spheres , he stood contemplating his approaching death , when a well-aimed shaft transfixed the monster at the moment of making the fatal plunge . His first impression was , that it was a bolt , thundered from heaven for his deliverance , but looking round he saw a mighty hunter of the seed of Cain , called Power , from whose practised hand had sped the shaft which saved him . Indebted to Power for life , Negligence expressed his thanks with warmth and entreated him to go to his tent , where he abode three days .
From this occurrence an intimacy sprang up between them , the result of which was the initiation of Power into the mysteries of Masonicus . Power had six brothers , Pride , Self , Envy , Intemperance , Hypocrisy , and Lewdness , who , by him and Negligence were introduced into that oi-der , whose purity ought never to have been exposed to the contamination of their presence . From the date of their admission a visible change was apparent in the manners of the hitherto healthy community . Luxury , with feasting and revelry , took the place of Temperance and Charity .
And there was a great feast in the land—and to it were gathered many—their brows were crowned with flowers , perfume played around them , music breathed its voluptuous swell , and their spirits mounted high and higher , as wit sparkled and beauty smiled approving . As thus they revelled in delight , an aged form tottered to the centre , and displaying , to all , the wants which embittered its being , prayed an alms of the glittering throng . Vexed at the interruption to their festivity , they bade the stranger begone , nor intrude her wants upon the atten ~
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Legend Of Siriad.
when the spirit had shuffled off this mortal coil , would dawn upon the soul , a perfect day , whose sun of light and joy should never set . Aware of the danger whicli would ensue , should the wicked and profane be permitted to enter the holy brotherhood , he ordained that no one should be initiated into the light of their mysteries unless he were a lover of righteousness and integrity . Having finished his labours , and received the solemn promise of the people that they would religiously adhere to
them , his form was changed into an intense and dazzling speck of light , from which spread circle after circle , until the whole multitude were embraced in its folds , when it gradually blended with the arch of heaven and faded from their view .
Awe-struck at the miraculous translation of their spiritual guide and father , they threw themselves upon the earth , and with one voice swore unwavering adherence to a system of morality so signally stamped as an emanation of "light" itself . The beard had ripened on the chins of many who at its advent were unborn , and still the system worked prosperously ; producing rich fruits and budding prospects of future excellence . At that time there lived a man of large possessions , whose name was
Negligence . Careless of the morrow , and in possession of large flocks which his young men tended , he lacked those qualities necessary to increase his stores , or even perpetuate that whicli had descended to him from his fathers . At the close of a summer ' s day he had sauntered some distance from his tents , and had entered a wood of considerable extent , when he was roused from his dreamy reveries by a startling . danger . A large lion , maddened by hunger , was rushing upon him with dreadful roarings : his fate appeared inevitable ; for with his usual thoughtlessness he was unarmed and without means of defence . With
eyes starting from their spheres , he stood contemplating his approaching death , when a well-aimed shaft transfixed the monster at the moment of making the fatal plunge . His first impression was , that it was a bolt , thundered from heaven for his deliverance , but looking round he saw a mighty hunter of the seed of Cain , called Power , from whose practised hand had sped the shaft which saved him . Indebted to Power for life , Negligence expressed his thanks with warmth and entreated him to go to his tent , where he abode three days .
From this occurrence an intimacy sprang up between them , the result of which was the initiation of Power into the mysteries of Masonicus . Power had six brothers , Pride , Self , Envy , Intemperance , Hypocrisy , and Lewdness , who , by him and Negligence were introduced into that oi-der , whose purity ought never to have been exposed to the contamination of their presence . From the date of their admission a visible change was apparent in the manners of the hitherto healthy community . Luxury , with feasting and revelry , took the place of Temperance and Charity .
And there was a great feast in the land—and to it were gathered many—their brows were crowned with flowers , perfume played around them , music breathed its voluptuous swell , and their spirits mounted high and higher , as wit sparkled and beauty smiled approving . As thus they revelled in delight , an aged form tottered to the centre , and displaying , to all , the wants which embittered its being , prayed an alms of the glittering throng . Vexed at the interruption to their festivity , they bade the stranger begone , nor intrude her wants upon the atten ~