Article WEST INDIES. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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West Indies.
guards , maintains , ancl protects their honour , reputation , ancl virtue , as the institution of Freemasonry . " After the banquet , on the cloth being removed , the AVorshipful Master proposed " the health of our most gracious Sovereign the Queen ; may her reign be happy and glorious , and may she hereafter be exalted to that Heavenl y Lodge where the perfection of unity and brotherly love can only be realized . " " Plis Excellency the Governor . " " The Grand
Masters of England , Scotland , and Ireland . " " Sir Francis Austen and the Navy . " " Colonel Hutchinson ancl the Army . " " Bro . Dr . Hunter , the Provincial Grand Master of Scotland within these Islands . " This toast was responded to with peculiar eloquence b y Bro . Egan , Senior Grand AVarden of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland . " The AVorshipful Master and Officers of Lodge 266 . " " The Atlantic Phoenix Lodge , thanking them for the bland courtesy which they have shown
towards the Minden Lodge . " Bro . B . J . TUCKER , AV . M . returned thanks , and said the duties of a Master are of a most honourable ancl most important description . In the discharge of his momentous duties , he is expected to rule and govern the Lodge with the same precision and effect as the sun rules the day and the moon the ni ght , else how can he be consistently classed with those two great luminaries ? AVhy is he stationed in the east ? but because
the east is a place of light , it is his duty to enlighten the understanding of his Brethren . And how can he discharge this paramount obligation , unless he himself is full y imbued with the true principles of Light ? To maintain his authority , the Master of a Lodge must possess talent , moral
virtue , and courtesy , blended with firmness . " Our Rev . Bro . Hoare . " Bro . HOARE addressed the Brethren in a very able and fervent manner , to the folloiving effect— " Freemasonry is a synonimous term for morality ancl virtue—it is a branch of the tree of true religion , and a glorious branch too . As Masons , we must remember that wherever we are , the Supreme Grand Master observes us ; and whilst we continue to act in conformity to the established usages and customs of our ancient
and honourable Order , we are under an obligation to discharge every moral and social duty with fervency and zeal , thereby reducing the benign principles of Masonry to practice , and giving a lesson to the world of the utility of that science in humanizing the heart . " The band performed several very entertaining and enlivening pieces during the evening , until by square conduct and upright intentions , together with the merry glee and catch , sprightly wit , ancl sparkling wine , the day ' s proceedings were closed at nine o ' clock , in all that
harmony , order , and good will , which ought always to characterise the dainty banquet and the social hour , by the presiding W . M ., Brother South , taking leave of the Brethren , who soon followed the example of their noble leader in retiring to their respective homes . We have abridged a very elaborate account of this interesting meeting , and look for many future reports from the interesting but isolated colony , where there are five Lodges at work and going on well . It is no small satisfaction to ourselves to be assured ban intelligent Brother that our
y literary labours are appreciated in Bermuda , ancl that the gallant AV . M . ancl other members of the 26 th Regiment , are numbered among the subscribers to the Freemasons' Quarterly Review . NASSAU , NEW PROVIDENCE . —The Brethren united on St . John ' s day to celebrate the annual festival with great eclat . Bro . Dr . Strachan
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West Indies.
guards , maintains , ancl protects their honour , reputation , ancl virtue , as the institution of Freemasonry . " After the banquet , on the cloth being removed , the AVorshipful Master proposed " the health of our most gracious Sovereign the Queen ; may her reign be happy and glorious , and may she hereafter be exalted to that Heavenl y Lodge where the perfection of unity and brotherly love can only be realized . " " Plis Excellency the Governor . " " The Grand
Masters of England , Scotland , and Ireland . " " Sir Francis Austen and the Navy . " " Colonel Hutchinson ancl the Army . " " Bro . Dr . Hunter , the Provincial Grand Master of Scotland within these Islands . " This toast was responded to with peculiar eloquence b y Bro . Egan , Senior Grand AVarden of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland . " The AVorshipful Master and Officers of Lodge 266 . " " The Atlantic Phoenix Lodge , thanking them for the bland courtesy which they have shown
towards the Minden Lodge . " Bro . B . J . TUCKER , AV . M . returned thanks , and said the duties of a Master are of a most honourable ancl most important description . In the discharge of his momentous duties , he is expected to rule and govern the Lodge with the same precision and effect as the sun rules the day and the moon the ni ght , else how can he be consistently classed with those two great luminaries ? AVhy is he stationed in the east ? but because
the east is a place of light , it is his duty to enlighten the understanding of his Brethren . And how can he discharge this paramount obligation , unless he himself is full y imbued with the true principles of Light ? To maintain his authority , the Master of a Lodge must possess talent , moral
virtue , and courtesy , blended with firmness . " Our Rev . Bro . Hoare . " Bro . HOARE addressed the Brethren in a very able and fervent manner , to the folloiving effect— " Freemasonry is a synonimous term for morality ancl virtue—it is a branch of the tree of true religion , and a glorious branch too . As Masons , we must remember that wherever we are , the Supreme Grand Master observes us ; and whilst we continue to act in conformity to the established usages and customs of our ancient
and honourable Order , we are under an obligation to discharge every moral and social duty with fervency and zeal , thereby reducing the benign principles of Masonry to practice , and giving a lesson to the world of the utility of that science in humanizing the heart . " The band performed several very entertaining and enlivening pieces during the evening , until by square conduct and upright intentions , together with the merry glee and catch , sprightly wit , ancl sparkling wine , the day ' s proceedings were closed at nine o ' clock , in all that
harmony , order , and good will , which ought always to characterise the dainty banquet and the social hour , by the presiding W . M ., Brother South , taking leave of the Brethren , who soon followed the example of their noble leader in retiring to their respective homes . We have abridged a very elaborate account of this interesting meeting , and look for many future reports from the interesting but isolated colony , where there are five Lodges at work and going on well . It is no small satisfaction to ourselves to be assured ban intelligent Brother that our
y literary labours are appreciated in Bermuda , ancl that the gallant AV . M . ancl other members of the 26 th Regiment , are numbered among the subscribers to the Freemasons' Quarterly Review . NASSAU , NEW PROVIDENCE . —The Brethren united on St . John ' s day to celebrate the annual festival with great eclat . Bro . Dr . Strachan