Article "WOOD'S CIGAR ESTABLISHMENT, No. G9, Kin... Page 1 of 1 Article ROBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY is the only gen... Page 1 of 1 Article COMPORT FOR TENDER FEET, &c. WELLINGTON ... Page 1 of 1
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"Wood's Cigar Establishment, No. G9, Kin...
"WOOD'S CIGAR ESTABLISHMENT , No . G 9 , King William-street , City . —EDWIN WOOD be <* s to inform the admirers of a genuine Havannah Cigar , that they will find at this Establishment the Largest and Choicest Assortment in London , selected with great care by an experienced agent in Havannah , and consigned direct to the advertiser ; comprising the first qualities from all the most approved Manufacturers . Genuine Havannahs lSs - Superior ditto 22 s -
The finest imported % ® s - Genuine Old Principes 24 s . British Havannahs 1 Is . to 16 s . Ditto Cheroots 9 * - t 0 12 s - &< = The " far-famed" Old Cubas 12 s . An inspection of the Stock is respectfully solicited , when it will be evident that the other house in the
advantages offered , both in quality and price , are far superior to any trade . Goods delivered free within ten miles of London daily . 69 , King William-street , City .
Robinson's Patent Barley Is The Only Gen...
ROBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY is the only genuine article by which pure Barley Water can he made in ten minutes . It produces an excellent mucilaginous beverage , more palatable than that made from Pearl Barley . Mothers , during the anxious period of suckling , will find it a cooling drink ; ancl in constitutions where stimulant and fermented liquors are inadmissible , it is an ample and productive source of comfort both to the parent and the infant . There are numerous other uses to which the Patent Barley may he applied : —Light Suppers , delicious Custard Puddings , Thick-Milk for BreakfastIt is
ening Soups and Gravies , and as an Adjunct with New . especially recommended by the Medical Profession as a nutritious food for Infants , being , from its taste and purity , more suitable to their delicate stomachs than any other kind of food . Sold by all respectable Grocers , Druggists , and Oilmen in Town and country , in Packets of 6 d ., Is ., and in Family Canisters , at 2 s ., 5 s ., and 10 s . each . ROBINSON and B ELVIU / E , the only Manufacturers of the Patent Barley , also ofthe Patent Groats for a Superior Gruel in ten minutes , Purveyors to the Queen , 64 , Red Lion Street , Holborn , London .
Comport For Tender Feet, &C. Wellington ...
COMPORT FOR TENDER FEET , & c . WELLINGTON STREET , STRAND , LONDON . HALL and Co ., PATENTEES of the PANNUS CORIUM , or Leather Cloth Boots and Shoes , for Ladies and Gentlemen . These articles have borne the test and received the approbation of all who have worn them . Such as are troubled with BunionsGoutChilblains Tenderness of Feet from other cause will find
Corns , , , , or any them the softest and most comfortable ever invented—they never draw the feet or get hard , are very durable , and adapted for every climate . The Patent India-rubber Goloshes are light , durable , elastic , and waterproof ; they thoroughly protect the feet from damp or cold . Ladies and Gentlemen may be fitted with either of the above by sending a hoot or shoe . sPortable Dresses for Ladies and Gentlemen . These
HALL andCo . ' Waterproof desirable articles claim the attention of all who are exposed to the wet . Ladies Cardinal Cloaks , with Hoods , 18 * ., Gentlemen ' s Dresses , comprising Cape , Overalls , antl Hood , 21 s . The whole can be carried with convenience in the pocket . & 2 _ Hall and Co . particularly invite attention to their ELASTIC BOOTS , which are much approved ; they supersede lacing , or buttoning , are drawn on in an instant , ancl are a great support to the ankle .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"Wood's Cigar Establishment, No. G9, Kin...
"WOOD'S CIGAR ESTABLISHMENT , No . G 9 , King William-street , City . —EDWIN WOOD be <* s to inform the admirers of a genuine Havannah Cigar , that they will find at this Establishment the Largest and Choicest Assortment in London , selected with great care by an experienced agent in Havannah , and consigned direct to the advertiser ; comprising the first qualities from all the most approved Manufacturers . Genuine Havannahs lSs - Superior ditto 22 s -
The finest imported % ® s - Genuine Old Principes 24 s . British Havannahs 1 Is . to 16 s . Ditto Cheroots 9 * - t 0 12 s - &< = The " far-famed" Old Cubas 12 s . An inspection of the Stock is respectfully solicited , when it will be evident that the other house in the
advantages offered , both in quality and price , are far superior to any trade . Goods delivered free within ten miles of London daily . 69 , King William-street , City .
Robinson's Patent Barley Is The Only Gen...
ROBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY is the only genuine article by which pure Barley Water can he made in ten minutes . It produces an excellent mucilaginous beverage , more palatable than that made from Pearl Barley . Mothers , during the anxious period of suckling , will find it a cooling drink ; ancl in constitutions where stimulant and fermented liquors are inadmissible , it is an ample and productive source of comfort both to the parent and the infant . There are numerous other uses to which the Patent Barley may he applied : —Light Suppers , delicious Custard Puddings , Thick-Milk for BreakfastIt is
ening Soups and Gravies , and as an Adjunct with New . especially recommended by the Medical Profession as a nutritious food for Infants , being , from its taste and purity , more suitable to their delicate stomachs than any other kind of food . Sold by all respectable Grocers , Druggists , and Oilmen in Town and country , in Packets of 6 d ., Is ., and in Family Canisters , at 2 s ., 5 s ., and 10 s . each . ROBINSON and B ELVIU / E , the only Manufacturers of the Patent Barley , also ofthe Patent Groats for a Superior Gruel in ten minutes , Purveyors to the Queen , 64 , Red Lion Street , Holborn , London .
Comport For Tender Feet, &C. Wellington ...
COMPORT FOR TENDER FEET , & c . WELLINGTON STREET , STRAND , LONDON . HALL and Co ., PATENTEES of the PANNUS CORIUM , or Leather Cloth Boots and Shoes , for Ladies and Gentlemen . These articles have borne the test and received the approbation of all who have worn them . Such as are troubled with BunionsGoutChilblains Tenderness of Feet from other cause will find
Corns , , , , or any them the softest and most comfortable ever invented—they never draw the feet or get hard , are very durable , and adapted for every climate . The Patent India-rubber Goloshes are light , durable , elastic , and waterproof ; they thoroughly protect the feet from damp or cold . Ladies and Gentlemen may be fitted with either of the above by sending a hoot or shoe . sPortable Dresses for Ladies and Gentlemen . These
HALL andCo . ' Waterproof desirable articles claim the attention of all who are exposed to the wet . Ladies Cardinal Cloaks , with Hoods , 18 * ., Gentlemen ' s Dresses , comprising Cape , Overalls , antl Hood , 21 s . The whole can be carried with convenience in the pocket . & 2 _ Hall and Co . particularly invite attention to their ELASTIC BOOTS , which are much approved ; they supersede lacing , or buttoning , are drawn on in an instant , ancl are a great support to the ankle .