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increased here and elsewhere . Whatever lends to strengthen our hold of the affection and loyalty of our fellow subjects , to elevate their views and refine their ideas , ought surely to be encouraged . The R . W . Alaster of AVestern India I know concurs in this . He has been most ably assisted in carrying out this object by bis second in command . In the ranks of Masonry , as well as in those of Christianity itself , there are undoubtedly lukewarm professorsor nominal and
unworthCrafts-, y men . No human'fassociation can be perfect . If the unworthy arc permitted to remain in the columns of our Order , it is because either they keep on the windy side of legality , or one charitably looks for their reformation , unwilling to evince a rigour that might drive to despair . How bright the contrast of one who is a Mason indeed , and who unites in the character the truly estimable man and the gentleman ! Without further prefaceI have the honour to propose ' the health of
, 11 . AV . Bro . Le Geyt , Deputy-Provincial Grand Master , and prosperity to the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVestern India . ' " ( Great cheering . " ) His Excellency the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF here craved permission to give a toast , which being accorded , he spoke as follows : — " Right AVorshipful Sir and Brethren , —I beg leave to propose that
we should pay due homage to the memory of a great statesman , a great general , and a great Mason ; I allude tothe late Marquis of Hastings , whose virtues and talents gained for him the exalted reputation whicli he bore throughout India and over all Europe . I may say of this distinguished nobleman that he was the scholar of the camp , the patriot , the benefactor of the poor , and one of the brightest ornaments of his country . " ( Drunk in solemn silence . ) R . W . Bro . LE GEYT returned thanks ancl concluded withas a toast
, , " Prosperity to the Most Excellent Bro . Mullaly and the Royal Arch Chapter of Perseverance . The AV . Bro . Blowers and the Lodge Perseverance . The AV . Bro . Larkworthy and the Lodge Rising Star and the other 2 > rivate Lodges of Western India . " ( Drunk with loud applause and all the honours . ) Bro . Dr . LARKWORTHY returned thanks for the honour that had been
done him in a luminous address , which he concluded by observing he gave credit to Bro . Le Geyt and Bro . Burnes that they had been the originators and founders of the Lodge Rising Star , and took credit to himself that he had joined with them most heartily on the occasion , and had done all in his power , and would continue so to do to ensure its perfect success , he continued , ' ' and who shall blame us for our exertions ? do we not all breathe the same air , inhabit the same soil , and enjoy the like faculties ? and have ive not all souls to be savedand
, must we not all appear before the same throne of Justice in the Grand Lodge above to be there judged for deeds done below ? I look upon Masonry as containing a more holy ancl more sacred principle than that of mere active benevolence and charity—good though they be . I consider it to develop that great principle wc all hope to see adopted and believed by the masses around us . I thank you again for the honour that have clone me as an individualand ' Health and
you , propose success to the Native Brethren . '" ( Loud applause . ) Bro . M . CURSETJEE acknowledged the toast in nearly the following words : " I have , R . AV . Sir , and Brethren , a grateful , and a gratifying duty to perform—grateful , to have to return thanks on behalf of the Native Brethren for the last toast , and gratifying , to have to propose another with , the permission of the Master , The establishment of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
increased here and elsewhere . Whatever lends to strengthen our hold of the affection and loyalty of our fellow subjects , to elevate their views and refine their ideas , ought surely to be encouraged . The R . W . Alaster of AVestern India I know concurs in this . He has been most ably assisted in carrying out this object by bis second in command . In the ranks of Masonry , as well as in those of Christianity itself , there are undoubtedly lukewarm professorsor nominal and
unworthCrafts-, y men . No human'fassociation can be perfect . If the unworthy arc permitted to remain in the columns of our Order , it is because either they keep on the windy side of legality , or one charitably looks for their reformation , unwilling to evince a rigour that might drive to despair . How bright the contrast of one who is a Mason indeed , and who unites in the character the truly estimable man and the gentleman ! Without further prefaceI have the honour to propose ' the health of
, 11 . AV . Bro . Le Geyt , Deputy-Provincial Grand Master , and prosperity to the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVestern India . ' " ( Great cheering . " ) His Excellency the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF here craved permission to give a toast , which being accorded , he spoke as follows : — " Right AVorshipful Sir and Brethren , —I beg leave to propose that
we should pay due homage to the memory of a great statesman , a great general , and a great Mason ; I allude tothe late Marquis of Hastings , whose virtues and talents gained for him the exalted reputation whicli he bore throughout India and over all Europe . I may say of this distinguished nobleman that he was the scholar of the camp , the patriot , the benefactor of the poor , and one of the brightest ornaments of his country . " ( Drunk in solemn silence . ) R . W . Bro . LE GEYT returned thanks ancl concluded withas a toast
, , " Prosperity to the Most Excellent Bro . Mullaly and the Royal Arch Chapter of Perseverance . The AV . Bro . Blowers and the Lodge Perseverance . The AV . Bro . Larkworthy and the Lodge Rising Star and the other 2 > rivate Lodges of Western India . " ( Drunk with loud applause and all the honours . ) Bro . Dr . LARKWORTHY returned thanks for the honour that had been
done him in a luminous address , which he concluded by observing he gave credit to Bro . Le Geyt and Bro . Burnes that they had been the originators and founders of the Lodge Rising Star , and took credit to himself that he had joined with them most heartily on the occasion , and had done all in his power , and would continue so to do to ensure its perfect success , he continued , ' ' and who shall blame us for our exertions ? do we not all breathe the same air , inhabit the same soil , and enjoy the like faculties ? and have ive not all souls to be savedand
, must we not all appear before the same throne of Justice in the Grand Lodge above to be there judged for deeds done below ? I look upon Masonry as containing a more holy ancl more sacred principle than that of mere active benevolence and charity—good though they be . I consider it to develop that great principle wc all hope to see adopted and believed by the masses around us . I thank you again for the honour that have clone me as an individualand ' Health and
you , propose success to the Native Brethren . '" ( Loud applause . ) Bro . M . CURSETJEE acknowledged the toast in nearly the following words : " I have , R . AV . Sir , and Brethren , a grateful , and a gratifying duty to perform—grateful , to have to return thanks on behalf of the Native Brethren for the last toast , and gratifying , to have to propose another with , the permission of the Master , The establishment of the