Article WEST INDIES. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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West Indies.
conducted this Lodge , on the handsome manner in which their trul y Masonic proceedings have heen confirmed b y the highest authority ; and we are perfectly satisfied that the working will be so continued , as to ensure to this branch of the great Brotherhood a high rank among the Lodges of the western world . The Lodge-rooms have been fitted up in a handsome ancl tasteful styleadmirablsuited for the observance
very , y of the Fraternity ' s labours , and appropriately adorned for the reception of the Provincial Grand Master , who has intimated his readiness at the earliest moment to attend , ancl with due pomp and solemnity install this the youngest , but we believe yet destined to be among the noblest of the Lodges in Jamaica .
BERMUDA . —Masonic Festival , Dec . 27 , —The anniversary of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated with unusual splendour by the Minden Lodge , No . 63 , on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , held in the 20 th Regiment , assisted by the Brethren of the Masonic Fraternity in Bermuda . The Lodge was opened at the Masonic Hall at ten o ' clock , when the Installation of Bro . South as AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year , took place , it being the fifth time during a Masonic
career of nineteen years , that this greatly beloved and highly talented Brother presided over the Lodge , with honour to himself and profit to the Brotherhood , not only to Lodge 63 , but to the Craft in general . At high noon the procession moved on in Masonic order , preceded by an excellent band playing the " Freemasons' March . " On reaching the church door , the Brethren opened ranks ancl faced inwards , when the Worshiful Master ( Captain South ) of Minden Lod passed into the
p ge church , receiving homage from the Brethren , who followed their chief in due order . The service was opened by the choir , consisting of the excellent band of the 20 th Regiment , Miss Oliver presiding at the organ , who sung an appropriate hymn composed for the occasion . After the service , which was performed by the Rev . Bro . Mantach , the hundreth Psalm was sung .
Between the Communion-service and the sermon , a beautiful anthem , composed expressly for the occasion by Bro . Oliver , was exceedingly well sung by tbe choir . The venerable and Rev . Bro . Hoare gave a very edifying discourse from Romans , xii . 9 , 10 ., fully elucidating the principles of Freemasonry , and calculated to enlighten the mind of the uninitiated as well as the Brethren of the mystic tie . We subjoin an extract : — "Let there be no animositiesno discordsno jarriugsno jealousies between the
, , , Lodges ; but let all be fraternally united in the same mind , ancl in the same judgment from Lodge 266 to Minden Lodge ; and here I cannot but recollect the 20 th Regiment , to which the Minden Lodge is attached . That regiment behaved most gloriously at the battle of Minden , near which the French troops were defeated in 1789 . On that memorable day ( 1 st August , ) that regiment gained the unfading laurels . It is recorded to their everlasting honour in the British Annalsancl will never
, be forgotten . Nor here I cannot but take occasion to remark , that if the Bermudian fair , and indeed if all the fair sex throughout the world , did but know the sentiments which Free and Accepted Masons entertained towards them , they would admire ancl revere our ancient and honourable Fraternity , than which , the religion of our Saviour excepted , there is no institution under the canopy of heaven that so unanimously fortifies
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West Indies.
conducted this Lodge , on the handsome manner in which their trul y Masonic proceedings have heen confirmed b y the highest authority ; and we are perfectly satisfied that the working will be so continued , as to ensure to this branch of the great Brotherhood a high rank among the Lodges of the western world . The Lodge-rooms have been fitted up in a handsome ancl tasteful styleadmirablsuited for the observance
very , y of the Fraternity ' s labours , and appropriately adorned for the reception of the Provincial Grand Master , who has intimated his readiness at the earliest moment to attend , ancl with due pomp and solemnity install this the youngest , but we believe yet destined to be among the noblest of the Lodges in Jamaica .
BERMUDA . —Masonic Festival , Dec . 27 , —The anniversary of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated with unusual splendour by the Minden Lodge , No . 63 , on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , held in the 20 th Regiment , assisted by the Brethren of the Masonic Fraternity in Bermuda . The Lodge was opened at the Masonic Hall at ten o ' clock , when the Installation of Bro . South as AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year , took place , it being the fifth time during a Masonic
career of nineteen years , that this greatly beloved and highly talented Brother presided over the Lodge , with honour to himself and profit to the Brotherhood , not only to Lodge 63 , but to the Craft in general . At high noon the procession moved on in Masonic order , preceded by an excellent band playing the " Freemasons' March . " On reaching the church door , the Brethren opened ranks ancl faced inwards , when the Worshiful Master ( Captain South ) of Minden Lod passed into the
p ge church , receiving homage from the Brethren , who followed their chief in due order . The service was opened by the choir , consisting of the excellent band of the 20 th Regiment , Miss Oliver presiding at the organ , who sung an appropriate hymn composed for the occasion . After the service , which was performed by the Rev . Bro . Mantach , the hundreth Psalm was sung .
Between the Communion-service and the sermon , a beautiful anthem , composed expressly for the occasion by Bro . Oliver , was exceedingly well sung by tbe choir . The venerable and Rev . Bro . Hoare gave a very edifying discourse from Romans , xii . 9 , 10 ., fully elucidating the principles of Freemasonry , and calculated to enlighten the mind of the uninitiated as well as the Brethren of the mystic tie . We subjoin an extract : — "Let there be no animositiesno discordsno jarriugsno jealousies between the
, , , Lodges ; but let all be fraternally united in the same mind , ancl in the same judgment from Lodge 266 to Minden Lodge ; and here I cannot but recollect the 20 th Regiment , to which the Minden Lodge is attached . That regiment behaved most gloriously at the battle of Minden , near which the French troops were defeated in 1789 . On that memorable day ( 1 st August , ) that regiment gained the unfading laurels . It is recorded to their everlasting honour in the British Annalsancl will never
, be forgotten . Nor here I cannot but take occasion to remark , that if the Bermudian fair , and indeed if all the fair sex throughout the world , did but know the sentiments which Free and Accepted Masons entertained towards them , they would admire ancl revere our ancient and honourable Fraternity , than which , the religion of our Saviour excepted , there is no institution under the canopy of heaven that so unanimously fortifies