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Gall's Antibilious Pills.—The Most Usefu...
GALL'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS . —The most useful Family Medicine in circulation , being mild iu operation , ami certain in its beneficial effects for those disorders arising from a vitiated state of the Bile , and morbid action of the Liver , namely , Indigestion , Loss of Appetite , Sick Head-ache , Heart-burn , Flatulency , Jaundice , Habitual Costiveness , Head-ache arising from Intemperance , and all the variety of Complaints produced by a ¦ disordered state of the Stomach and Bowels ; thc disagreeable operation of an Emetic , may , in most cases , be avoided , by taking them according to the directions . GALL'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS are prepared without Mercuryand be taken
, may by the most delicate constitutions without restraint or confinement ; they have stood the test of the last forty years with increasing circulation . Travellers to , and residents in the East or West Indies , will find them a valuable appendage , being eminently adapted to repel the serious Bilious attacks to which Europeans are subject in these climates . They are particularly recommended to correct disorders arising from excesses at the table , to restore tone to the Stomach , and to remove those complaints ¦ occasioned by irregularity of the Bowels .
' Sold in Boxes 13 JJ . and 2 s . 'Od . each , hy all Vendors of Medicine in the United Kingdom , ¦ and in Family Boxes , at 20 s . each , BY THE PROPRIETORS , AT WOODBRIDGE , SUFFOLK ,
FOR THE USE OF FAMILIES AND CHARITABLE PURPOSES . 'To prevent counterfeits , the public are cautioned to observe that the Names of BENJAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL , are by permission of her Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners , engraved upon the Stamp surrounding each Box , without which Stamp the . Medicine cannot be genuine . The following extracts of Letters , received by tho Proprietors , at various periods , prove ¦ the estimation in which this valuable Medicine is held by the Public : — From Sir Thomas StricklandPart . KendallWestmorland August 19 $ 1824 .
, , , , , Sia , Your Antibilious Pills having been so much approved of by myself and many of my friends , I beg you to send me down , by the very first conveyance , one dozen Boxes . I am , Sir , your obedient servant , THOMAS STRICKLAND . . From Mr . Thomas Wood , Dallingho , Suffolk , December 15 th , 1805 . "Siu , Your Antibilious Pills having been so much recommended to me as a general Laxative Medicine , and for removing obstructions in the Stomach , & c , 1 was induced to make trial of them myself , and have frequently given them to my family , and poor neighbours , where
I have seen their good effects in removing Bilious attacks , and in my opinion preventing tserious illness . For the good of the Public , and in justice to so excellent a Medicine , you ihave my permission to make this public . I am , Sir , yours obediently , THOMAS WOOD . T ' ronx Lieut . -Col . Kemm , 31 st Native Infantry . Calcutta , 1 st May , 1835—Sm , Prior to ¦ my leaving England in July last , 1 was recommended to apply to you for a supply of your Antibilious Pills , having for a long time suffered severely from a violent Bilious attack ; I am bappy to say I have found so much benefit from them , that I request you will ^ prepare for me a fresh supply , and forward them to me by the very first vessel coming out . 1 am , Sir , your obedient servant , \ V . KEMM .
IMPORTANT TO FEMALES . There are few Mothers who do not suffer severely from that distressing complaint , sore . nipples , which makes them dread giving to their offspring the nourishment designed by ¦ nature , tbe administering of whicli is as beneficial to the child , as it is a source of peculiar pleasure to the fond parent . GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT Is particularlrecommended to Mothersas a safe and efficacious remedfor that painful
y , y disorder , since its use will enable them in almost every ea ? e to perforin their office with impunity , and even with comparative ease and comfort . In bottles , Is . lid . each . Sold by most respectable Medicine Vendors in the Kingdom . Obserue ( 7 ie names of Benjamin and Abraham Gall are engraved on the Government Stamp , ¦ w ithout which , they are not genuine .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Gall's Antibilious Pills.—The Most Usefu...
GALL'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS . —The most useful Family Medicine in circulation , being mild iu operation , ami certain in its beneficial effects for those disorders arising from a vitiated state of the Bile , and morbid action of the Liver , namely , Indigestion , Loss of Appetite , Sick Head-ache , Heart-burn , Flatulency , Jaundice , Habitual Costiveness , Head-ache arising from Intemperance , and all the variety of Complaints produced by a ¦ disordered state of the Stomach and Bowels ; thc disagreeable operation of an Emetic , may , in most cases , be avoided , by taking them according to the directions . GALL'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS are prepared without Mercuryand be taken
, may by the most delicate constitutions without restraint or confinement ; they have stood the test of the last forty years with increasing circulation . Travellers to , and residents in the East or West Indies , will find them a valuable appendage , being eminently adapted to repel the serious Bilious attacks to which Europeans are subject in these climates . They are particularly recommended to correct disorders arising from excesses at the table , to restore tone to the Stomach , and to remove those complaints ¦ occasioned by irregularity of the Bowels .
' Sold in Boxes 13 JJ . and 2 s . 'Od . each , hy all Vendors of Medicine in the United Kingdom , ¦ and in Family Boxes , at 20 s . each , BY THE PROPRIETORS , AT WOODBRIDGE , SUFFOLK ,
FOR THE USE OF FAMILIES AND CHARITABLE PURPOSES . 'To prevent counterfeits , the public are cautioned to observe that the Names of BENJAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL , are by permission of her Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners , engraved upon the Stamp surrounding each Box , without which Stamp the . Medicine cannot be genuine . The following extracts of Letters , received by tho Proprietors , at various periods , prove ¦ the estimation in which this valuable Medicine is held by the Public : — From Sir Thomas StricklandPart . KendallWestmorland August 19 $ 1824 .
, , , , , Sia , Your Antibilious Pills having been so much approved of by myself and many of my friends , I beg you to send me down , by the very first conveyance , one dozen Boxes . I am , Sir , your obedient servant , THOMAS STRICKLAND . . From Mr . Thomas Wood , Dallingho , Suffolk , December 15 th , 1805 . "Siu , Your Antibilious Pills having been so much recommended to me as a general Laxative Medicine , and for removing obstructions in the Stomach , & c , 1 was induced to make trial of them myself , and have frequently given them to my family , and poor neighbours , where
I have seen their good effects in removing Bilious attacks , and in my opinion preventing tserious illness . For the good of the Public , and in justice to so excellent a Medicine , you ihave my permission to make this public . I am , Sir , yours obediently , THOMAS WOOD . T ' ronx Lieut . -Col . Kemm , 31 st Native Infantry . Calcutta , 1 st May , 1835—Sm , Prior to ¦ my leaving England in July last , 1 was recommended to apply to you for a supply of your Antibilious Pills , having for a long time suffered severely from a violent Bilious attack ; I am bappy to say I have found so much benefit from them , that I request you will ^ prepare for me a fresh supply , and forward them to me by the very first vessel coming out . 1 am , Sir , your obedient servant , \ V . KEMM .
IMPORTANT TO FEMALES . There are few Mothers who do not suffer severely from that distressing complaint , sore . nipples , which makes them dread giving to their offspring the nourishment designed by ¦ nature , tbe administering of whicli is as beneficial to the child , as it is a source of peculiar pleasure to the fond parent . GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT Is particularlrecommended to Mothersas a safe and efficacious remedfor that painful
y , y disorder , since its use will enable them in almost every ea ? e to perforin their office with impunity , and even with comparative ease and comfort . In bottles , Is . lid . each . Sold by most respectable Medicine Vendors in the Kingdom . Obserue ( 7 ie names of Benjamin and Abraham Gall are engraved on the Government Stamp , ¦ w ithout which , they are not genuine .