Article A LEGEND OF SIRIAD. Page 1 of 3 →
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A Legend Of Siriad.
" You still aro , what you were . ' VOJ . PO-. K , on TUB Fox . " Since it is , as it is , mend it For your own good . " SHAKSr-i . iiE .
In the days immediately succeeding the death of Cainan , the posterity of Seth were in great danger of contamination , from occasional intercourse with the children of Cain , who had departed greatly from the pure worship of the Most High , and given themselves up to vain delusions , worshipping the starry host of heaven ; thus preferring the handiwork of the Creator to the divine essence itself .
The simple yet efficient form of worship , as handed down from Adam , was interwoven with vain forms , and rendered captivating to the deluded multitude by the adventitious aids of music , poetry , painting , and gorgeous , though unmeaning spectacles . Led away by these gilded pageants of their neighbours , many of the seed of Seth were tempted to renounce the pure faith of their fathers and attach themselves to the less iritualthough more dazzling system of the children
sp , of Cain . At that time there lived a man of most excellent understanding , whose mind was stored with the wisdom of the past , and comprehended in its prophetic nature the wisdom of the times to come . His age was so considerable , that the oldest of his contemporaries could not remember him but as an old man in their greenest youth . His name was Masonicus , and the voice of tradition ascribed to him a divine origin
untainted by the dust of human nature . The aim of his being seemed to be the alleviation of human anguish , and the diffusion of peace and goodwill . Grieved at the apostacy he saw daily spreading around him , he called a meeting of the rulers of the people and explained to them the inevitable consequences which would result , were not some means adopted to stay the defection of the people . The wisdom of his words was at once perceived , and by the unanimous voice of the rulers and the le themselves
peop , he was deputed to draw up such a system of morality as his knowledge of human nature and vast wisdom should suggest . Thus solicited , he immediately commenced those godlike - labours which he fondly hoped would secure to the children of Seth both temporal and eternal felicity . Convinced that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom , he commenced his system with a revelation of the power , wisdom , and of the Great chitect of the universe
goodness Ar ; he explained to them their utter dependence upon His providence , and showed them His power and willingness to aid all those who sought His assistance . He taught them the moral and social virtues , and explained to them the divine truth , that next to the love of God is the love of our neighbour . He then taught them to read the heavens and the earth , and to draw from their expressive pages fresh proofs of the wisdom of Him who formed them . Then advancing still higher , he taught them to consider this life but as a prelude to a more perfect state of being , whicli .
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A Legend Of Siriad.
" You still aro , what you were . ' VOJ . PO-. K , on TUB Fox . " Since it is , as it is , mend it For your own good . " SHAKSr-i . iiE .
In the days immediately succeeding the death of Cainan , the posterity of Seth were in great danger of contamination , from occasional intercourse with the children of Cain , who had departed greatly from the pure worship of the Most High , and given themselves up to vain delusions , worshipping the starry host of heaven ; thus preferring the handiwork of the Creator to the divine essence itself .
The simple yet efficient form of worship , as handed down from Adam , was interwoven with vain forms , and rendered captivating to the deluded multitude by the adventitious aids of music , poetry , painting , and gorgeous , though unmeaning spectacles . Led away by these gilded pageants of their neighbours , many of the seed of Seth were tempted to renounce the pure faith of their fathers and attach themselves to the less iritualthough more dazzling system of the children
sp , of Cain . At that time there lived a man of most excellent understanding , whose mind was stored with the wisdom of the past , and comprehended in its prophetic nature the wisdom of the times to come . His age was so considerable , that the oldest of his contemporaries could not remember him but as an old man in their greenest youth . His name was Masonicus , and the voice of tradition ascribed to him a divine origin
untainted by the dust of human nature . The aim of his being seemed to be the alleviation of human anguish , and the diffusion of peace and goodwill . Grieved at the apostacy he saw daily spreading around him , he called a meeting of the rulers of the people and explained to them the inevitable consequences which would result , were not some means adopted to stay the defection of the people . The wisdom of his words was at once perceived , and by the unanimous voice of the rulers and the le themselves
peop , he was deputed to draw up such a system of morality as his knowledge of human nature and vast wisdom should suggest . Thus solicited , he immediately commenced those godlike - labours which he fondly hoped would secure to the children of Seth both temporal and eternal felicity . Convinced that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom , he commenced his system with a revelation of the power , wisdom , and of the Great chitect of the universe
goodness Ar ; he explained to them their utter dependence upon His providence , and showed them His power and willingness to aid all those who sought His assistance . He taught them the moral and social virtues , and explained to them the divine truth , that next to the love of God is the love of our neighbour . He then taught them to read the heavens and the earth , and to draw from their expressive pages fresh proofs of the wisdom of Him who formed them . Then advancing still higher , he taught them to consider this life but as a prelude to a more perfect state of being , whicli .