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Rpiie Licensed Victuallers' And General ...
rpiIE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' AND GENERAL FIRE AND LIFE x ASSURANCE COMPANY , Adelaide-place , London Bridge ; 444 , West Strand ; 33 , Thistle-street , Edinburgh ; Great Bridgewater-street , Manchester ; Wason-buildings , and Matthew-street , Liverpool . ( Empowered by Act of Parliament . ) The Company transact business in every department of Life and Fire Assurances , in Annuities , Reversions , and Loans .
LIFE DEPARTMENT . ACTUARY—J . T . Clement , Esq . At the last . quinquennial meeting there was added a bonus to the Life Polices equal to 25 per cent , on the sums paid , and a bonus cf 5 per cent , to the Shares , in addition to the payment of the annual interest . For the convenience of parties wishing to insure for a specific sum , without a prospective bonusa new tableat lower rateshas been calculatedin whichas well as
, , , , , on the participating scale , one-half the premium may remain on interest at 5 per cent , for five years , thus enabling a person to assure his life for , £ 1 , 000 on the immediate payment of the premium for £ 500 only . The following are the annual premiums for the assurance of . £ 100 for the whole life , one-half of which may remain for five years by merely paying the interest annually at 5 per cent . ; and should the policy become a claim in the interim , the amount due will then be deducted : —
Age 20 without profits £ 1 13 0 With profits . . £ 1 18 0 30 . . 1 19 8 , . . . 258 40 ... 2 14 3 .... 3 I 3 50 . .. 4 3 4 .... 4 9 6 For short periods the premiums are considerably lower ; and for any ages or contingencies not usually advertised , information may be obtained on application to the actuary or secretary .
FIRE DEPARTMENT . The Company insures houses , furniture , stock in trade , farming stock , and every description of personal property against loss or damage by fire . The Directors beg to remind their friends , whose premiums become due at Lady Day , that no extra charge is made at this office for the transfer of policies , and that they will be rated on terms peculiarly favourable to the parties insuring . Insurances may be effected for any period of time ; if for seven years , the premium and duty will only be charged for six . March , 1846 . JOHN BIGG , Secretary .
F<Lty Of London Life Assurance Society. ...
f < lTY OF LONDON LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Incorporated by Act of ^ - Parliament , 7 th and Sth Vic ., cap . 110 . 13 , Swithin ' s-lane , London , until the completion of the new offices , No . 2 , Royal Exchange-buildings . Capital , 250 , 000 ^ , in 5 , 000 Shares of 50 / . each . Amongst the principal advantages of this office are , rates of premium and participation in the management , adapted both to the mutual and proprietary systems ; the profits in
the mutual division declared triennially . Premiums payable yearly , or by instalments , at stipulated times and amounts , including the half-premium and increasing or decreasing rates . AVidows or children of naval and military officers , and of clerks in government and municipal offices , insured under distinct and modified regulations ; and a new and valuable extension of the principle of Life Assurance , viz . — ACCUMULATIVE ASSURANCES , by which deposits are either made available for an assurance , or may be reclaimed at any period . The details of this important principle may be obtained at the office . EDWARD FREDERICK LEEKS , SECRETARY .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Rpiie Licensed Victuallers' And General ...
rpiIE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' AND GENERAL FIRE AND LIFE x ASSURANCE COMPANY , Adelaide-place , London Bridge ; 444 , West Strand ; 33 , Thistle-street , Edinburgh ; Great Bridgewater-street , Manchester ; Wason-buildings , and Matthew-street , Liverpool . ( Empowered by Act of Parliament . ) The Company transact business in every department of Life and Fire Assurances , in Annuities , Reversions , and Loans .
LIFE DEPARTMENT . ACTUARY—J . T . Clement , Esq . At the last . quinquennial meeting there was added a bonus to the Life Polices equal to 25 per cent , on the sums paid , and a bonus cf 5 per cent , to the Shares , in addition to the payment of the annual interest . For the convenience of parties wishing to insure for a specific sum , without a prospective bonusa new tableat lower rateshas been calculatedin whichas well as
, , , , , on the participating scale , one-half the premium may remain on interest at 5 per cent , for five years , thus enabling a person to assure his life for , £ 1 , 000 on the immediate payment of the premium for £ 500 only . The following are the annual premiums for the assurance of . £ 100 for the whole life , one-half of which may remain for five years by merely paying the interest annually at 5 per cent . ; and should the policy become a claim in the interim , the amount due will then be deducted : —
Age 20 without profits £ 1 13 0 With profits . . £ 1 18 0 30 . . 1 19 8 , . . . 258 40 ... 2 14 3 .... 3 I 3 50 . .. 4 3 4 .... 4 9 6 For short periods the premiums are considerably lower ; and for any ages or contingencies not usually advertised , information may be obtained on application to the actuary or secretary .
FIRE DEPARTMENT . The Company insures houses , furniture , stock in trade , farming stock , and every description of personal property against loss or damage by fire . The Directors beg to remind their friends , whose premiums become due at Lady Day , that no extra charge is made at this office for the transfer of policies , and that they will be rated on terms peculiarly favourable to the parties insuring . Insurances may be effected for any period of time ; if for seven years , the premium and duty will only be charged for six . March , 1846 . JOHN BIGG , Secretary .
F<Lty Of London Life Assurance Society. ...
f < lTY OF LONDON LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Incorporated by Act of ^ - Parliament , 7 th and Sth Vic ., cap . 110 . 13 , Swithin ' s-lane , London , until the completion of the new offices , No . 2 , Royal Exchange-buildings . Capital , 250 , 000 ^ , in 5 , 000 Shares of 50 / . each . Amongst the principal advantages of this office are , rates of premium and participation in the management , adapted both to the mutual and proprietary systems ; the profits in
the mutual division declared triennially . Premiums payable yearly , or by instalments , at stipulated times and amounts , including the half-premium and increasing or decreasing rates . AVidows or children of naval and military officers , and of clerks in government and municipal offices , insured under distinct and modified regulations ; and a new and valuable extension of the principle of Life Assurance , viz . — ACCUMULATIVE ASSURANCES , by which deposits are either made available for an assurance , or may be reclaimed at any period . The details of this important principle may be obtained at the office . EDWARD FREDERICK LEEKS , SECRETARY .