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greatly abridged account of this most interesting tribute to a meritorious Brother of high Masonic rank , we have been compelled to omit many general details of other occurrences . AVe must apologize accordingly to some of our correspondents , who will , however , we trust , agree with ns , that it is correct to pay honour to whom honour is clue . Jan . 24 . —The Provincial Grand Lodge of AA ' estern India held its Festival in honour of Dr . John Grant , the Provincial Grand Master of
Bengal , at Dr . Burnes' residence , Girgaum , ( the Lodge-rooms at Mazagon being too small ) , and never has any party , Masonic or otherwise , gone oft' with more effect . The hall was elegantly decorated with Masonic banners ; the dinner , provided under the direction of Dr . Downes , the Master of the Grand Stewards , by Mr . Schuloff , was sumptuous ; and the arrangements in every respect complete . Upwards of a hundred Brethren sat down at table , ancl the speeches , particularly those of the two Provincial Grand Masters ancl the Commander-in-Chief , were most effective and brilliant .
I he Lodge assembled in an adjoining building , and walked in procession to the dinner hall , to the tune of the " Masonic march , " played by the Governor ' s band , soon after seven o ' clock , when the chair was taken by Dr . Burnes , supported by Dr . Grant , Sir T . Me Mahon , the Hon . Mr . Reid , P . AV . LeGeyt , J . P . AVilloughby , Colonel Pennefather , C . B ., Bro . Mullaly , Principal of the Royal Arch Chapter Perseverance , Bros . Blowers and Larkworthy , Masters of the Lodges " Perseverance " and "Rising Star ; " Bro . ELBarrP . G . D . ; Bros . Boyd and Wellis
, , P . G . S . B ., ancl other eminent Brethren . The Vice-President was Dr . Purnell , P . S . G . AV ., supported by Majors AAllloughby and St . John ; and the Croupier ' s chairs at the centre of the table ivere occupied by Dr . Glen , P . J . G . AV ., supported by Dr . Don and Alexander Forbes ; and Dr . Downes , supported by Colonel Hagart and Dr . Bird . Amongst those present we observed Bros . Compton , P . G . S . ; Stuart , P . G . T . ; LynchP . G . S . B . ; Me Kim ancl HowardP . P . G . R . ; Ibbs and
, , Elliott , P . P . G . P . ; Lawless , P . G . D . C ; Acland , D . Davidson , Bate , Jenkins , Aga Mahomed Jaffer , M . Cursetjee , & c . All the Brethren appeared in full insignia , and the effect was very splendid . On the cloth being removed , and after the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts—The P . G . M . of Bombay rose to give the toast of the evening—the health of the distinguished guest , in an exposition of the principles of Masonry . The latter portion , from where the R . AV . began to individualize , was nearly as follows : — " But honoured , thrice honoured , and exalted beyond these , and all others , amongst the Brotherhood , is he who , having first achieved a prominent position and a commanding influence amongst men , by the
force of brilliant talents , ancl the exercise of an undeviating moral rectitude , has nobly proclaimed that these advantages have been sought , not for himself , but for others—not to gratify the cravings of personal ambition , but to satisfy the demands of his fellow-creatures—and who , leaving nothing undone in the minor obligations of our Order , has brought the power of his name , the strength of his character , and the energies of his mind , to bear , with accumulated intensity , on the advancement of
its more stupendous objects—stupendous ! indeed , I may call them , for they would embrace the spread of truth , charity , and enlightenment , throughout the earth—that all-important truth , which conveys a just estimate of the power , the glory , ancl the mercy of the Grand Architect
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
greatly abridged account of this most interesting tribute to a meritorious Brother of high Masonic rank , we have been compelled to omit many general details of other occurrences . AVe must apologize accordingly to some of our correspondents , who will , however , we trust , agree with ns , that it is correct to pay honour to whom honour is clue . Jan . 24 . —The Provincial Grand Lodge of AA ' estern India held its Festival in honour of Dr . John Grant , the Provincial Grand Master of
Bengal , at Dr . Burnes' residence , Girgaum , ( the Lodge-rooms at Mazagon being too small ) , and never has any party , Masonic or otherwise , gone oft' with more effect . The hall was elegantly decorated with Masonic banners ; the dinner , provided under the direction of Dr . Downes , the Master of the Grand Stewards , by Mr . Schuloff , was sumptuous ; and the arrangements in every respect complete . Upwards of a hundred Brethren sat down at table , ancl the speeches , particularly those of the two Provincial Grand Masters ancl the Commander-in-Chief , were most effective and brilliant .
I he Lodge assembled in an adjoining building , and walked in procession to the dinner hall , to the tune of the " Masonic march , " played by the Governor ' s band , soon after seven o ' clock , when the chair was taken by Dr . Burnes , supported by Dr . Grant , Sir T . Me Mahon , the Hon . Mr . Reid , P . AV . LeGeyt , J . P . AVilloughby , Colonel Pennefather , C . B ., Bro . Mullaly , Principal of the Royal Arch Chapter Perseverance , Bros . Blowers and Larkworthy , Masters of the Lodges " Perseverance " and "Rising Star ; " Bro . ELBarrP . G . D . ; Bros . Boyd and Wellis
, , P . G . S . B ., ancl other eminent Brethren . The Vice-President was Dr . Purnell , P . S . G . AV ., supported by Majors AAllloughby and St . John ; and the Croupier ' s chairs at the centre of the table ivere occupied by Dr . Glen , P . J . G . AV ., supported by Dr . Don and Alexander Forbes ; and Dr . Downes , supported by Colonel Hagart and Dr . Bird . Amongst those present we observed Bros . Compton , P . G . S . ; Stuart , P . G . T . ; LynchP . G . S . B . ; Me Kim ancl HowardP . P . G . R . ; Ibbs and
, , Elliott , P . P . G . P . ; Lawless , P . G . D . C ; Acland , D . Davidson , Bate , Jenkins , Aga Mahomed Jaffer , M . Cursetjee , & c . All the Brethren appeared in full insignia , and the effect was very splendid . On the cloth being removed , and after the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts—The P . G . M . of Bombay rose to give the toast of the evening—the health of the distinguished guest , in an exposition of the principles of Masonry . The latter portion , from where the R . AV . began to individualize , was nearly as follows : — " But honoured , thrice honoured , and exalted beyond these , and all others , amongst the Brotherhood , is he who , having first achieved a prominent position and a commanding influence amongst men , by the
force of brilliant talents , ancl the exercise of an undeviating moral rectitude , has nobly proclaimed that these advantages have been sought , not for himself , but for others—not to gratify the cravings of personal ambition , but to satisfy the demands of his fellow-creatures—and who , leaving nothing undone in the minor obligations of our Order , has brought the power of his name , the strength of his character , and the energies of his mind , to bear , with accumulated intensity , on the advancement of
its more stupendous objects—stupendous ! indeed , I may call them , for they would embrace the spread of truth , charity , and enlightenment , throughout the earth—that all-important truth , which conveys a just estimate of the power , the glory , ancl the mercy of the Grand Architect